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Shrubs - Winter Interest
Your garden needn't be dull in winter—evergreen shrubs come into their own, vibrant stems like dogwoods (Cornus) add colour to the boundaries, and many winter-flowering shrubs are highly scented, making you feel like spring is just around the corner!
Learn more about what to plant and when to plant it in our advice section and find even more information in our resources.
Bareroot shrubs | mid-November to March
Bareroot shrubs are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.
Potted shrubs | all year round
Potted shrubs are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).

Aucuba japonica Variegata - female
Variegated Japanese Laurel A large evergreen shrub with green leaves that are speckled with yellow, similar to Aucuba japonica Crotonifolia. Female form producing bright red berries once pollinated. Clusters of small, 4-petalled purplish flowers in spring. Grows in almost any soil, unless waterlogged. Best in shade, will tolerate sun in cool are...
Cornus alba Kesselringii

Cornus alba Kesselringii
Dark Barked Dogwood Kesselringii A vigorous growing, large shrub with very distinctive, blackish-purple shiny stems. The dark purplish colouring also extends through to the otherwise green leaves, especially in Spring. Good Autumn colour. Very hardy and robust, adaptable to many soils even poorly drained clay. Prune in late winter, either removi...
Cornus alba Siberica

Cornus alba Siberica
Siberian Dogwood Another great variety of the red-barked Dogwoods. Cornus alba Siberica produces small flowers in early Summer followed by clusters of white berries and is less vigorous than other red Dogwoods. Good autumn colour. When planted near evergreens in the open, the Winter sun can show off the red stems beautifully. Flowers are good ...
Cornus sericea Flaviramea

Cornus sericea Flaviramea
Yellow Stemmed Dogwood A beautiful dogwood, Cornus sericea Flaviramea forms a thicket of yellow-green barked stems. Vigorous erect branches, dark green foliage and small, creamy-white flowers followed by clusters of white berries in the Winter. Excellent red-orange, Autumn foliage colour is a special feature of this dogwood. Hard pruning results...
Correa Marian's Marvel

Correa Marian's Marvel
Australian Fuchsia This is Winter flowering, evergreen shrub, the fantastic tubular flowers start off bright pink at the base and gradually turn a lemony yellow at the ends. It is unusual in the sense that it flowers from November to March in Ireland and occasionally throughout the year. Thrives against a sheltered wall with sun or in a green ho...
Cotoneaster horizontalis

Cotoneaster horizontalis
Herringbone Cotoneaster A spreading, low-growing, deciduous shrub named after its fishbone-shaped branches. The leaves are small and green, in early Summer, masses of small, white flowers are produced, followed by red berries. Both flowers and berries are good for wildlife. The Herringbone Cotoneaster is an excellent shrub, providing very effect...
Euonymus alatus Compacta

Euonymus alatus Compacta
Winged Spindle A slow growing, compact, deciduous shrub with unusual bark and excellent Autumn colour. Euonymus alatus Compacta has green leaves in Summer, and corky ‘wings’ along squarish stems, small, greeny-yellow flowers appear in Summer and later pink fruits with unusual orange seeds are carried into the Winter. Primarily grown for the much...

Euonymus fortunei Emerald & Gold
Euonymus Emerald & Gold Reliable evergreen ground cover. Low growing. Leaves are bright golden and green. Foliage may become tinted pink in cold winter weather. Adaptable and undemanding, tolerates deep shade. Will climb if given support. Site: Tolerates coastal exposurePosition: Full sun to deep shadeSoil: Any soil other than waterloggedS...

Euonymus fortunei Emerald Gaiety
Euonymus Emerald Gaiety Adaptable and easy, forming dense ground cover. Leaves are green with grey markings and margined with white. They may be tinged pink in cold winters. Site: Tolerates coastal exposurePosition: Full sun to deep shadeSoil: Any soil other than waterloggedSeasons of interest: EvergreenHardiness: HardyHeight: 3ft (1m) Spread:...
Fatsia japonica

Fatsia japonica
False Castor Oil Plant Fatsia japonica has dark green, glossy leaves that are held on spreading stems. The leaves are very large and have a maple-leaf shape, giving this plant a tropical look - it’s native to southern Japan, southern Korea, and Taiwan and in fact, the word "fatsi" is an approximation of the old Japanese word for 'eight', referri...
Fatsia japonica Spider's Web

Fatsia japonica Spider's Web
Japanese Aralia Spider’s Web A new, variegated cultivar of the Japanese aralia, Fatsia japonica Spider's Web is a useful and dramatic shrub for shady parts of the garden. It’s a large, evergreen shrub with an upright, spreading habit. The big, hand-like, mid- to deep green leaves with seven to nine pointed ‘fingers’ are irregularly dusted with ...

Fatsia polycarpa Green Fingers
False Aralia Green Fingers With its finer ‘fingers’, the rare Fatsia polycarpa Green Fingers is a more elegant, airier plant than the familiar Fatsia japonica. It’s a large, evergreen shrub with an upright, spreading habit. The big, hand-like, mid- to deep green, irregularly toothed leaves with seven ‘fingers’ are perfect for adding drama to th...

Griselinia littoralis Variegata
Griselinia littoralis Variegata An upright shrub with a dense bushy habit that will brighten up your garden. Rounded leathery leaves are bright green with grey and creamy-white markings. Inconspicuous yellow-green flowers in late spring. can be clipped into a colourful, evergreen hedge. Suitable for coastal planting or sheltered inland positions...
Hedera Hibernica

Hedera Hibernica
Irish Ivy Irish or Atlantic Ivy is a native evergreen climber which clings by means of tiny stem roots to walls, trees and rocks and will also carpet the ground in shade and under trees and hedges. Yellow-green flowers appear in autumn and are attractive to bees, followed by black fruits which provide food for birds. Makes very effective, dense ...

Ilex crenata Convexa - Japanese Holly
Japanese Holly This Holly is an ideal alternative for the disease-prone Box. It clips just as well and can be kept very low and neat, while its small, glossy, curved, leaf gives it a year-round freshness. Ilex crenata Convexa is evergreen and is superb at creating dense and bushy low hedges. Good in most soils except wet, it will grow in light s...

Ilex x altaclarensis Golden King
Golden variegated holly (female) A popular cultivar of the common holly it is a slow-growing evergreen tree, Holly is tough, and robust enough to handle the harshest of environments, from dark valleys to extreme coastal locations - though it thrives best with the protection of other trees around it. berries only come on female plants, so be sur...
Ilex x Nellie R Stevens

Ilex x Nellie R Stevens
Holly Nellie R Stevens A fairly compact tree, Ilex x Nellie R Stevens is a large, evergreen, flowering shrub with tree-like habit. The spiny leaves are deep green and glossy. Small, single, white flowers appear in summer, and are great for pollinators. The flowers on female plants are followed by masses of red berries if there is a male plant ...

Leucothoe fontanesiana Rainbow
Leucothoe Rainbow Grown for its beautiful foliage and small cream flowers, Leucothoe fontanesiana Rainbow is a small to medium-sized, evergreen shrub with narrow, arching branches, striking in a shrub border or in front of dark trees. The long, lance-shaped, glossy leaves are bright green and mottled pink, red and cream. Small white flowers appe...
Mahonia eurybracteata Soft Caress

Mahonia eurybracteata Soft Caress
Mahonia Soft Caress Named for its spine-free leaflets, Mahonia eurybracteata subsp ganpinensis Soft Caress is a medium-sized, evergreen shrub with an upright habit, more compact than other mahonias, and suitable for small gardens and container growing. Unlike the almost holly-like leaflets of other mahonias, the finely cut, long, narrow olive-gr...
Phormium Cream Delight

Phormium Cream Delight
New Zealand Flax Cream Delight Phormium Cream Delight is one of the smaller growing flaxes with a broad cream-coloured stripe down each leaf. In summer it produces beautiful tall panicles of small, tubular flowers. New Zealand Flax makes an ideal specimen for coastal locations or for low maintenance gardens or for adding foliage interest to urba...