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Cornus alba Kesselringii

Cornus alba Kesselringii
Dark Barked Dogwood Kesselringii A vigorous growing, large shrub with very distinctive, blackish-purple shiny stems. The dark purplish colouring also extends through to the otherwise green leaves, especially in Spring. Good Autumn colour. Very hardy and robust, adaptable to many soils even poorly drained clay. Prune in late winter, either removi...
Cornus alba Siberica

Cornus alba Siberica
Siberian Dogwood Another great variety of the red-barked Dogwoods. Cornus alba Siberica produces small flowers in early Summer followed by clusters of white berries and is less vigorous than other red Dogwoods. Good autumn colour. When planted near evergreens in the open, the Winter sun can show off the red stems beautifully. Flowers are good ...
Cornus canadensis

Cornus canadensis
Creeping Dogwood A low, creeping North American woodland, shrubby perennial that makes excellent groundcover in light shade and woodland areas, does best on moist acid soil. Attractive white flowers in June, followed by scarlet red, edible fruits in August.Site: ShelteredSoil: Moist, acidic soilPosition: Partial shade, shadeSeason of Interest: F...
Cornus sericea Flaviramea

Cornus sericea Flaviramea
Yellow Stemmed Dogwood A beautiful dogwood, Cornus sericea Flaviramea forms a thicket of yellow-green barked stems. Vigorous erect branches, dark green foliage and small, creamy-white flowers followed by clusters of white berries in the Winter. Excellent red-orange, Autumn foliage colour is a special feature of this dogwood. Hard pruning results...
Cornus alba

Cornus alba
Red-barked Dogwood A tough, hardy stalwart of the winter garden, Cornus alba is a vigorous, suckering deciduous shrub, useful for difficult places in large gardens. It is primarily grown for its rich red winter stems, but it has more to offer. Dark green, ovoid summer foliage takes on red and orange tints in autumn. In late spring rather inconsp...
Cornus alba Aurea

Cornus alba Aurea
Golden Dogwood A medium-sized deciduous shrub that produces a thicket of red coloured stems. Cornus alba ‘Aurea’ has soft golden-yellow foliage with small creamy-white flowers in the early Summer followed by clusters of small white Winter berries. The red-barked dogwoods are primarily grown for the stunning coloured Winter stems. ‘Aurea’ has the...

Cornus alba Elegantissima
Red Barked Dogwood Elegantissima A medium sized, deciduous shrub or thicket, Cornus alba Elegantissima has rich, red coloured stems and pale-green foliage with striking, silver-white variegation. Small white flowers in early Summer develop into clusters of small white berries in the Winter. Flowers are good for bees and other insects. The red-ba...
Cornus alba Miracle PBR

Cornus alba Miracle PBR
Dogwood Miracle A tough, deciduous shrub offering all year interest, Cornus alba Miracle PBR is a medium-sized, vigorous, deciduous shrub with an upright habit. The leaves emerge with a bright pink flush, which fades to a variegated cream and green; in autumn the leaves develop red tints that intensify as the season progresses, often becoming a ...

Cornus alba Siberian Pearls
Red Barked Dogwood Siberian Pearls A medium to large growing deciduous shrub, Cornus alba Siberian Pearls forms a thicket of red-barked stems. The early Summer flowers develop into clusters of white berries with a blue tinge. Provides striking, crimson Autumn foliage and the red stems will brighten up the winter garden. Ideal when planted wher...

Cornus alba Sibirica Variegata
Variegated Siberian Dogwood A variegated form of SIberian dogwood, Cornus alba Sibirica Variegata shares the stunning winter stems of the species, but is more attractive in summer. A medium-sized, suckering, deciduous shrub, it forms a clump of slender stems which show vivid red in winter. The leaves are attractively variegated, and turn crimso...
Cornus alternifolia Argentea

Cornus alternifolia Argentea
Silver Pagoda Dogwood From the eastern United States, the Silver Pagoda Dogwood, Cornus alternifolia Argentea, is a small, deciduous tree with beautiful tiered branches, perfect for the smaller garden. The leaves are oval, and green with white margins, giving a light, silvery appearance; reddish purple tints develop before leaf-fall. In spring, ...

Cornus alternifolia Golden Shadows
Variegated Pagoda Dogwood A great choice for the smaller garden, the Gold-variegated Pagoda Dogwood, Cornus alternifolia Golden Shadows, is a small, slow-growing deciduous tree with an elegant, narrow habit and beautiful, tiered branches. The leaves are oval, emerging scarlet in spring, soon turning green and gold-variegated, and gaining copper ...
Cornus amomum Blue Cloud

Cornus amomum Blue Cloud
Dogwood Blue Cloud Grown for its coloured winter stems and lovely autumn colour, Cornus amomum Blue Cloud is a large, vigorous, deciduous shrub with an upright but spreading, habit, particularly good in wilder parts of the larger garden. The stems are reddish-purple, and the ovate, deep green leaves turn orange, red and purple in autumn. In spri...
Cornus capitata

Cornus capitata
Bentham's Cornel A very popular and sought-after flowering tree with a spreading, bushy, semi-evergreen habit. Cornus capitata is also known as Bentham's Cornel and the Himalayan Strawberry Tree and is native to the lowland forests in the Himalayas. In Summer it has beautiful showy, creamy white bracts followed by quirky strawberry-like fruit in...

Cornus capitata Kilmacuragh Rose
Cornus capitata Kilmacuragh Rose The species comes from the Himalayan foothills, but Cornus capitata Kilmacurragh Rose was bred in Wicklow. It forms a spreading, bushy, evergreen shrub or small tree. Long, oval grey-green leaves 12cm/7” long turn purplish-red in autumn. The true flowers are small and green, appearing in clusters, but each is sur...

Cornus controversa - Wedding Cake Tree (Green Foliage)
Cornus controversa - Wedding Cake Tree (Green Foliage) A medium-sized, deciduous tree from China, Cornus controversa gets its name of wedding cake tree from its unusual tiered branches, which make it a stunning specimen in a lawn in the larger garden. Elliptical, glossy, green leaves turn red and purple in autumn. In early summer, flat corymbs...

Cornus controversa Variegata - Wedding Cake Tree
Cornus controversa Variegata - Wedding Cake Tree A beautiful addition to any garden, this slow growing deciduous tree boasts beautiful, elegantly layered horizontal branches, which will bear clusters of small white flowers in summer. Creamy-white variegated leaves turning yellow in autumn. Perfect specimen tree to show off in any garden.Site: Re...
Cornus Eddie's White Wonder

Cornus Eddie's White Wonder
Cornus Eddie's White Wonder Large deciduous shrub or compact small tree. In spring, small purplish green flowers are surrounded by large creamy white bracts, making an excellent show. Sometimes followed by strawberry-like red fruits. Brilliant autumn foliage colour of orange, reds and purple. Hybrid of Cornus florida x Cornus nuttallii. Holds th...
Cornus florida

Cornus florida
Flowering Dogwood Sometimes referred to as the most spectacular small flowering tree. Noted for its white-pink flowers in late Spring, scarlet-red fruits, amazing autumn color, brown bark, and layered branches. Great tree for a smaller garden, though equally apt for larger gardens. Site: Requires shelter from windSoil: Prefers well-drained, neu...

Cornus florida Cherokee Chief
Flowering Dogwood Cherokee Chief Grown for its lovely spring flowers and brilliant autumn colour, Cornus florida Cherokee Chief is a large, deciduous shrub or small tree with a bushy, spreading, branching habit. The ovate leaves emerge bronze, turning bright green over summer and rich shades of burgundy red and purple in autumn. In April, masses...