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Waterplants - Marginal Grasses and Reeds
These marginal grasses and reeds are varieties that will grow particularly well in shallow water or boggy ground. There are a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors to suit any size and style of pond.
Learn more about choosing and growing water plants in a wildlife pond in our advice section and find even more information in our resources.
Availability and planting | April to August
The best time of year for planting water lilies and other water plants is April to August, while they are in full growth. If you would like to learn more about choosing and growing water plants, have a look at our advice page.

Acorus calamus Variegatus
Silver-striped Sweet Flag This perennial is ideal for planting in wet ground round, or in an inch or two of water in, ponds. Acorus calamus Variegatus is a rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial, with an upright habit. The spear-shaped leaves are mid-green, striped along their length with creamy-white. Rather insignificant brown flower-spikes are b...
Aquatic Pot

Aquatic Pot
Aquatic Pot Mesh pot for aquatic plants.

Phalaris arundinacea var picta
Gardener’s Garters A grassy perennial with narrow variegated foliage that is boldly striped with white, pale and dark green and pinkish-white flower heads throughout summer. Commonly known as Gardener's Garters, Phalaris arundinacea var. picta has a vigorous habit and benefits a from plenty of space to spread. Spectacular in large drifts at the ...
Acorus gramineus Ogon

Acorus gramineus Ogon
Golden variegated slender sweet flag This variegated semi evergreen, grass-like perennial has aromatic, showy bright yellow & green striped foliage that grows in attractive wide fans forming large low growing clumps. Foliage is scented when crushed. Will grow on margins above as well as below the water line. Will also do well in containers a...

Butomus umbellatus - Flowering Rush
Flowering Rush A pretty aquatic plant for shallow water or wet pond margins, Butomus umbellatus is a herbaceous, rhizomatous perennial, possibly native to Co Clare, otherwise introduced. The upright, twisted leaves emerge red, turning green, and provide a grassy accent round a pond. From July to August, pretty umbels, ¾”/2cm wide, of pink flower...

Butomus Umbellatus Schneeweisschen - Flowering Rush
Flowering Rush Schneeweisschen A very attractive cultivar of the possibly native flowering rush, Butomus umbellatus Schneeweisschen (Snow-White) is a fast-growing, herbaceous, marginal plant of still water with a creeping, rhizomatous habit. The green leaves are narrow and grass-like. In June and July, tall stems carry open umbels of pure white ...

Carex elata Aurea - Golden Sedge
Bowles’ Golden Sedge Named after the botanist E A Bowles, who discovered the species growing wild in Norfolk, Carex elata Aurea is a dwarf, clump-forming, deciduous sedge with narrow, arching leaves of rich Chartreuse-yellow, finely edged in green. In June and July, chocolate-brown, feathery flowers appear on long stems above the leaves. Bowles’...

Cyperus longus - Sweet galingale
Sweet galingale Cyperus longus has dark green grass-like pendulous foliage with reddish-bronze spikelets during the height of summer. Commonly known as Sweet galingale, this evergreen plant makes good cover for wildlife in large ponds or lakes. Position: Full sun to part shadePlanting depth: Grows in water to 20cm (8’’) below water level.Growt...

Eleocharis acicularis - Dwarf Hair Grass (Oxygenator)
Dwarf hair grass or Needle spikerush Ideal for planting in ponds, Eleocharis acicularis is a useful oxygenating aquatic that will happily spread to form a tufted carpet of evergreen grassy foliage. Needle-like stems topped with spiky brown blooms are sent up from August to September, giving rise to its common name of Needle Spike Rush. This hard...

Eleocharis palustris - Common spikerush
Common spikerush Eleocharis Palustris is a native Irish plant with attractive, densely tufted stems and masses of attractive seed-heads. This plant is suitable for growing at the edge of ponds, lakes and streams and grow to a height of around 30 to 70 cm and requires a water depth of 0 to 6 cm over the crown. Position: Full sun to part shadePlan...

Eriophorum angustifolium - Common Cotton Grass
Common Cotton Grass Familiarly known as bog cotton, Eriophorum angustifolium is a native plant of raised and blanket bogs. It is a small, rhizomatous, herbaceous sedge with a creeping habit, ideal for open gardens with wet, peaty soils. The leaves are stiff, deep green, long, narrow and grass-like. Rather inconspicuous flowers are borne in April...

Glyceria maxima var. variegata
Variegated Reed Sweet-grass A vigorous grass for boggy soil or shallow water. Attractive creamy yellow striped variegation with pink tinges in spring. Open panicles of creamy-white flowers in mid and late summer. Glyceria maxima var. variegata can be invasive and is best grown in an aquatic basket to restrict its spread Position: Full sun to par...

Juncus effusus var. spiralis - Corkscrew Rush
Corkscrew rush It is easy to see how this plant got its common name, Corkscrew Rush. This evergreen is a must have for any small pond. It has an unusual cork screw twist to the cylindrical foliage. Although evergreen, cutting it back in early spring encourages fresh new growth. Position: Full sun to part shadePlanting depth: Damp soil to 10cm (4...

Phalaris arundinacea Pure Gold - Ribbon Grass
Ribbon Grass Pure Gold A beautiful golden grass, Phalaris arundinacea Pure Gold is a small, vigorous, cool season, perennial grass, with a tufted, bushy habit. It starts into growth early, spreading by means of stolons, and making good ground-cover where its slightly invasive tendencies don’t matter. The leaves are narrow and a lovely, luminous,...

Typha angustifolia - Reedmace
Lesser Bulrush, Reedmace or Narrowleaf Cattail Typha angustifolia is also known as Reed Mace or Narrowleaf Cattail, this tall, upright reed-like plant is commonly seen in rivers, canals, ditches and marshes throughout the countryside. Typha angustifolia is easily recognised by the chocolate brown, cylindrical flower heads. An ideal marginal aqua...

Typha latifolia - Bullrush
Great Reedmace A native rush, also known, strangely, as asparagus of the Cossacks, Typha latifolia is a tall, robust, rhizomatous, deciduous perennial, which can spread a lot; it has an upright habit. It has long, strap-shaped, green leaves. In summer, great reedmace bears tall, cylindrical, brown bulrush-type flower-spike – it is often called b...

Typha minima - Dwarf Reed
Miniature bulrush or Miniature reedmace A miniature version of the bulrush, Typha minima has delicate round milk chocolate coloured brown seed heads and is ideal for small ponds. Position: Full SunPlanting depth: In water to 12cm (5’’) below water level.Growth rate: SlowFlowering Period: July to SeptemberHardiness: HardySize: Height and spread: ...