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Acer platanoides Crimson King
Norway Maple Crimson King An intensely coloured seedling variety of the Norway maple, Acer platanoides Crimson King is a medium-sized to tall deciduous tree with deep purple-crimson, glossy, five-lobed leaves. Pinkish-orange flowers on the leafless branches in April turn to double-winged, sycamore-like fruit (samaras) in Autumn. A vigorous, fair...
Acer platanoides Royal Red

Acer platanoides Royal Red
Norway Maple Royal Red A deep red, American-bred variety of the Norway maple, Acer platanoides 'Royal Red' is a medium-sized deciduous tree with leathery, maroon-purple, five-lobed leaves tinged green underneath; the leaves turn yellow-brown in autumn. Small clusters of inconspicuous reddish-yellow flowers in spring ripen to deep burgundy double...

Acer x freemanii Autumn Blaze
Freeman’s Maple Autumn Blaze (syn Jefferson Red) A variety of a naturally occurring hybrid between the Canadian and sugar maples, Acer x freemanii Autumn Blaze is perhaps the most reliable maple for autumn colour in our climate. Tall, deciduous tree with deeply cut, five-lobed leaves opening yellow-green in spring, turning green in summer, then...

Acer campestre - Field Maple
Field Maple Grown as a Tree A moderately sized deciduous tree with interesting fissured cork-like bark and deep green leaves that can turn a delicious butter yellow in the Autumn and are followed by typical acer-like winged seeds. Acer campestre is fast growing, wind hardy and will grow in all but very wet sites. Native to the UK. Grown as Hedgi...
Acer campestre Red Shine

Acer campestre Red Shine
Red Tipped Field Maple A beautiful cultivar of the common field maple, Acer campestre Red Shine is an exceptionally diverse small to medium sized tree. It does well in almost any location, big or small, wet or dry; it's particularly good in an urban garden where it is very resilient to air pollution, and its light roots won't damage paths or fou...

Acer capillipes - Snakebark Maple
Red Snake Bark Maple A striking small tree, with interesting bark and great Autumn leaf colour. Vertical green and silver stripes give the bark of this tree a unique, snakeskin-like appearance. New shoots are coral-red in colour. The foliage is dark green with three-lobed maple leaves that turn a rich gold, orange and red in autumn. One of the ...
Acer cappadocicum

Acer cappadocicum
Cappadocian maple A medium to large sized deciduous tree with good Autumn colour, this Maple hails from the Caucasus and Asia Minor region. Acer cappadocium has a lovely rounded habit, grows well in Ireland and often turns a rich butter-yellow at leaf fall, which is a great contrast to the red hues of lots of other trees. It will also tolerate ...
Acer cappadocicum Aureum

Acer cappadocicum Aureum
Cappadocian maple Aureum A medium sized spreading tree with leaves that are red when young, turning golden yellow in summer, then butter yellow before falling in autumn. Acer cappadocicum Aureum is adaptable to most conditions but thrives particularly well in high rainfall areas with cool damp summers. Holds the RHS award for garden merit. Site:...

Acer davidii - Snakebark Maple
Snake Bark Maple Attractive small to medium size tree with beautiful bark and great Autumn colour. Upright habit, deciduous tree with arching branches. Named after the French missionary Père David, who discovered it in China in the mid 1800's. Best noted for its green and white striped bark and glorious red autumn colour. Unlike most maples it ...

Acer griseum - Paperbark Maple
Paperbark Maple A small, spreading, deciduous tree with highly ornamental, peeling, papery chestnut-cinnamon bark, hence the common name - Paperbark Maple. Acer griseum has dark green foliage that contrasts well with the bark and that turns brilliant red and orange in autumn. Makes a fantastic specimen. A good choice for a small garden. Holds ...

Acer grosseri var. hersii - Snakebark Maple
Snakebark Maple A small deciduous rounded tree with good autumn colour and striking bark which is dark green striped with white.- it's why this tree belongs to a special group of maples called Snakebark Maples. The leaves on the Acer grosseri var. hersii are broad-oval, 3-lobed and turn vibrant shades of red and orange in the Autumn. Produces lo...

Acer palmatum - Japanese Maple
Japanese Maple A small deciduous tree that has been in cultivation in Japan for a very long time. The fresh, delicate looking foliage is almost transparent in the sunlight and the overall shape of Japanese Maples make them an excellent choice as a specimen tree in a sheltered spot. Acer palmatum is the common form and is relatively fast growing,...
Acer palmatum Atropurpureum

Acer palmatum Atropurpureum
Purple Leaved Japanese Maple A small deciduous tree that has been in cultivation in Japan for a very long time. The fresh, delicate looking foliage is almost transparent in the sunlight and the overall shape of Japanese Maples make them an excellent choice as a specimen tree in a sheltered spot. Acer palmatum Atropurpureum is the dark purple-lea...
Acer palmatum Bloodgood

Acer palmatum Bloodgood
Japanese Maple Bloodgood This Japanese maple has deeply cut lobed, dark red-purple leaves, turning bright red in autumn. Pendant clusters of tiny purple-red flowers are followed by red-winged seeds in late Summer. Acer palmatum Bloodgood is a reliable and popular variety. Requires a sheltered site. Growing notes:Acer palmatum and its cultivars a...

Acer platanoides - Norway Maple
Norway maple Introduced to this country from eastern Europe in the 17th century, Acer platanoides is a large, vigorous, deciduous tree, broad and spreading with a very dense canopy. Clusters of scented, yellow flowers borne on bare branches turn to paired winged seeds (samaras) in autumn; the wings of the samara lie in an almost straight line. T...
Acer platanoides Drummondii

Acer platanoides Drummondii
Norway Maple Drummondii A variegated variety of the Norway maple dating back to 1903, Acer platanoides 'Drummondii' is a medium-sized deciduous tree whose deep green, five-lobed leaves have broad cream margins. Leaves are tinged shrimp-pink as they open; in autumn they turn orange. Small clusters of red-tinged yellow flowers in spring ripen to...

Acer pseudoplatanus - Sycamore
Sycamore Everybody knows Sycamore. Like it or loath it, the first specimens were introduced approximately 900 years ago, and since then it has taken over woodlands, hedgerows, railway lines, cliff sides, and everything from the smallest urban garden to the largest of arboretums. It's feared for its persistence in seeding practically everywhere- ...
Acer pseudoplatanus Worley

Acer pseudoplatanus Worley
Golden sycamore Worley An old German cultivar of the native sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus Worley is distinguished by its foliage colour; the large, toothed, 5-lobed leaves on red leaf-stalks emerge yellow, turning yellowish-green in summer. The young leaves may scorch in strong sunlight. Golden sycamore Worley is a medium-sized, deciduous tree w...

Acer pseudoplatanus ‘Atropurpureum’
Spaeth’s sycamore A dark-leaved variant of the native sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus ‘Atropurpureum’ is also known as Acer pseudoplatanus Spaethii. Like the common sycamore, Spaeth’s sycamore is a large, handsome, vigorous, deciduous tree with a rounded crown and smooth grey bark, which will thrive in almost any soil, and is highly wind-resistant...

Acer rubrum - Canadian Maple
Canadian Maple First cultivated in Europe in the 1600's, Acer rubrum is planted for its large stature, in medium to large sized gardens. Identifiable by a consistent presence of red throughout the year, it is best known for its fantastic autumn colour. Often seen in Eastern U.S. autumn scenes, its colour comes through best in rich acid soils in ...