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Roses - David Austin® Shrub
These shrub roses combine the beauty and fragrance of old fashioned roses with the repeat flowering and disease resistance of modern cultivars. They come in a very wide variety of colors and flower types, at least one of which is bound to make you have to have it.
Learn more about choosing and planting bareroot roses in our advice section and find even more information in our resources section.
Bareroot roses | mid-November to March
Bareroot roses are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.
Potted roses | all year round
Potted roses are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).
Ocean Leaves Liquid Seaweed Extract

Ocean Leaves Liquid Seaweed Extract
Ocean Leaves Liquid Seaweed Extract Ocean Leaves® Liquid Seaweed Extract is made using cold-processed, hand-harvested Irish seaweed. It can be used on fruit, vegetables, flowers, shrubs, trees and lawns. Induces yield increases, enhances plant health & plant quality Increases plant tolerance to, and recovery from abiotic stresses Enhances...

RHS Empathy Afterplant - Rose
RHS Empathy After Plant - Rose AFTER PLANT ROSE FOOD is specifically formulated for roses, containing essential nutrients, biologically active mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria that help to build soil fertility to support healthy growth and improve flowering The nutrients in Empathy AFTER PLANT ROSE FOOD have been scientifically selecte...
Neudorff Organic Rose Food

Neudorff Organic Rose Food
Neudorff Organic Rose Food This organic liquid compound fertiliser is made from organic products and the natural fermentation by-product of processing sugar beet with outstanding fertiliser properties. Liquid concentrate For bigger, brighter blooms Organic Made from natural plant materials Child and pet safe Size: 1L Makes up to 200 litres In...

Rosa Auscat (Winchester Cathedral)- David Austin Shrub Rose
Rose Winchester Cathedral A repeat-flowering and very free-flowering David Austin English rose, Rosa Winchester Cathedral is a small, deciduous shrub rose with a compact, neatly shaped, twiggy habit and good, mid-green foliage. From midsummer to autumn, masses of cream buds tinged with red open to cupped, loosely but fully double, pure white fl...

Rosa Auscot (Abraham Darby) - David Austin Rose
Rose Auscot (Abraham Darby) - David Austin Shrub Rose A repeat-flowering David Austin English rose, Rosa Abraham Darby is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub rose with an upright, bushy habit and arching, almost thornless stems. The foliage is mid-green. From midsummer to autumn, the shrub bears small clusters of large, fully double, quartered flow...

Rosa Auscrim (L.D. Braithwaite) - David Austin Shrub Rose
Rose Auscrim (L.D. Braithwaite) - David Austin Shrub Rose The brightest, light crimson blooms of all the English Roses. Rosa L.D. Braithwaite is seldom out of flower. Bushy, rather spreading growth. Healthy and reliable. Slightly fragrant. Height & Spread: 4ft x 3.5ft

Rosa Ausmas (Graham Thomas) - David Austin Shrub Rose
Rose Ausmas (Graham Thomas) - David Austin Shrub Rose An award-winning rose with cupped blooms in an unusually rich shade of yellow. Rosa Graham Thomas has a lovely fresh tea fragrance with hints of violets. Upright, bushy and vigorous growth. Repeat Flowering. Highly Fragrant. Height & Spread: 4ft x 4ft

Rosa Benjamin Britten - David Austin Shrub Rose
Rose Benjamin Britten - David Austin Shrub Rose A repeat-flowering David Austin English rose, Rosa Benjamin Britten is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub rose with a dense, upright, bushy habit and glossy, deep green foliage. From midsummer to autumn, the shrub bears deeply cup-shaped, fully double flowers crammed with petals in orange-red, fading ...

Rosa Claire Austin - David Austin Climbing Rose
Rosa Claire Austin - David Austin Climbing Rose One of the David Austin English roses, Rosa Claire Austin is a reliable, repeat-flowering, deciduous, climbing musk-rose hybrid with an upright habit and gently arching stems, perfect for training up a pillar or pergola, or on a wall between windows. The large, divided leaves are exceptionally he...

Rosa Gentle Hermione - David Austin
Rose Gentle Hermione A very pretty, repeat-flowering David Austin English rose, Rosa Gentle Hermione is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub rose with an upright, bushy habit and slightly arching, rather thorny stems. The divided foliage emerges tinged red, soon turning deep green. From midsummer to autumn, the shrub bears beautifully formed, shall...
Rosa Gertrude Jekyll

Rosa Gertrude Jekyll
English Shrub Rose Gertrude Jekyll An excellent, repeating, English rose, bred by David Austin, Rosa Gertrude Jekyll is a medium-sized, vigorous, deciduous, shrub rose with a very upright, bushy habit. The divided foliage is mid-green. It’s one of the earliest English roses to flower, and does so almost continuously from June to September; sc...

Rosa Golden Celebration - David Austin
Rosa Golden Celebration The perfect gift for gardeners celebrating a Golden Wedding, Rosa Golden Celebration is a repeat-flowering David Austin English shrub rose. It’s a medium-sized, deciduous shrub rose with a compact, rounded, bushy habit and long, arching stems. The profuse, divided foliage is a glossy, deep green. Almost continuously fro...

Rosa Teasing Georgia - David Austin Shrub Rose
Rose Teasing Georgia A rose of great beauty with rich yellow, rosette-shaped blooms. Lovely, strong tea fragrance. Rosa Teasing Georgia is reliable, extremely healthy and easy to grow. Repeat flowers well. 5ft x 4ft AGM