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Roses - Wild and Species
Wild (or species) roses are the ancestors of our cultivated varieties. Hardy and disease resistant, their elegant single flowers are attractive to bees and some have good hips.
Learn more about choosing and planting bareroot roses in our advice section and find even more information in our resources section.
Bareroot roses | mid-November to March
Bareroot roses are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.
Potted roses | all year round
Potted roses are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).
Ocean Leaves Liquid Seaweed Extract

Ocean Leaves Liquid Seaweed Extract
Ocean Leaves Liquid Seaweed Extract Ocean Leaves® Liquid Seaweed Extract is made using cold-processed, hand-harvested Irish seaweed. It can be used on fruit, vegetables, flowers, shrubs, trees and lawns. Induces yield increases, enhances plant health & plant quality Increases plant tolerance to, and recovery from abiotic stresses Enhances...

RHS Empathy Afterplant - Rose
RHS Empathy After Plant - Rose AFTER PLANT ROSE FOOD is specifically formulated for roses, containing essential nutrients, biologically active mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria that help to build soil fertility to support healthy growth and improve flowering The nutrients in Empathy AFTER PLANT ROSE FOOD have been scientifically selecte...
Neudorff Organic Rose Food

Neudorff Organic Rose Food
Neudorff Organic Rose Food This organic liquid compound fertiliser is made from organic products and the natural fermentation by-product of processing sugar beet with outstanding fertiliser properties. Liquid concentrate For bigger, brighter blooms Organic Made from natural plant materials Child and pet safe Size: 1L Makes up to 200 litres In...

Rosa Canary Bird - Old Shrub Rose
Rose xanthina Canary Bird - Shrub Rose An old, very early, once-flowering cultivar of the species, Rosa xanthina Canary Bird is a medium-sized to large, deciduous shrub rose with a graceful, spreading habit and arching stems. The delicate foliage is ferny and grey-green, a beautiful foil for the flowers. In May, the shrub is covered with lightl...
Rosa canina - Dog Rose

Rosa canina - Dog Rose
Rosa canina - Dog Rose The familiar and much-loved dog rose of our hedgerows and woodland edges, Rosa canina is a vigorous, scrambling, suckering, deciduous shrub with arching green stems armed with curved thorns to help it climb. The mid-green leaves are divided into 7 leaflets. The lightly scented, five-petalled flowers, 2-3”/5cm across, come ...

Rosa gallica officinalis - Old Shrub Rose
Rosa gallica officinalis - The Apothecary’s Rose A very ancient rose, once used by apothecaries for its gorgeous scented oil, Rosa gallica var. officinalis is the rose the Lancastrians chose as their emblem in the Wars of the Roses. It’s a small, deciduous shrub rose with an upright, bushy habit and matte, greyish-green, divided leaves. In mids...

Rosa moyesii Geranium - Shrub Rose
Rose moyesii Geranium A splendid, midsummer-flowering hybrid of the species rose Rosa moyesii, Rosa Geranium is a large, vigorous, deciduous shrub rose with strong, thorny, arching stems and bright green foliage. In midsummer, it bears large, single, scarlet flowers with overlapping petals and golden stamens, and only a very light fragrance. The...

Rosa multiflora - Wild Rose
Rosa multiflora - Wild Rose Native to Japan and Korea, but sometimes found here in the wild as a garden escape, Rosa multiflora is a vigorous, rambling, deciduous rose which can form a large shrub or scramble up a tree. The thick, smooth, arching stems have many recurved thorns to help the rose climb. The dull green leaves are divided into 7-9 l...

Rosa pimpinellifolia - Wild Rose
Rosa pimpinellifolia - Burnet Rose The native burnet rose, Rosa pimpinellifolia, is usually found on acidic, sandy, coastal dunes, but is so adaptable that it can even be found on inland limestone pavements. A low-growing, deciduous rose of dense, spreading habit, it makes good ground cover on a sunny bank or in a rock garden, or in a native p...

Rosa rubiginosa - Wild Rose
Rosa rubiginosa - Sweet Briar An uncommon native plant, this is the rose that Shakespeare called eglantine. Rosa rubiginosa is a big, vigorous, thorny, deciduous shrub with an erect, spreading, bushy habit. The divided, mid-green leaves have rather rounded leaflets with sticky brown glands on the undersurface, which exude the scent of apples, es...

Rosa rubrifolia glauca - Wild Rose
Rosa rubrifolia glauca - Red Leaved Rose A strikingly beautiful shrub, Rosa rglauca is a medium-sized to large, vigorous, deciduous shrub with an arching, bushy habit and few thorns. The divided leaves are a lovely blue-grey, flushed with purple. Small, rich pink, single flowers with a pale eye and golden stamens are borne from June to August; ...

Rosa rugosa - Rugosa Rose
Rosa rugosa - Dog Rose This hardy flowering Rose will grow where others will not. Rosa rugosa is considered a frontline coastal plant taking extreme coastal exposure. It makes a spiny deciduous bush with a suckering habit and creates a dense hedge quickly. Rosa rugosa has lovely soft pink, fragrant flowers in Spring that are followed by large ed...

Rosa Stanwell Perpetual - Old Shrub Rose
Rose Stanwell Perpetual A beautiful, repeat-flowering hybrid of the species rose Rosa pimpinellifolia or Scotch briar, Rosa Stanwell Perpetual is a small to medium-sized, deciduous shrub rose with a twiggy, spreading habit and arching, prickly branches. The delicate foliage is rather ferny-looking, and deep bluish-green. Aptly named, it flowers...

Rosa x hibernica - Wild Shrub Rose
Rosa x hibernica - The Irish Rose A rare hybrid between the native, wild roses, the dog rose and the burnet rose, Rosa x hibernica is a large, deciduous, shrub rose, with a suckering habit. The mid-green foliage is divided into slightly serrated, ovate leaflets. In midsummer, it bears clusters of lightly scented, deep rose-pink, single blooms...