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Shrubs - Large growing 8ft+
These shrubs will reach at least eight feet (or more) when fully grown. They are excellent for providing structure, shelter, and privacy—some even make stunning specimens on their own.
Learn more about what to plant and when to plant it in our advice section and find even more information in our resources.
Bareroot shrubs | mid-November to March
Bareroot shrubs are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.
Potted shrubs | all year round
Potted shrubs are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).

Aucuba japonica Variegata - female
Variegated Japanese Laurel A large evergreen shrub with green leaves that are speckled with yellow, similar to Aucuba japonica Crotonifolia. Female form producing bright red berries once pollinated. Clusters of small, 4-petalled purplish flowers in spring. Grows in almost any soil, unless waterlogged. Best in shade, will tolerate sun in cool are...
Cornus alba Kesselringii

Cornus alba Kesselringii
Dark Barked Dogwood Kesselringii A vigorous growing, large shrub with very distinctive, blackish-purple shiny stems. The dark purplish colouring also extends through to the otherwise green leaves, especially in Spring. Good Autumn colour. Very hardy and robust, adaptable to many soils even poorly drained clay. Prune in late winter, either removi...
Cotoneaster franchetii

Cotoneaster franchetii
Franchet's Cotoneaster This semi-evergreen Cotoneaster is a good choice for a tough site. It has an elegant arching habit, grows fast and clips well. Cotoneaster franchetii produces small white to light pink flowers around early June and has a lovely orange berry in the Autumn. It will take wind, some shade and a good bit of coastal exposure, gr...

Cotoneaster frigidus Cornubia
Cotoneaster Cornubia A big, hybrid cotoneaster with brilliant red berries, Cotoneaster Cornubia is a large, semi-evergreen shrub with arching branches and a rounded habit. The elliptical, veined leaves are glossy and mid- to deep green. In June and July, corymbs of small, white to pinkish-white, scented flowers appear, very attractive to bees an...
Cotoneaster lacteus

Cotoneaster lacteus
Late Cotoneaster A striking, late-berrying shrub for the garden, Cotoneaster lacteus is a large, evergreen, flowering shrub, which can also be grown as a hedge or on banks and slopes. The deep green, ovate leaves, 2 ¼”/6cm long, have downy white hairs on the underside. Small, single, white flowers appear in summer, and are perfect for pollinator...
Elaeagnus x ebbingei Compacta

Elaeagnus x ebbingei Compacta
Elaeagnus x ebbingei Compacta An excellent variety for hedging, Elaeagnus x ebbingei Compacta is a fast-growing, evergreen shrub with a dense, bushy habit. Unlike Elaeagnus x ebbingei, this variety is well behaved and more compact shrub making it easier to maintain into a tidy hedge. It also has more prominent silvery leaves when they emerge, as...

Enkianthus campanulatus Pagoda
Pagoda bush Enkianthus are deciduous shrubs or small trees that boast lovely clusters of bell-shaped spring flowers as well as having excellent autumn colour. They are not widely grown, although they probably should be, because they are so unfussy. However, they do need soil that is on the acid side.Native to Asia and growing especially well on ...
Fatsia japonica

Fatsia japonica
False Castor Oil Plant Fatsia japonica has dark green, glossy leaves that are held on spreading stems. The leaves are very large and have a maple-leaf shape, giving this plant a tropical look - it’s native to southern Japan, southern Korea, and Taiwan and in fact, the word "fatsi" is an approximation of the old Japanese word for 'eight', referri...
Fatsia japonica Spider's Web

Fatsia japonica Spider's Web
Japanese Aralia Spider’s Web A new, variegated cultivar of the Japanese aralia, Fatsia japonica Spider's Web is a useful and dramatic shrub for shady parts of the garden. It’s a large, evergreen shrub with an upright, spreading habit. The big, hand-like, mid- to deep green leaves with seven to nine pointed ‘fingers’ are irregularly dusted with ...

Fatsia polycarpa Green Fingers
False Aralia Green Fingers With its finer ‘fingers’, the rare Fatsia polycarpa Green Fingers is a more elegant, airier plant than the familiar Fatsia japonica. It’s a large, evergreen shrub with an upright, spreading habit. The big, hand-like, mid- to deep green, irregularly toothed leaves with seven ‘fingers’ are perfect for adding drama to th...
Griselinia littoralis

Griselinia littoralis
Griselinia littoralis A popular hedge here in Ireland and known as Kapuka in New Zealand, where it originates. Griselinia makes a fast, dense and reliable evergreen coastal hedge. It takes clipping extremely well and can be kept very neat if required. Its soft lime green leaves belie is coastal hardiness. It will grow in most soils and will tole...

Griselinia littoralis Variegata
Griselinia littoralis Variegata An upright shrub with a dense bushy habit that will brighten up your garden. Rounded leathery leaves are bright green with grey and creamy-white markings. Inconspicuous yellow-green flowers in late spring. can be clipped into a colourful, evergreen hedge. Suitable for coastal planting or sheltered inland positions...
Hamamelis virginiana

Hamamelis virginiana
Medicinal Witch Hazel A deciduous, Winter flowering Shrub with small, bright yellow spider-like flowers that are faintly scented flowers an appear as the leaves fall from September to November. A plant with many properties, a traditional herb used by North American Indians who used it to heal wounds, treat tumors, eye problems etc. and widely u...
Acradenia frankliniae

Acradenia frankliniae
Wirewood A large evergreen shrub native to Tasmanias rainforests, Acradenia franklinae is becoming popular as a garden shrub. Fluffy, fragrant white flowers appear in Spring, and from a distance the evergreen leaves provide an unusual texture. It grows well in difficult damp semi-shaded areas. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Any well-drained soil, ...

Amelanchier alniflora Krasnojarskaja
Serviceberry, Saskatoon A large hardy, North American shrub with excellent blueberry-like fruits, the Russian bred variety Krasnojarskaja produces fruit that is a dark pink to blue color with a refreshing, sweet to slightly sour taste. This hardy shrub is both attractive and productive: white blossom covers the plant in May, followed by a good ...

Amelanchier alnifolia Smokey
Saskatoon Smokey A cultivar of the alder-leafed amelanchier or saskatoon, Amelanchier alnifolia Smokey has much larger berries than the species, and is grown commercially for its fruit in Canada – it’s the best saskatoon for fruit. It’s a very pretty, small, deciduous tree or large shrub with a suckering habit, and the dark green leaves colour o...
Arbutus unedo Compacta

Arbutus unedo Compacta
Dwarf Strawberry Tree A small growing form of the native Killarney strawberry tree. It bears fruit that are rather like a strawberry to look at, though not in taste. These are borne at the same time as the flowers, in late autumn, taking a year to mature. Glossy, dark green leaves with serrated edges and attractive cinnamon-brown bark, peeling i...
Argyrocytisus battandieri

Argyrocytisus battandieri
Moroccan Broom Also known as the pineapple broom from the scent of its flowers, Argyrocytisus battandieri is a large, semi-evergreen shrub or small tree, with an upright habit when young, later more spreading. The grey-green leaves are divided into three, and covered in pale, silky hairs when young. Soft yellow flowers, strongly scented of pinea...
Aronia mitschurini Amit

Aronia mitschurini Amit
Chokeberry Amit A large deciduous shrub that is also known as x Sorbaronia Mitschurinii, this attractive Aronia produces large black berries in September. In the Autumn, the foliage acquires a crimson-red color. Chokeberries are cultivated as ornamental plants and food. Grow in full sun if you want high yields of berries, but it will also grow f...
Aucuba japonica Crotonifolia

Aucuba japonica Crotonifolia
Japanese or Spotted Laurel Crotonifolia A large leathery leaved evergreen shrub with yellow spotted and speckled variegated leaves. The leaf markings of this cultivar are noticeably variable in size, from large blotches to tiny specks. Flowers are small and purple and are followed by bright red berries when pollinated. Aucuba japonica Crotonifol...