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Hedging - for Wildlife
These particular hedging plants have been selected to create a wildlife-friendly environment in your garden, providing food and shelter for birds and small mammals.
Bareroot hedging | mid-November to March
Bareroot hedging is only available while the plants are dormant from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants and about planting a bareroot hedge in our advice section.
Potted hedging | all year round
Potted hedging is available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).
Cotoneaster franchetii

Cotoneaster franchetii
Franchet's Cotoneaster This semi-evergreen Cotoneaster is a good choice for a tough site. It has an elegant arching habit, grows fast and clips well. Cotoneaster franchetii produces small white to light pink flowers around early June and has a lovely orange berry in the Autumn. It will take wind, some shade and a good bit of coastal exposure, gr...
Cotoneaster lacteus

Cotoneaster lacteus
Late Cotoneaster A striking, late-berrying shrub for the garden, Cotoneaster lacteus is a large, evergreen, flowering shrub, which can also be grown as a hedge or on banks and slopes. The deep green, ovate leaves, 2 ¼”/6cm long, have downy white hairs on the underside. Small, single, white flowers appear in summer, and are perfect for pollinator...
Ilex aquifolium - Holly

Ilex aquifolium - Holly
Ilex aquifolium - Holly A slow-growing native evergreen tree, well known for its spiky leaves and red berries. Holly is tough, robust enough to handle the harshest of environments, from dark valleys to extreme coastal locations - though it thrives best with the protection of other trees around it. It is a very important species for insects and b...

Pyracantha coccinea Red Cushion
Pyracantha Red Cushion A compact shrub, ideal for the smaller garden, Pyracantha coccinea Red Cushion Is a small to medium-sized evergreen shrub with a rounded, mound-forming habit and thorny branches. The small, pointed leaves are deep green. Thick clusters of single, white flowers appear in spring on the previous year’s growth, and are perfect...
Pyracantha Golden Charmer

Pyracantha Golden Charmer
Pyracantha Golden Charmer - Firethorn Pyracantha has been a favourite plant for a long time because it presents a low-maintenance plant that can grow almost anywhere. This variety has glossy green foliage and small white flowers that are followed by yellow berries that darken as they age. Pyracantha Golden Charmer is an easy plant to train up a ...
Pyracantha Orange Glow

Pyracantha Orange Glow
Pyracantha Orange Glow - Firethorn Orange Glow is a vigorous orange-berried form of Pyracantha with a more erect habit than other varieties. These tough prickly shrubs are easy to grow and train readily up a wall or other support and also make a good dense hedge. The white flowers are borne in sprays in summer and the orange berries that follow...
Pyracantha Soleil d'Or

Pyracantha Soleil d'Or
Pyracantha Soleil d'Or - Yellow Firethorn This is a yellow-berried form of Pyracantha. Pyracantha Soleil d’Or is an easy plant to train up a wall or other support and also makes a good dense hedge. The white flowers are borne in sprays in summer and the berries provide a bright display of yellow as well as food for birds in the winter. Pyracant...

Acer campestre - Field Maple
Field Maple Grown as a Tree A moderately sized deciduous tree with interesting fissured cork-like bark and deep green leaves that can turn a delicious butter yellow in the Autumn and are followed by typical acer-like winged seeds. Acer campestre is fast growing, wind hardy and will grow in all but very wet sites. Native to the UK. Grown as Hedgi...
Berberis julianae

Berberis julianae
Berberis julianae - Barberry A robust evergreen shrub with a dense, bushy, upright habit. Berberis julianae has glossy, spiny-edged, deep green leaves that are pale green underneath and the shrub is covered in large sharp thorns. Clusters of yellow or orange flowers in late spring are followed by blue-black berries. This is the ultimate plant fo...
Berberis thunbergii

Berberis thunbergii
Japanese Barberry Available on request, please ask. A spiny medium-sized deciduous shrub of compact habit and a great option for a low to medium-high hedge, Japanese barberry produces yellow cupped shaped Spring flowers. It clips well, making a neat hedge. It comes into its own in the Autumn when its green foliage turns shades of orange and red,...

Berberis thungbergii atropurpurea
Purple Berberis A medium sized shrub with tall arching stems, bronze-purple foliage which has vivid red autumn colour. The purple leaf of this deciduous Japanese barberry makes it stand out from the crowd. It has yellow cup-shaped flowers in Spring; an abundance of scarlet berries adorn its spiny branches in the Autumn. Berberis thunbergii atrop...
Berberis vulgaris

Berberis vulgaris
European Barberry A deciduous prickly shrub with green foliage and pendulous racemes of small yellow flowers in Spring and red berries in Autumn. Berberis vulgaris makes a good barrier hedge. For those interested in fruiting and wildlife hedges. Its edible but rather tart berries are abundant in Autumn, are high in Vitamin C and can be eaten raw...
Berberis wilsoniae

Berberis wilsoniae
Wilson's Barberry A semi-evergreen, compact rounded shrub with arching thorny branches and grey-green leaves. Pale yellow flowers come in Spring and are followed by coral-pink berries. Good autumn colours. Deer resistant. Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any well-drained soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of Interest: Semi-evergreen, yel...

Berberis x media Red Jewel
Barberry Red Jewel A spiny, semi-evergreen shrub. Slightly toothed, mid to dark green leaves which are bronzy-red when young turning green through Summer and then a rich red through Autumn. Small clusters of yellow flowers in late spring followed by red-purple fruits. Makes a good specimen or a tough, prickly and striking hedge with good colour ...
Corylus avellana - Hazel

Corylus avellana - Hazel
Corylus avellana - Hazel A native Irish tree, once believed to be the tree of knowledge, Corylus avellana is a large, deciduous shrub or small tree with a spreading, bushy habit. The large, mid-green leaves are broad, almost round, with a serrated edge, and turn yellow in autumn. The long, yellow male catkins appear in January and February; alth...
Cotoneaster dielsianus

Cotoneaster dielsianus
Diel's cotoneaster An elegant deciduous shrub with greyish foliage and slender arching branches with dark green oval leaves. Small white or pink flowers are followed by glossy red fruits. A very tough and handsome plant that can take poor soil, pollution & salt. Makes an attractive informal hedge & good foliage colour in a mixed hedge. ...
Cotoneaster simonsii

Cotoneaster simonsii
Himalayan Cotoneaster A vigorous, erect shrub with shiny semi-evergreen foliage, commonly used for hedges and commercial planting as it is such a tough plant. Pinky white flowers in Summer are very attractive to bees and are followed by large red berries that stay on the bush for a long time and are loved by birds. Site: Tolerates coastal exposu...

Crataegus persimilis Prunifolia
Plum Leaved Hawthorn This deciduous Hawthorn has so many great merits. Crataegus prunifolia has an unusual glossy oval leaf, long thorns and the familiar white flowers in May that are followed by extra big, deep red berries that persist on the tree for a long time. The leaves on the Plum Leaved Hawthorn often turn a lovely orange-red in Autumn a...

Fagus sylvatica - Green Beech
Green Beech Grown as a Tree A well known, stately tree that is found throughout old estates and woodlands across Ireland. Fagus sylvatica, better known as Green Beech, is ultimately a very large deciduous tree with a dense broad head. Wavy-edged leaves emerge pale green and silky, maturing to glossy dark green. Fairly insignificant yellow-green ...

Fuchsia magellanica Alba - Pink / White Fuchsia
Pink/White Fuchsia This pale pink fuchsia is a less familiar sight than the red fuchsia that covers the south & west coast of Ireland each summer but well worth growing for the attractive, very pale pink flowers that almost appear white from a distance. It and can be pruned hard if required, sprouting again from where it is cut. Fuchsia mage...