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Roses - Modern Shrub Roses
Our modern shrub roses include the classic, single hybrid tea roses and floribundas which carry their blooms in clusters throughout the summer. They all produce unique and stunning blooms that create a highlight in any garden.
Learn more about choosing and planting bareroot roses in our advice section and find even more information in our resources section.
Bareroot roses | mid-November to March
Bareroot roses are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.
Potted roses | all year round
Potted roses are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).
Ocean Leaves Liquid Seaweed Extract

Ocean Leaves Liquid Seaweed Extract
Ocean Leaves Liquid Seaweed Extract Ocean Leaves® Liquid Seaweed Extract is made using cold-processed, hand-harvested Irish seaweed. It can be used on fruit, vegetables, flowers, shrubs, trees and lawns. Induces yield increases, enhances plant health & plant quality Increases plant tolerance to, and recovery from abiotic stresses Enhances...

RHS Empathy Afterplant - Rose
RHS Empathy After Plant - Rose AFTER PLANT ROSE FOOD is specifically formulated for roses, containing essential nutrients, biologically active mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria that help to build soil fertility to support healthy growth and improve flowering The nutrients in Empathy AFTER PLANT ROSE FOOD have been scientifically selecte...
Neudorff Organic Rose Food

Neudorff Organic Rose Food
Neudorff Organic Rose Food This organic liquid compound fertiliser is made from organic products and the natural fermentation by-product of processing sugar beet with outstanding fertiliser properties. Liquid concentrate For bigger, brighter blooms Organic Made from natural plant materials Child and pet safe Size: 1L Makes up to 200 litres In...

Rosa Amber Queen - Floribunda Shrub Rose
Rose Amber Queen - Modern Shrub Rose - Floribunda Large, cup shaped amber flowers blend well with the attractive coppery-green foliage. Amber Queen is a neat, compact, free flowering rose. Repeat flowering. Fragrant. (Rose of the Year 1984) Height: 2ft x 2ft

Rosa Arthur Bell - Floribunda Shrub Rose
Shrub Rose Arthur Bell A yellow, cluster-flowered (floribunda) rose bred by McGredy’s in 1964, Rosa Arthur Bell is small, deciduous shrub of upright, bushy habit. The glossy, ovate leaves are bright green, setting off the flowers beautifully. It’s a good repeat-flowerer; masses of clustered flowers are borne in flushes from June to November. The...

Rosa Blue For You - Shrub Rose
Rose Blue For You - Shrub Rose An unusually-coloured floribunda rose, Rosa Blue For You is a deciduous shrub rose with a neat, upright, rounded habit, lovely grown in a border or as part of an informal, flowering hedge. The divided leaves are a rich green. Long, purplish buds open to lilac, semi-double flowers with a boss of golden stamens and ...

Rosa Bonica - Modern Shrub Rose
Ground-cover/Shrub Rose Bonica A really good, repeat-flowering modern shrub rose, which can also be used as a ground-cover rose, Rosa Bonica is a vigorous, deciduous Floribunda shrub rose with a neat, low, spreading habit. The pinnate (divided) foliage has glossy, rich green leaflets, and is so plentiful that it is often used as a weed-suppres...

Rosa Burgundy Ice - Floribunda Shrub Rose
Rose Burgundy Ice - Floribunda Shrub Rose A floribunda rose with striking dark plum flowers. The velvety, purple double flowers of Rosa Burgundy Ice have a light sweet scent and have long lasting displays if deadheaded. Light green glossy foliage. Height & Spread: 2.5ft x 1.5ft.

Rosa Champagne Moment - Floribunda Shrub Rose
Rose Champagne Moment - Floribunda Shrub Rose A charming floribunda rose with pink buds that open to creamy white with an apricot centre at first. Pleasing fragrance. Rosa Champagne Moment is extremely healthy, repeat flowering and it won rose of the year 2006! Height & Spread: 3ft x 2ft AGM

Rosa Easy Going - Floribunda Shrub Rose
Rosa Easy Going - Floribunda Shrub Rose A floribunda or cluster-flowered rose, Rosa Easy Going, also know as Rosa Harflow is a small, thorny, deciduous shrub rose with an upright, rounded, bushy habit and glossy, bright green, divided leaves. Clusters of ruffled, double, cup-shaped, golden-apricot-peach flowers, 5”/9cm wide with a delicate, hone...

Rosa Gentle Hermione - David Austin
Rose Gentle Hermione A very pretty, repeat-flowering David Austin English rose, Rosa Gentle Hermione is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub rose with an upright, bushy habit and slightly arching, rather thorny stems. The divided foliage emerges tinged red, soon turning deep green. From midsummer to autumn, the shrub bears beautifully formed, shall...

Rosa Golden Celebration - David Austin
Rosa Golden Celebration The perfect gift for gardeners celebrating a Golden Wedding, Rosa Golden Celebration is a repeat-flowering David Austin English shrub rose. It’s a medium-sized, deciduous shrub rose with a compact, rounded, bushy habit and long, arching stems. The profuse, divided foliage is a glossy, deep green. Almost continuously fro...

Rosa Ingrid Bergman - Hybrid Tea Shrub Rose
Rose Ingrid Bergman A beautiful hybrid tea rose which repeats well, Rosa Ingrid Bergman is a small, deciduous shrub rose with an upright, bushy habit. The divided leaves are glossy and deep green. From June to September the shrub bears sumptuous, high-centred, fully double, deep red flowers, which are lightly tea-scented; they make good cut flo...

Rosa Just Joey - Hybrid Tea Shrub Rose
Rose Just Joey - Hybrid Tea Shrub Rose A very fragrant Hybrid Tea Rose with Elegant coppery blooms, Rosa Just Joey is repeat flowering. Height & Spread: 2ft x 2ft AGM

Rosa Margaret Merril - Floribunda Shrub Rose
Shrub Rose Margaret Merril A very good, repeating floribunda rose, Rosa Margaret Merril is a fast-growing, deciduous shrub rose, with an upright habit, which never droops. The foliage is divided into slightly serrated, ovate leaflets, which emerge light burgundy-red and quickly turn a lustrous, mid- to deep green. From July to September, someti...

Rosa moyesii Geranium - Shrub Rose
Rose moyesii Geranium A splendid, midsummer-flowering hybrid of the species rose Rosa moyesii, Rosa Geranium is a large, vigorous, deciduous shrub rose with strong, thorny, arching stems and bright green foliage. In midsummer, it bears large, single, scarlet flowers with overlapping petals and golden stamens, and only a very light fragrance. The...

Rosa Peace - Hybrid Tea Shrub Rose
Shrub Rose Peace Also known as Mme A. Meilland, after the father and son propagators’ deceased wife and mother, Rosa Peace received its better-known name on the liberation of France after World War II. It’s a medium-sized, vigorous, deciduous, repeat-flowering, hybrid tea or large-flowered shrub rose with a tall, branching habit. The generous f...

Rosa persica Eye of the Tiger
Rose Eye of the Tiger A persica cultivar, which gives it its deep red eye, Rosa persica Eye of the Tiger is a small, repeat-flowering, bi-coloured, deciduous shrub rose with a compact, bushy habit. The bright green, glossy leaves are notably healthy. A very free-flowering rose, it bears medium-sized, open, single to semi-double flowers, lightl...
Rosa persica Eyes For You

Rosa persica Eyes For You
Shrub Rose Eyes For You A large-flowered floribunda hybrid of desert-adapted Rosa persica with the characteristic persica dark eye, Rosa persica Eyes for You is a small, deciduous, repeat-flowering, shrub rose with a compact habit and good, glossy mid-green foliage. From midsummer to autumn, buttermilk-coloured buds open to clusters of large, b...

Rosa persica For Your Eyes Only
Shrub Rose For Your Eyes Only A very floriferous floribunda hybrid of Rosa persica with the characteristic persica dark eye, Rosa persica For Your Eyes Only won the prestigious Rose of the Year Award at the 2015 Hampton Court Flower Show. It’s a small, deciduous, repeat-flowering shrub rose with a compact, dome-shaped habit and glossy, deep gre...