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Trees - for Damp Ground
In our climate, nearly all of us have an area of the garden that is always squidgy! The trees listed below can cope—or even thrive—on damp ground and some will even tolerate waterlogged soil.
Learn more about how to plant a tree in our advice section and find even more information in our resources.
Bareroot trees for damp | mid-November to March
Bareroot trees are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.
Potted trees for damp | all year round
Potted trees are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).

Betula pubescens - Downy Birch
Downy Birch - (Beith chlúmhach) The native species Betula pubescens is a tall, deciduous tree rather similar to the silver birch but with creamy-brown bark rather than white, more upright branches, and fine down on the young twigs. It also prefers damper environments, being found on bogs, and tolerates shadier conditions. Narrowly conical habit....
Liquidambar styraciflua

Liquidambar styraciflua
Liquidambar styraciflua - Sweet Gum One of the best trees for autumn colour, Liquidambar styraciflua is a large, slow-growing deciduous tree with a pyramidal crown and attractive grey, fissured bark. Twigs and branches sometimes have corky ‘wings’. The leaves are mid-green and glossy with 5-7 lobes, like a maple’s; in autumn they turn brilliant...

Liquidambar styraciflua Lane Roberts
Sweet Gum Lane Roberts A very fine cultivar of sweet gum, ideal for a woodland planting or as a specimen, Liquidambar styraciflua Lane Roberts is a very tall, deciduous tree with an upright, spreading habit. The maple-like leaves emerge glossy mid-green, and turn wonderful shades of rich blackish-crimson in autumn. The clusters of inconspicuous ...
Liquidambar styraciflua Worplesdon

Liquidambar styraciflua Worplesdon
Sweet Gum Worplesdon The excellent cultivar Liquidambar styraciflua Worplesdon differs from the species in having a more uniform crown and greater frost tolerance. The leaves are mid-green and glossy with 5-7 lobes, like a maple; in autumn they turn brilliant shades of purple, crimson and orange; They are more deeply lobed than the species and t...

Pterocarya fraxinifolia - Caucasian Wingnut
Caucasian Wingnut Eventually growing to a beautiful large, broad-spreading tree, usually with a short thick trunk with deeply furrowed bark. Ash-like pinnate leaves, that tend to stay on the tree long beyond the new year, and long drooping tassels of green flowers followed by winged seeds. There are some stunning examples in NUI Galway, and UCC....

RHS Empathy Afterplant - Tree & Shrub
RHS Empathy After Plant Evergreen Empathy AFTER PLANT EVERGREEN is ideal for Buxus (box), Bay trees, Camelias, Yew, Conifers and all types of evergreen hedging or garden plants. Plants in the Ground: Apply 1-2 handfuls (25 – 50g) around the base of the plant, lightly worked into the soil and water well. for larger established plants apply 2 hand...
Rootgrow - Mycorrhizal Fungi

Rootgrow - Mycorrhizal Fungi
Rootgrow - Mycorrhizal Fungi RHS Empathy rootgrow™ contains mycorrhizal fungi which naturally increase nutrient and water uptake by forming a highly efficient secondary root system. It is completely natural and plant-friendly fungi suitable for use on flowering plants, trees, shrubs and edibles. One application will support a plant for its entir...
Salix fargesii

Salix fargesii
Farges willow A small, shrubby willow with large attractive leaves and stunning, glossy, bloodred winter buds and stems. A great choice for smaller gardens that can grow in any soil, it goes best near a pathway where it can be truly appreciated right throughout the year. Site: Tolerates some coastal exposureSoil: AnyPosition: Full sun, some shad...
Salix purpurea Nana

Salix purpurea Nana
Dwarf Arctic Willow A very attractive dwarf willow, Salix purpurea Nana is a compact, deciduous shrub with slender reddish-purple stems which give winter interest, and a low, rounded habit. The narrow, matte-textured leaves are bluish grey-green, turning yellow in autumn. In spring, silvery catkins appear on the bare branches. Particularly good...
Tree Stake
Tree Stake
Tree Stake Round or square stakes, 5ft (1.5m) tall. Round stakes are for collection from the nursery only.

Tree Tie - Rubber Self Tie 60cm
Tree Tie Rubber self-tie tree tie - 60cm (23.6in)

Acer saccharinum - Silver Maple
Silver Maple Also known as the water or swamp maple, Acer saccharinum is a large, deciduous tree, with an upright, almost columnar habit, very vigorous and fast-growing. The smooth, silvery-grey bark becomes shaggy on the trunk in older specimens. Small pinkish-yellow flowers appear densely on the bare branches in spring, followed by paired win...

Alnus glutinosa - Common Alder
Common Alder (Fearnóg) One of Ireland's most widely distributed trees, often found in damp boggy areas and along river banks. Like most broad-leaved trees, Alnus glutinosa flowers before the leaves are out with attractive long reddish catkins appearing as early as January. The female flowers produce small cones, and these can stay on the tree al...
Alnus glutinosa Imperialis

Alnus glutinosa Imperialis
Cut-leaved Alder Imperialis A pretty tree for gardens with poor, wet soil, Alnus glutinosa Imperialis is a small to medium-sized, very slow-growing, deciduous tree with an elegant, slender, conical habit. The green leaves are particularly beautiful, deeply cut, giving a delicate, feathery effect, turning yellow in autumn. In early spring, purpli...

Betula nigra - River Birch
River Birch A fast growing large tree with beautiful creamy, peeling bark that darkens with age. Betula nigra is the perfect tree for wet ground. Native to the Southeastern U.S. where it mainly grows along riverbanks in which it is a valuable tree in preventing erosion and it has in fact been a popular tree in Europe for many years because of t...

Frangula alnus Asplenifolia
Fern leaved buckthorn An interesting bushy, deciduous, slow-growing shrub with delicate finely textured leaves that turn golden yellow in Autumn. Also known as Rhamnus frangula Asplenifolia, this plant bears clusters of green flowers followed in Autumn by small red fruit that ripens to black. Grow in a shrub border or as hedging. It provides b...

Nyssa aquatica - Water Tupelo
Nyssa aquatica - Water Tupelo

Pterocarya rhoifolia - Japanese Wingnut
Japanese Wingnut Akin to the Causasian wingnut, this Japanese native was brought into cultivation in Europe in the late 1800s, though it is still relatively rare in cultivation. Boasts gorgeous yellow Autumn colour, and fantastic long racemes of winged seed in Autumn into winter. Growing into a large broad tree, it makes a beautiful specimen for...

Salix aurita - Eared Willow
Eared Willow A small shrubby willow that is native to Ireland and also grows across most of Europe. Interesting looking crinkled leaves are very characteristic of this species and at the base of each leaf there are a pair of 'stipules', which are said to resemble mouse ears. Thanks to its shrubby habit, birds are always building their nests wi...

Salix caprea - Pussy Willow
Pussy or Goat Willow - (Saileach Dubh) One of the most widely distributed willows in the world, Salix caprea is native to Ireland and known to grow as far east as China and Mongolia, and as far north as Scandinavia. It is one of the common willows of Ireland. For centuries it has been referred to as 'pussy willow' because of its furry catkins ...