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Hedging - Evergreen
Always in leaf, evergreen hedges create a solid boundary around or within a garden, dividing it into different spaces. Available in various shades and textures, they don't always have to be green. Many like Yew (Taxus baccata) take hard clipping and you could even have fun and plant a maze!
Bareroot hedging | mid-November to March
Bareroot hedging is only available while the plants are dormant from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants and about planting a bareroot hedge in our advice section.
Potted hedging | all year round
Potted hedging is available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).
Elaeagnus x ebbingei Compacta

Elaeagnus x ebbingei Compacta
Elaeagnus x ebbingei Compacta An excellent variety for hedging, Elaeagnus x ebbingei Compacta is a fast-growing, evergreen shrub with a dense, bushy habit. Unlike Elaeagnus x ebbingei, this variety is well behaved and more compact shrub making it easier to maintain into a tidy hedge. It also has more prominent silvery leaves when they emerge, as...
Griselinia littoralis

Griselinia littoralis
Griselinia littoralis A popular hedge here in Ireland and known as Kapuka in New Zealand, where it originates. Griselinia makes a fast, dense and reliable evergreen coastal hedge. It takes clipping extremely well and can be kept very neat if required. Its soft lime green leaves belie is coastal hardiness. It will grow in most soils and will tole...

Griselinia littoralis Variegata
Griselinia littoralis Variegata An upright shrub with a dense bushy habit that will brighten up your garden. Rounded leathery leaves are bright green with grey and creamy-white markings. Inconspicuous yellow-green flowers in late spring. can be clipped into a colourful, evergreen hedge. Suitable for coastal planting or sheltered inland positions...
Ilex aquifolium - Holly

Ilex aquifolium - Holly
Ilex aquifolium - Holly A slow-growing native evergreen tree, well known for its spiky leaves and red berries. Holly is tough, robust enough to handle the harshest of environments, from dark valleys to extreme coastal locations - though it thrives best with the protection of other trees around it. It is a very important species for insects and b...

Ilex crenata Convexa - Japanese Holly
Japanese Holly This Holly is an ideal alternative for the disease-prone Box. It clips just as well and can be kept very low and neat, while its small, glossy, curved, leaf gives it a year-round freshness. Ilex crenata Convexa is evergreen and is superb at creating dense and bushy low hedges. Good in most soils except wet, it will grow in light s...
Ilex crenata Dark Green

Ilex crenata Dark Green
Japanese Holly Dark Green Japanese holly is often grown as a substitute for box in gardens which have suffered from box blight, as it tolerates hard clipping and is ideal for hedging and topiary. Ilex crenata Dark Green is a fairly slow-growing, robust, evergreen shrub or small tree, with an upright habit, ideal for hedging. The small, glossy le...

Ilex x altaclarensis Golden King
Golden variegated holly (female) A popular cultivar of the common holly it is a slow-growing evergreen tree, Holly is tough, and robust enough to handle the harshest of environments, from dark valleys to extreme coastal locations - though it thrives best with the protection of other trees around it. berries only come on female plants, so be sur...
Ilex x Nellie R Stevens

Ilex x Nellie R Stevens
Holly Nellie R Stevens A fairly compact tree, Ilex x Nellie R Stevens is a large, evergreen, flowering shrub with tree-like habit. The spiny leaves are deep green and glossy. Small, single, white flowers appear in summer, and are great for pollinators. The flowers on female plants are followed by masses of red berries if there is a male plant ...

Lonicera nitida May Green
Shrubby Honeysuckle May Green A compact form of the shrubby honeysuckle, Lonicera nitida May Green is a small to medium-sized, rather slow-growing, evergreen shrub with a dense, upright, spreading habit, ideal for hedging or topiary. The leaves are small, oval, leathery and very bright, glossy green, rather like those of box. If the shrub is not...
Olearia traversii

Olearia traversii
Daisy Bush A large, bushy evergreen shrub with grey-silver foliage. It is many a coastal dwelling that is protected by this great seaside hedge plant. Olearia traversii is a front line coastal hedge and is a common sight on the wild Atlantic way. It is fast growing and reliable and takes clipping well. Very salt tolerant, Olearia traversii is ev...
Olearia x haastii

Olearia x haastii
Daisy Bush Dense, bushy evergreen shrub with glossy greyish-green leaves that are white-felted underneath. Daisy-like, white, yellow-centred flowers appear in July & August.One of the best choices for a low seaside hedge. Olearia x hastii has small leaves that clip extremely well, its moderate growth rate makes it easy to maintain and even i...
Photinia x fraseri Red Robin

Photinia x fraseri Red Robin
Red Robin Everyone likes a bit of colour and Photinia Red Robin does not disappoint: a large, dense, evergreen shrub with glossy green and purple-red foliage. Makes an excellent specimen on its own but is most often planted as a hedge. The fresh growth can be anywhere between dark to bright red and can be a welcome sight in Winter and early Spri...

Prunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia - Cherry Laurel
Cherry Laurel A fast growing and reliable evergreen hedge. The large glossy leaves of Prunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia are a common sight across Ireland and it is its speed of growth and its reliability that make this Laurel an easy choice. Great for a quick screen, it has a bushy, wide-spreading habit and is also good where shade is an issue. T...

Prunus lusitanica Angustifolia AGM - Portugal Laurel
Portugal Laurel - Angustifolia Grown as a Tree A large evergreen shrub or small tree, a relatively slow growing form with good bushy foliage of glossy dark green leaves on red stems. Spikes of small fragrant white flowers appear in late Spring on unclipped plants. Eventually, makes a dense conical tree if left unpruned. Grown as a Hedge Prunus l...

RHS Empathy Afterplant - Evergreen
RHS Empathy After Plant Evergreen AFTER PLANT EVERGREEN Bio-active fertiliser with rootgrow™ mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria is a targeted plant food tailored to the needs of evergreen plants in the garden. Evergreens planted directly into the ground benefit from the treatment for the first 3-5 years whilst their soot system and fungal...
Thuja occidentalis Smaragd

Thuja occidentalis Smaragd
White Cedar Smaragd A slow growing, evergreen, erect conifer, Thuja occidentalis Smaragd has scale-like, fresh green leaves that are held closely to the shoots and give a fresh apple-like aroma when crushed. With its narrow, conical shape, White Cedar Smaragd makes a useful tree for any garden, and is particularly suitable for formal plantings e...
Thuja occidentalis Sunkist

Thuja occidentalis Sunkist
Eastern White Cedar Sunkist A compact white cedar with lovely colours in spring and winter, Thuja occidentalis Sunkist is an evergreen shrub of slow-growing to average vigour with a neat, conical habit. The aromatic, flattened sprays of leaves emerge lemon yellow, growing light green with yellow tips in summer and turning vibrant orange-yellow ...

Thuja plicata atrovirens - Western Red Cedar
Western red cedar This tree is becoming more and more popular when it comes to coniferous hedges. Thuja plicata atrovirens is a relatively quick growing, easy to prune and shape tree. Its good level of disease resistance coupled with its dark green foliage makes this a good solid choice for a hedge. With high quality resinous timber, it produc...
Berberis darwinii

Berberis darwinii
Darwin’s Barberry A large growing, dense evergreen shrub that makes an excellent backdrop to other shrubs but also works very well as a tough flowering hedge. The shiny, small, holly-like leaves of Berberis Darwinii are smothered in orange-yellow bell-shaped flowers in Spring & early Summer and are followed by edible purple berries in Autumn...
Berberis julianae

Berberis julianae
Berberis julianae - Barberry A robust evergreen shrub with a dense, bushy, upright habit. Berberis julianae has glossy, spiny-edged, deep green leaves that are pale green underneath and the shrub is covered in large sharp thorns. Clusters of yellow or orange flowers in late spring are followed by blue-black berries. This is the ultimate plant fo...