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Shrubs - Large growing 8ft+
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Tamarix ramosissima Pink Cascade
Tamarisk Pink Cascade A beautiful tamarisk cultivar, Tamarix ramosissima Pink Cascade Is a small, deciduous, tree or large shrub with a graceful, arching habit and reddish-brown shoots. The green leaves are small and scale-like. Small, deep pink flowers in long, feathery clusters appear from late summer into autumn on the new shoots. This shrub ...
Tetrapanax papyrifer Rex
Tetrapanax papyrifer Rex
Rice paper plant Semi-tender large shrub or small tree, often suckering vigorously. Tetrapanax has impressive huge, deeply lobed leaves giving a very exotic appearance. The young emerging leaves are thickly covered with Faun coloured felted hairs. Large loose panicles of creamy white rounded flowerheads in autumn, developing to black seeds. eme...
Tibouchina urvilleana
Tibouchina urvilleana
Tibouchina urvilleana Commonly known as the Purple Glory Bush. Tibouchina urvilleana has velvety dark green leaves, sometimes tinged reddish. Large purple flowers with prominent stamens appear mostly in summer but then sporadically throughout the year. It will eventually grow into a large spreading shrub and it does grows best in sub-tropical lo...
X Chitalpa tashkentensis Summer Bells (Minsum)
Summer Bells An unusual and very attractive hybrid between Catalpa and Chilopsis, X Chitalpa tashkentensis Minsum is a small, fast-growing, deciduous tree or medium-sized shrub, with a neat, bushy, rather spreading habit, ideal for smaller gardens. The long, pointed, lance-shaped leaves are matte deep green. Masses of trumpet-shaped, lightly sw...
x Gordlinia grandiflora
x Gordlinia grandiflora
Gordlinia A fairly rare intergeneric hybrid between a Franklinia and a Gordonia, x Gordlinia grandiflora is a large, fast-growing, semi-evergreen shrub or small tree grown for its beautiful flowers and autumn colour. Narrow-elliptical, evergreen leaves, dark green above and paler green below, take on shades of orange and red in autumn, but usual...