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- Roses - Old Shrub Roses

Roses - Old Shrub Roses
Albas, Bourbons, Damasks, China Roses, and Gallicas from the 18th and 19th centuries, these roses will add an ancient charm to any garden. Noted for their superb fragrance and unique blooms, they truly are garden heirlooms that have stood the test of time.
Learn more about choosing and planting bareroot roses in our advice section and find even more information in our resources section.
Bareroot roses | mid-November to March
Bareroot roses are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.
Potted roses | all year round
Potted roses are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).
Ocean Leaves Liquid Seaweed Extract

Ocean Leaves Liquid Seaweed Extract
Ocean Leaves Liquid Seaweed Extract Ocean Leaves® Liquid Seaweed Extract is made using cold-processed, hand-harvested Irish seaweed. It can be used on fruit, vegetables, flowers, shrubs, trees and lawns. Induces yield increases, enhances plant health & plant quality Increases plant tolerance to, and recovery from abiotic stresses Enhances...

RHS Empathy Afterplant - Rose
RHS Empathy After Plant - Rose AFTER PLANT ROSE FOOD is specifically formulated for roses, containing essential nutrients, biologically active mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria that help to build soil fertility to support healthy growth and improve flowering The nutrients in Empathy AFTER PLANT ROSE FOOD have been scientifically selecte...
Neudorff Organic Rose Food

Neudorff Organic Rose Food
Neudorff Organic Rose Food This organic liquid compound fertiliser is made from organic products and the natural fermentation by-product of processing sugar beet with outstanding fertiliser properties. Liquid concentrate For bigger, brighter blooms Organic Made from natural plant materials Child and pet safe Size: 1L Makes up to 200 litres In...

Rosa Alba Maxima - Old Shrub Rose
Rosa Alba Maxima - Jacobite rose A midsummer-flowering alba rose, Rosa x alba Alba Maxima dates back to the 16th century, and is a double form of the White Rose of York, of Wars of the Roses fame; it became the symbol of the Scottish Jacobites. It’s a medium-sized, vigorous, deciduous, old shrub rose with an upright, bushy habit. The divided lea...

Rosa Belle de Crecy - Old Gallica Shrub Rose
Rose Belle de Crecy - Old Gallica Shrub Rose An old Gallica rose bred in 1850. Rosa Belle de Crecy has ruffled blooms that are cerise pink when they open and change to violet as they age with the outermost petals becoming almost lavender - grey. Nearly thornless. Rich Fragrance 4ft x 3ft AGM

Rosa Boule de Neige - Old Bourbon Shrub Rose
Rose Boule de Neige - Old Shrub Rose - Bourbon An old bourbon rose bred in 1867. Rosa Boule de Neige produces pink tinged buds that open to Camellia-like white flowers, the snowball like flowers are held in small clusters. Slender growth. Strongly scented. Repeats well. Height & Spread: 5ft x 3ft

Rosa Captaine John Ingram - Old Moss Shrub Rose
Rose Captaine John Ingram - Old Moss Shrub Rose Named for a Horse Guard in the service of Her Majesty, the Queen of England. Bred in 1856. Rosa 'Captaine John Ingram' has dark maroon purple double flowers with unusual red 'moss' on the stems. Highly scented. Summer flowering. Tolerant of poor soils. Height & Spread: 6ft x 4ft.

Rosa Cardinal de Richelieu - Gallica Shrub Rose
Shrub Rose Cardinal de Richelieu A beautiful, summer-flowering Gallica rose, Rosa Cardinal de Richelieu is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub rose with a compact, bushy habit and slender, almost thornless stems. The lush, divided leaves are mid-green. In midsummer, the shrub bears a profusion of gorgeous, almost globular, fully double, deep purple...

Rosa Centifolia - Old Shrub Rose
Rose Centifolia - Old Shrub Rose 'Cabbage Rose', Rosa Centifolia has glowing pink flat double flowers in early summer, very fragrant. Grey foliage. Cultivated in the middle ages. The flowers are commercially harvested for the production of rose oil. Height: 6ft x 5ft Bareroot plants can be ordered, when in stock, for delivery from November ...

Rosa Chapeau De Napoleon - Old Moss Shrub Rose
Rose Chapeau De Napoleon - Old Moss Shrub Rose A midsummer-flowering centifolia rose, Rosa Chapeau de Napoléon is a medium-sized, deciduous, old shrub rose with a rather lax, bushy habit. The divided leaves are matte deep green. Moss roses are so called because the buds are encased in bristly, moss-like sepals, and the extensive mossing of the...

Rosa Charles de Mills - Old Gallica Shrub Rose
Rose Charles de Mills - Old Gallica Shrub Rose Rich crimson double flowers with a hint of purple in midsummer. Strong fragrance. Attractive, arching growth. Rosa Charles de Mills is extremely healthy and very reliable. Height & Spread: 5ft x 4ft
Rosa Compte de Chambord - Old Portland Shrub Rose
Rose Compte de Chambord - Old Portland Shrub Rose Warm pinkish-lilac, full-petalled flowers, opening flat and quartered. Strong, delicious Damask fragrance. Rosa Compte de Chambord is very healthy, tough and reliable. Attractive foliage. Repeat Flowering Height & Spread: 3ft x 2ft

Rosa de Rescht - Old Shrub Rose
Shrub Rose de Rescht A beautiful, repeating Damask Portland rose, Rosa de Resht is a small, deciduous shrub rose with a neat, compact, upright, bushy habit, ideal for the smaller garden. The divided leaves are large, abundant and mid-green. In summer and autumn, the shrub bears deep purple-crimson, fully double flowers, simply packed with petals...

Rosa gallica officinalis - Old Shrub Rose
Rosa gallica officinalis - The Apothecary’s Rose A very ancient rose, once used by apothecaries for its gorgeous scented oil, Rosa gallica var. officinalis is the rose the Lancastrians chose as their emblem in the Wars of the Roses. It’s a small, deciduous shrub rose with an upright, bushy habit and matte, greyish-green, divided leaves. In mids...

Rosa Gruss an Achen - Old Shrub Rose
Rose Gruss an Achen - Old Shrub Rose A compact, repeat-flowering polyantha rose, Rosa Gruss an Aachen is a small, deciduous, shrub rose with a very neat, bushy habit. The divided leaves are a glossy mid- to deep green, and are very healthy. From midsummer almost continuously into autumn, rose-pink buds buds open into lightly scented, fully dou...

Rosa Hermosa - Old Shrub Rose
Rose Hermosa - Old Shrub Rose An old china rose bred in 1840. Rosa Hermosa produces continuous 'old-fashioned' blooms of lilac-pink on a small sturdy bush. Slightly fragrant. Repeat flowering. Height & Spread: 4ft x 3ft

Rosa Honorine de Brabant - Old Shrub Rose
Rose Honorine de Brabant - Old Shrub Rose A bourbon rose that was bred in 1899. Rosa Honorine de Barbant produces blooms that are shallowly cupped & quartered and coloured pink striped with lilac that darken with age. Robust, bushy growth. Good repeat flowering. Strongly fragrant. Height & Spread: 6ft x 4ft

Rosa Ispahan - Old Shrub Rose
Rose Ispahan - Old Shrub Rose A midsummer-flowering damask rose, named for the Iranian city, Rosa Ispahan is a medium-sized, vigorous, deciduous old shrub rose with an upright, quite loose, bushy habit and a longer flowering period than most old garden roses. The divided leaves are rather a light green. In early midsummer, beautifully scrolled b...

Rosa Louise Odier - Old Shrub Rose
Shrub Rose Louise Odier One of the best of the repeat-flowering Bourbon roses, Rosa Louise Odier is a deciduous, old shrub rose, of average vigour, with a strong, bushy habit. The mid-green foliage is divided into slightly serrated, ovate leaflets. From July to September, it bears masses of fully double, camellia-like, lilac-pink blooms, with a...

Rosa Madame Hardy - Old Shrub Rose
Rose Madame Hardy An elegant, midsummer-flowering damask rose, Rosa Madame Hardy is a medium-sized, vigorous, deciduous old shrub rose with an upright, open, bushy habit and rather lax stems. The divided, rather leathery leaves are matte mid-green. In midsummer, the shrub bears masses of very fragrant, white, ‘quartered’ double flowers crammed ...