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Shrubs - Evergreen
Evergreen shrubs keep growing new leaves throughout the winter and, thus, provide shelter, screening, and year-round interest. Every year we pull together a wide selection that have beautiful flowers, variegated leaves, and brightly colored berries that the birds will enjoy eating as much as you enjoy viewing.
Learn more about what to plant and when to plant it in our advice section and find even more information in our resources.
Bareroot shrubs | mid-November to March
Bareroot shrubs are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.
Potted shrubs | all year round
Potted shrubs are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).

Aucuba japonica Variegata - female
Variegated Japanese Laurel A large evergreen shrub with green leaves that are speckled with yellow, similar to Aucuba japonica Crotonifolia. Female form producing bright red berries once pollinated. Clusters of small, 4-petalled purplish flowers in spring. Grows in almost any soil, unless waterlogged. Best in shade, will tolerate sun in cool are...
Bay Laurel

Bay Laurel
Bay Laurel - Laurus nobilis Laurus nobilis is a remnant of the vast laurel forests of ancient times, that originally covered much of the Mediterranean Basin until around ten thousand years ago. The iconic wreaths used as a status symbol in ancient Greece were made of laurel. An evergreen, large shrub or small tree, Laurus nobilis is an aromatic ...

Ceanothus thyrsiflorus repens
Creeping Californian Lilac Early summer-flowering Ceanothus thyrsiflorus repens is a vigorous, low-growing, medium-sized evergreen shrub with a dense, spreading, mound-forming habit, but will grow much taller if wall-trained. The leaves are small, glossy and deep-green, and in May and June masses of powder-blue flower-spikes cover the plant. Do...
Choisya ternata Scented Gem

Choisya ternata Scented Gem
Mexican Orange Blossom Scented Gem A scented shrub which blooms twice a year, Choisya ternata Gold Star is a medium-sized, fast-growing, evergreen shrub with a rounded habit. The deep green leaves are palmate (narrowly hand-shaped) and aromatic. Corymbs of pale pink to white, starry flowers, scented of orange blossom, appear between March and M...
Correa Marian's Marvel

Correa Marian's Marvel
Australian Fuchsia This is Winter flowering, evergreen shrub, the fantastic tubular flowers start off bright pink at the base and gradually turn a lemony yellow at the ends. It is unusual in the sense that it flowers from November to March in Ireland and occasionally throughout the year. Thrives against a sheltered wall with sun or in a green ho...

Cotoneaster frigidus Cornubia
Cotoneaster Cornubia A big, hybrid cotoneaster with brilliant red berries, Cotoneaster Cornubia is a large, semi-evergreen shrub with arching branches and a rounded habit. The elliptical, veined leaves are glossy and mid- to deep green. In June and July, corymbs of small, white to pinkish-white, scented flowers appear, very attractive to bees an...
Diosma ericoides Sunset Gold

Diosma ericoides Sunset Gold
Diosma Sunset Gold Also known as Coleonema pulchrum 'Sunset Gold'. A compact, evergreen shrub with aromatic, yellow-green foliage and clusters of pale pink flowers from Spring into early Summer. Very similar in habit and requirements as heather. Site: Fairly shelteredPosition: Full sunSoil: Fertile, well-drained acid soilSeasons of interest: Sp...
Elaeagnus x ebbingei Compacta

Elaeagnus x ebbingei Compacta
Elaeagnus x ebbingei Compacta An excellent variety for hedging, Elaeagnus x ebbingei Compacta is a fast-growing, evergreen shrub with a dense, bushy habit. Unlike Elaeagnus x ebbingei, this variety is well behaved and more compact shrub making it easier to maintain into a tidy hedge. It also has more prominent silvery leaves when they emerge, as...
Eucryphia lucida Pink Cloud

Eucryphia lucida Pink Cloud
Leatherwood Pink Cloud A lovely cultivar of the Tasmanian species, Eucryphia lucida Pink Cloud is a medium-sized to tall, evergreen tree, with a narrow, columnar, densely branched habit, so is good in the smaller garden in milder areas. The 2”/5cm long, oval leaves are deep, glossy green with blue-grey undersides, a beautiful foil for the flower...

Euonymus fortunei Emerald & Gold
Euonymus Emerald & Gold Reliable evergreen ground cover. Low growing. Leaves are bright golden and green. Foliage may become tinted pink in cold winter weather. Adaptable and undemanding, tolerates deep shade. Will climb if given support. Site: Tolerates coastal exposurePosition: Full sun to deep shadeSoil: Any soil other than waterloggedS...

Euonymus fortunei Emerald Gaiety
Euonymus Emerald Gaiety Adaptable and easy, forming dense ground cover. Leaves are green with grey markings and margined with white. They may be tinged pink in cold winters. Site: Tolerates coastal exposurePosition: Full sun to deep shadeSoil: Any soil other than waterloggedSeasons of interest: EvergreenHardiness: HardyHeight: 3ft (1m) Spread:...
Fascicularia bicolor

Fascicularia bicolor
Fascicularia bicolor A terrestrial bromeliad, forming rosettes of slender, rigid, spiny-toothed leaves. Towards the end of Summer the bases of the leaves on mature plants begin to turn red and after a few weeks most of the leaf becomes bright crimson. A bud then forms in the center of this rosette which opens into a pale-blue flower, offering a ...
Fatsia japonica

Fatsia japonica
False Castor Oil Plant Fatsia japonica has dark green, glossy leaves that are held on spreading stems. The leaves are very large and have a maple-leaf shape, giving this plant a tropical look - it’s native to southern Japan, southern Korea, and Taiwan and in fact, the word "fatsi" is an approximation of the old Japanese word for 'eight', referri...
Fatsia japonica Spider's Web

Fatsia japonica Spider's Web
Japanese Aralia Spider’s Web A new, variegated cultivar of the Japanese aralia, Fatsia japonica Spider's Web is a useful and dramatic shrub for shady parts of the garden. It’s a large, evergreen shrub with an upright, spreading habit. The big, hand-like, mid- to deep green leaves with seven to nine pointed ‘fingers’ are irregularly dusted with ...

Fatsia polycarpa Green Fingers
False Aralia Green Fingers With its finer ‘fingers’, the rare Fatsia polycarpa Green Fingers is a more elegant, airier plant than the familiar Fatsia japonica. It’s a large, evergreen shrub with an upright, spreading habit. The big, hand-like, mid- to deep green, irregularly toothed leaves with seven ‘fingers’ are perfect for adding drama to th...
Griselinia littoralis

Griselinia littoralis
Griselinia littoralis A popular hedge here in Ireland and known as Kapuka in New Zealand, where it originates. Griselinia makes a fast, dense and reliable evergreen coastal hedge. It takes clipping extremely well and can be kept very neat if required. Its soft lime green leaves belie is coastal hardiness. It will grow in most soils and will tole...

Griselinia littoralis Variegata
Griselinia littoralis Variegata An upright shrub with a dense bushy habit that will brighten up your garden. Rounded leathery leaves are bright green with grey and creamy-white markings. Inconspicuous yellow-green flowers in late spring. can be clipped into a colourful, evergreen hedge. Suitable for coastal planting or sheltered inland positions...
Hebe Wiri Mist

Hebe Wiri Mist
Hebe Wiri Mist One of the Wiri hebes bred in New Zealand, Hebe Wiri Mist is a medium-sized, upright, evergreen shrub forming a rounded, open mound. Small, fresh green, elliptical leaves set off the spikes of white flowers in June and July. Hebe Wiri Mist is an easy, low-growing, low-maintenance shrub requiring minimal pruning, but may need winte...
Hedera Hibernica

Hedera Hibernica
Irish Ivy Irish or Atlantic Ivy is a native evergreen climber which clings by means of tiny stem roots to walls, trees and rocks and will also carpet the ground in shade and under trees and hedges. Yellow-green flowers appear in autumn and are attractive to bees, followed by black fruits which provide food for birds. Makes very effective, dense ...

Ilex crenata Convexa - Japanese Holly
Japanese Holly This Holly is an ideal alternative for the disease-prone Box. It clips just as well and can be kept very low and neat, while its small, glossy, curved, leaf gives it a year-round freshness. Ilex crenata Convexa is evergreen and is superb at creating dense and bushy low hedges. Good in most soils except wet, it will grow in light s...