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Syringa meyeri Josee

Syringa meyeri Josee
Dwarf Korean Lilac Josée A dwarf lilac which often reblooms, Syringa Josée is a small to medium-sized, slow-growing, deciduous shrub with a rounded, upright, bushy habit, ideal for lilac-lovers with small gardens where every plant counts. The leaves are oval to heart-shaped and a matte mid-green. In May and June, the shrub is covered with dense ...
Syringa meyeri Palibin

Syringa meyeri Palibin
Szechuan Lilac A hybrid lilac with a lovely scent, originally from the Chinese province of Szechuan, Syringa x diversifolia is a medium-sized deciduous shrub with a broad and rather open habit. The slightly downy, rather long leaves are ovoid, supple and a bright green. This shrub blooms rather earlier than the common lilac, with so many spires ...
Syringa vulgaris

Syringa vulgaris
Common Lilac Tall suckering shrub or small tree. Glossy green heart-shaped leaves are adorned by sweetly fragrant flowers in late spring. The species itself is now rarely seen due to the large number of cultivars and hybrids. All lilacs are hungry and thirsty plants and should therefore be positioned with due consideration. Can be pruned hard to...

Syringa vulgaris Amethyst
Lilac Amethyst An excellent, recently introduced cultivar, Syringa vulgaris Amethyst is a large, vigorous, deciduous shrub or small tree with an upright, spreading, suckering habit. The glossy, mid-green leaves are heart-shaped. Rounded, conical clusters of richly scented, single flowers, deep lilac with reddish edges, appear in late spring and ...

Syringa vulgaris Andenken and Ludwig Späth
Lilac Andenken and Ludwig Spaeth A stunning lilac from the famous Späth nursery in Germany, Syringa vulgaris Andenken and Ludwig Späth is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a spreading habit. The heart-shaped leaves are deep green, setting off the flowers wonderfully. Slender spires of deep carmine-purple, fragrant flowers appear in May. This ...

Syringa vulgaris Beauty of Moscow
Lilac Beauty of Moscow Syn. ''Moskovy Krasavitsa'' Tall shrub or small tree. Glossy green heart-shaped leaves are adorned by large panicles of pink buds which open to pale pink double flowers, ageing to near white in May or June. All Syringas are hungry and thirsty plants and should therefore be positioned with due consideration. Can be pruned h...
Syringa vulgaris Carpe Diem

Syringa vulgaris Carpe Diem
Lilac Carpe diem Tall shrub or small tree. Glossy green heart-shaped leves ,The flower buds are lilac coloured, and burst open to double flower panicles that are white with a light blue pattern. The flowers are one of the most fragrant of the lilac species June. All Syringa are hungry and thirsty plants and should therefore be positioned with du...

Syringa vulgaris Charles Joly
Lilac Charles Joly Tall shrub or small tree. Glossy green heart-shaped leaves are adorned by sweetly fragrant dense clusters of double deep reddish purple flowers in late May or Early June. All lilacs are hungry and thirsty plants and should therefore be positioned with due consideration. Can be pruned hard to rejuvenate in mid-winter Some flowe...

Syringa vulgaris Katherine Havemeyer
Lilac Katherine Havemeyer A glorious lilac for the larger garden, Syringa vulgaris Katherine Havemeyer is a large, deciduous shrub with an upright, bushy, rather spreading habit. The heart-shaped leaves are mid-green, a pretty foil for the flowers. In May and June, purple buds open to dense spires of strongly, deliciously fragrant, four-petalled...

Syringa vulgaris Michel Buchner
Lilac Michel Buchner A late-flowering, double-flowered lilac for the larger garden, Syringa vulgaris Michel Buchner is a large, vigorous, deciduous shrub, sometimes a small tree, with an upright, bushy, rather spreading habit. The ovate leaves are mid-green, a pretty foil for the flowers. In May and June, purple buds open to large spires of frag...
Syringa vulgaris Mme Lemoine

Syringa vulgaris Mme Lemoine
Lilac Madame Lemoine A beautiful, French-bred lilac with double white flowers, Syringa vulgaris Mme Lemoine is a large, deciduous shrub with an upright but spreading, bushy habit. The heart-shaped leaves are light green, a very refreshing sight in spring. In May and June, creamy-yellow flower-buds open to large trusses of small, fully double, wh...
Syringa vulgaris Primrose

Syringa vulgaris Primrose
Lilac Primrose A lovely lilac with unusual, pale yellow flowers, Syringa vulgaris Primrose is a large, vigorous, deciduous shrub or small tree with an upright, spreading, suckering habit. The mid-green leaves are heart-shaped, a lovely foil for the flowers, which last from 3-4 weeks. In late spring and early summer, masses of rounded, conical cl...

Syringa vulgaris Prince Wolkonsky
Lilac Prince Wolkonsky A richly fragrant lilac cultivar, Syringa vulgaris Prince Wolkonsky is a large, vigorous, deciduous shrub or small tree with an upright, spreading, suckering habit, more neatly compact than most lilacs. Heart-shaped, mid-green leaves are a good foil for the dense, conical clusters of heavily scented, deep reddish-pink, dou...
Syringa vulgaris Sensation

Syringa vulgaris Sensation
Lilac Sensation A much sought-after lilac with bi-coloured flowers, Syringa vulgaris Sensation is a tall, deciduous shrub with an upright, bushy, relatively loose habit and mid- to deep green heart-shaped leaves. In May and June, the shrub bears big trusses of reddish-purple flowers with white margins to the petals; they have a strong, delicious...

Syringa vulgaris Souvenir d'Alice Harding
Lilac Souvenir d’Alice Harding An old and beautiful lilac in the 1930s from the French breeder Lemoine, Syringa vulgaris Souvenir d'Alice Harding is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a rather narrow, upright habit. The heart-shaped leaves are lush and mid-green. Big, conical spires of very fragrant, double, white flowers are borne in late May...
Syringa x diversifolia

Syringa x diversifolia
Szechuan Lilac A hybrid lilac with a lovely scent, originally from the Chinese province of Szechuan, Syringa x diversifolia is a medium-sized deciduous shrub with a broad and rather open habit. The slightly downy, rather long leaves are ovoid, supple and a bright green. This shrub blooms rather earlier than the common lilac, with so many spires ...