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RHS Empathy Afterplant - Ericaceous
RHS Empathy After Plant Ericacaeous AFTER PLANT ERICACEOUS Bio-active plant feed with rootgrow™ ericoid mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria is a tailored plant feed for the needs of all acid-loving/lime hating ericaceous plants. When planted directly into the ground ericaceous plants will benefit by being treated for the first 3 – 5 years ...

Camelia japonica Nuccio's Pearl
Camellia Nuccio’s Pearl A stunning camellia, with white, pink-flushed flowers, Camellia japonica Nuccio’s Pearl is a medium-sized to large, evergreen shrub with a dense, narrow, upright, bushy habit. The ovate to elliptical leaves are glossy and deep green. Medium-sized (8cm across) double, white flowers, with a pink flush, deeper on the outsi...
Camellia Black Lace

Camellia Black Lace
Camellia Black Lace A large, vigorous evergreen shrub with perfect deep red semi-double flowers. Camellia Black Lace has glossy, leathery dark green leaves all year round. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Requires acid, well drained, humus-rich soilPosition: Full sun to part shade, best in semi shadeSeason of Interest: Double red flowers in SpringHa...

Camellia japonica Adolphe Audusson
Camellia Adolphe Audusson A large, vigorous evergreen shrub, freely producing large semi-double, blood red flowers with conspicuous stamens, in early and mid spring. Camellia japonica Adolphe Audusson requires acid, well drained, humus-rich soil and a sheltered, shady position. Will tolerate full sun if conditions are not too dry. Strong growing...
Camellia japonica Alba Plena

Camellia japonica Alba Plena
Camellia japonica Alba Plena An evergreen shrub with formal double, pure white flowers. Good glossy dark green foliage. Requires acidic, well drained, humus-rich soil and a sheltered, shady position. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Requires acid, well drained, humus-rich soilPosition: Full sun to part shade, best in semi shadeSeason of Interest: Dou...
Camellia japonica Bonomiana

Camellia japonica Bonomiana
Camellia japonica Bonomiana An upright evergreen shrub with deep green leathery leaves and showy double flowers, light pink spotted with white and pink stripes, that appear from early spring. Camellia japonica Bonomiana is large growing but responds well to pruning to keep it at a smaller size. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Requires acid, well dr...

Camellia japonica Brushfield Yellow
Camellia Brushfield Yellow A large evergreen shrub with medium sized anemone-form flowers, creamy white with primrose yellow petaloids at the centers. Unusual colouring. Camellia japonica Brushfield Yellow has medium upright habbit and compact growth. Glossy green foliage year round. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Requires acid, well drained, humus...
Camellia japonica Dr King

Camellia japonica Dr King
Camellia japonica Dr King An evergreen shrub with large, semi-double, rose-red flowers with a gold centre in Spring. Glossy green foliage year round. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Requires acid, well drained, humus-rich soilPosition: Full sun to part shade, best in semi shadeSeason of Interest: Double rose-red flowers in SpringHardiness: Fully har...

Camellia japonica Lady Campbell
Camellia japonica Lady Campbell A compact, upright evergreen shrub with very dark green leaves. Medium sized double rose-red flowers, sometimes with fine white edges. Strong grower. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Requires acid, well drained, humus-rich soilPosition: Full sun to part shade, best in semi shadeSeason of Interest: Double rose-red flowe...
Camellia japonica Midnight

Camellia japonica Midnight
Camellia Midnight A beautiful camellia with deep red flowers for the larger garden, Camellia japonica Midnight is a large, evergreen shrub with an upright, bushy habit. The ovate leaves are glossy, deep green, with finely toothed edges. Large, deep red, semi-double to anemone-form flowers, with golden stamens, to 12cm across are borne in early s...
Camellia Mathotiana Alba

Camellia Mathotiana Alba
Camellia Mathotiana Alba A vigorous, spreading and bushy, evergreen shrub with rich green foliage and large, double, white flowers tinged pink that appear in Spring. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Requires acid, well drained, humus-rich soilPosition: Full sun to part shade, best in semi shadeSeason of Interest: Double white flowers in SpringHardine...

Camellia reticulata Mary Williams
Camellia Mary Williams A smaller camellia for shade, with rose-pink flowers, Camellia reticulata Mary Williams is a small to medium-sized, vigorous, evergreen shrub with a narrow, upright, bushy habit. The ovate leaves are glossy and deep green. Large, single, rose-pink flowers with golden stamens are borne in early spring. This plant must have ...
Camellia rosthorniana

Camellia rosthorniana
Camellia rosthorniana A highly attractive evergreen shrub with pink buds along slender upright stems that open in spring to small white flowers. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Requires acid, well drained, humus-rich soilPosition: Full sun to part shade, best in semi shadeSeason of Interest: Double rose-red flowers in SpringHardiness: Fully hardyHei...

Camellia Spring Festival (cuspidata hybrid)
Camellia Spring Festival A deservedly popular hybrid camellia bred in America, Camellia Spring Festival (cuspidata hybrid) is one of the first camellias to flower in spring. It’s a large, evergreen shrub with a dense, upright habit. The pointed, narrow, elliptical, leathery leaves emerge with a bronze tint, turning deep green and glossy. Small, ...
Camellia x williamsii Debbie

Camellia x williamsii Debbie
Camellia x williamsii Debbie Large, fully double peony-form, deep pink flowers, freely produced. Dense, bushy foliage of glossy dark green leaves. Very good cultivar.Requires moist, well drained, humus-rich, acid soil in a shaded position sheltered from cold, drying winds. Flower buds may be damaged by frost, especially if exposed to morning sun...