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Covering walls, fences, arches, pergolas or to scramble through other plants ~ there's a climber to suit any site or aspect. Whether you select ones for their flowers, autumn colour or year round foliage they will enhance your garden.
Learn more about choosing and growing climbers in our advice section and find even more information in our resources.
Bareroot climbers | mid-November to March
Bareroot trees are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.
Potted climbers | all year round
Potted trees are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is from spring (March to May) through to autumn (September to November).
Actinidia kolomikta

Actinidia kolomikta
Variegated Kiwi Vine A deciduous woody ornamental climber, growing to an ultimate height of over 20 ft, notable for its pink and white variegation and small kiwi fruit type berries. For fruit you need both male and female plants. Very hardy and vigorous, bearing white flowers in summer. Position: Full sun to Partial shadeSoils: Moist and well dr...
Cissus striata

Cissus striata
Cissus striata - Miniature Grape Ivy Vigorous evergreen climber with glossy green palmate leaves. Slender red stems and, tendrils. Small green flowers in summer, followed, by shiny black berries. Needs some shelter. Position: Full Sun to Light ShadeSoils: Moist, well-drainedFlowering Period: SummerHardiness: Not fully Hardy, Requires Shelter Si...
Clematis Early Sensation

Clematis Early Sensation
Clematis Early Sensation A compact clematis, Clematis Early Sensation is a small evergreen climber which bears masses of flowers early in the year. Finely-divided leaves emerge bronze, turning deep green as they age. In April and May scented, white, bell-shaped flowers, 7.5cm across and with greenish-yellow centres smother the stems. The flower...
Clianthus puniceus

Clianthus puniceus
Glory Pea, Lobster Claw, Kaka Beak, Parrot’s Beak A shrubby member of the legume (pea) family from New Zealand, Clianthus puniceus has dark green pinnate leaves. In spring it bears spectacular, vivid red clusters of hanging claw-shaped flowers that are attractive to butterflies and other insects. Does best in a sheltered location facing south or...
Cotoneaster horizontalis

Cotoneaster horizontalis
Herringbone Cotoneaster A spreading, low-growing, deciduous shrub named after its fishbone-shaped branches. The leaves are small and green, in early Summer, masses of small, white flowers are produced, followed by red berries. Both flowers and berries are good for wildlife. The Herringbone Cotoneaster is an excellent shrub, providing very effect...
Hedera helix Goldchild

Hedera helix Goldchild
Variegated Ivy Goldchild ivy is a form of common ivy with attractive yellow and light green variegation on the margins of the three-lobed evergreen leaves. A self-clinging climber that is happy with any aspect and will climb up and cover whatever it is grown against. Position: Full sun to partial shadeSoils: Moist, well-drainedHardiness: Fully...
Hedera Hibernica

Hedera Hibernica
Irish Ivy Irish or Atlantic Ivy is a native evergreen climber which clings by means of tiny stem roots to walls, trees and rocks and will also carpet the ground in shade and under trees and hedges. Yellow-green flowers appear in autumn and are attractive to bees, followed by black fruits which provide food for birds. Makes very effective, dense ...

Hydrangea petiolaris - Climbing Hydrangea
Hydrangea petiolaris - Climbing Hydrangea A charming self clinging climber that will thrive even on a north facing wall. In midsummer the white lacecap-style hydrangea flowers cover the plant, while the leaves turn yellow in autumn. Will grow best in partial shade in a sheltered position in soils rich in organic matter. Position: Full sun to par...
Jasminum officinale

Jasminum officinale
Summer Jasmine A vigorous twining climber, deciduous with pinnate leaves. Jasmine bears intensely fragrant, white, star shaped flowers from early to late summer. Jasmine is best grown in full sun for the strongest fragrance but will do well in partial shade, it needs support to climb up to its full height of 12 ft. Position: Full sun to partial ...

Lonicera brownii Dropmore Scarlet
Honeysuckle Dropmore Scarlet A wonderfully coloured honeysuckle, Lonicera brownii Dropmore Scarlet is a really beautiful, semi-evergreen (deciduous in colder areas) climber, which will need support. The leaves are ovate, and blue-green, setting off the flowers well. From July to September, the plant carries rich scarlet, trumpet-shaped, unscent...
Lonicera henryi

Lonicera henryi
Henry’s Honeysuckle Named for Irish plant collector Augustine Henry, Lonicera henryi is a vigorous, woody, evergreen, climbing honeysuckle from western China. Downy stems carry glossy, deep green, pointed, elliptical leaves. In June and July, tubular, typical honeysuckle flowers in crimson and yellow are produced, followed in autumn by black ber...

Lonicera henryi Copper Beauty
Honeysuckle Copper Beauty An evergreen twining climber, fairly fast-growing, with bronze coloured new leaves which gradually turn green. Yellow flowers from early summer onward. This honeysuckle needs a sheltered spot and cutting back by approximately a third each year once established. Position: Full sun or partial shadeSoils: Fertile, moist, ...

Lonicera x heckrottii Gold Flame
Honeysuckle Gold Flame A wonderfully scented and brightly coloured honeysuckle, Lonicera x heckrottii Gold Flame is a fast-growing, semi-evergreen climber with a shrubby, non-twining habit which will need to be tied into a support. The oval leaves are blue-green, and may persist through a mild winter. From June to August, the plant is covered wi...

Neudorff Organic Multipurpose Plant Food
Neudorff Organic Multipurpose Plant Food Child and pet safe; Organic compound fertiliser NPK 7-3-6 made from animal by-products, fermented vegetation residues, organic materials, and living microorganisms; With nutrients for healthy growth and high yields of delicious fruit; With Mycorrhiza fungi for strong plants; Fast acting and continues ...

Parthenocissus henryana - Chinese Virginia Creeper
Parthenocissus henryana - Chinese Virginia Creeper Named for Irish plant-hunter Augustine Henry, Parthenocissus henryana is a large, vigorous, deciduous, self-clinging climber, less vigorous than its popular American cousin, so more suitable for smaller gardens. The foliage in spring and summer is exceptionally beautiful, divided into 3-5 leafle...

Parthenocissus quinquefolia - Virginia Creeper
Parthenocissus quinquefolia - Virginia Creeper A vigorous, deciduous self-clinging climber with large compound leaves which are divided into five leaflets and which turn fiery shades of red and orange in autumn. They bear inconspicuous green flowers followed by blue-black berries which attract birds. Climbs almost any support using tendrils and ...

Parthenocissus quinquefolia Yellow Wall
Virginia Creeper Yellow Wall Quite a new cultivar of Virginia creeper with unusual autumn colour, Parthenocissus quinquefolia Yellow Wall is a very big, exceptionally vigorous, fast-growing, woody, deciduous climber, which climbs by means of suckers. The perfect site is a very large brick or stone wall – small structures will be rapidly overwhe...
Pyracantha coccinea Red Column

Pyracantha coccinea Red Column
Pyracantha coccinea Red Column - Firethorn Red Column is an upright form of Pyracantha. This is a tough dense prickly shrub that will readily train up a wall or trellis and can also make an impenetrable hedge. It bears white blossom in summer and generous quantities of red berries in Autumn and into Winter. Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any well...

Pyracantha coccinea Red Cushion
Pyracantha Red Cushion A compact shrub, ideal for the smaller garden, Pyracantha coccinea Red Cushion Is a small to medium-sized evergreen shrub with a rounded, mound-forming habit and thorny branches. The small, pointed leaves are deep green. Thick clusters of single, white flowers appear in spring on the previous year’s growth, and are perfect...
Pyracantha Golden Charmer

Pyracantha Golden Charmer
Pyracantha Golden Charmer - Firethorn Pyracantha has been a favourite plant for a long time because it presents a low-maintenance plant that can grow almost anywhere. This variety has glossy green foliage and small white flowers that are followed by yellow berries that darken as they age. Pyracantha Golden Charmer is an easy plant to train up a ...