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- Genus - Azalea (Deciduous)

RHS Empathy Afterplant - Ericaceous
RHS Empathy After Plant Ericacaeous AFTER PLANT ERICACEOUS Bio-active plant feed with rootgrow™ ericoid mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria is a tailored plant feed for the needs of all acid-loving/lime hating ericaceous plants. When planted directly into the ground ericaceous plants will benefit by being treated for the first 3 – 5 years ...
Azalea (Rhododendron) luteum

Azalea (Rhododendron) luteum
Azalea - (Rhododendron) luteum A beautiful azalea for the larger garden, Rhododendron luteum is a large, fast-growing, vigorous, deciduous shrub with an open, spreading habit and arching branches. The mid-green, rather oblong leaves turn rich shades of orange, red and purple in autumn. Sweetly scented, bright yellow, funnel-shaped flowers, 2”/5c...
Azalea mollis Anneke

Azalea mollis Anneke
Deciduous Azalea Anneke A medium sized deciduous shrub with large, fragrant, brilliant yellow flowers with vivid yellow spotting. Deciduous Azaleas flower before the leaves open in the Spring and add a riot of colour and fragrance to the garden, they light up again in the Autumn, when the foliage turns wonderful shades of coppers, reds and yello...
Azalea mollis Berry Rose

Azalea mollis Berry Rose
Azalea Berry Rose A Knap Hill azalea, Rhododendron Berryrose is a vigorous, medium-sized deciduous shrub, with an upright habit, lovely for a woodland planting in acid soil. The oblong leaves emerge bronze, later turning mid-green, and often colouring well before leaf-fall. In late spring, beautiful, fragrant, funnel-shaped flowers appear, deep ...
Azalea mollis Daviesii

Azalea mollis Daviesii
Deciduous Azalea Daviesii A medium sized deciduous shrub with large, fragrant, pink flowers that open to white with a yellow blotch. The beautifully scented flowers appear before the leaves in May to June. This variety is more compact than most and has excellent Autumn colour. Site: Requires some shelter from harsh windsSoil: Well drained acid s...
Azalea mollis Fireball

Azalea mollis Fireball
Azalea Fireball A very striking Knaphill azalea, Rhododendron Fireball is a small to medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a bushy habit. The leaves emerge copper, turning mid-green in summer. Trusses of funnel-shaped, flame-red flowers with a faint orange flare appear in May. This cultivar needs minimal pruning. Azalea Fireball holds the RHS Award...
Azalea mollis Gibraltar

Azalea mollis Gibraltar
Azalea mollis Gibraltar A medium sized deciduous shrub with large, fragrant, bright orange flowers. Deciduous Azaleas flower before the leaves open in the Spring and add a riot of colour and fragrance to the garden, they light up again in the Autumn, when the foliage turns wonderful shades of coppers, reds and yellows. Site: Requires some shelt...
Azalea mollis Glowing Embers

Azalea mollis Glowing Embers
Azalea Glowing Embers A stunning azalea, Rhododendron Glowing Embers is a deciduous shrub with a rounded habit. The leaves emerge with a reddish-bronze flush, setting off the flowers brilliantly. Orange-red buds open to golden-orange, scented, trumpet-shaped flowers from April to May, giving a fiery effect, which can be enhanced with orange, red...

Azalea mollis Golden Eagle
Azalea Golden Eagle A beautiful Knap Hill hybrid azalea, Rhododendron Golden Eagle is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a compact habit, lovely for a woodland planting or a shady courtyard garden with acid soil. The large, oblong leaves are bright, glossy green, turning shades of burgundy in autumn. In May and June, domed clusters of semi-do...
Azalea mollis Golden Sunset

Azalea mollis Golden Sunset
Azalea Golden Sunset A stunning azalea for the larger garden, Azalea mollis Golden Sunset is a medium-sized to large, deciduous shrub with an upright to spreading habit. The leaves emerge bronze, turning mid-green in summer, then yellow in autumn. Orange-red buds open to pale yellow flowers, tinged orange and with orange throats in May and June....
Azalea mollis Harvest Moon

Azalea mollis Harvest Moon
Azalea Harvest Moon One of the well-known Knaphill hybrid azaleas, Rhododendron Harvest Moon is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub of only moderate vigour with a shapely, upright, rounded habit. The leaves are grey-green, colouring well in autumn. In May, the shrub carries really beautiful, soft yellow flowers with a deeper chrome yellow to orange ...
Azalea mollis Homebush

Azalea mollis Homebush
Azalea Homebush Despite its rather domestic name, Rhododendron Homebush is a really stunning Exbury azalea with glorious deep pink flowers. It’s a compact, bushy, medium-sized deciduous shrub, lovely for a woodland planting or a small or courtyard garden with acid soil. The large, oblong leaves are deep green, turning reddish-purple in autumn. I...
Azalea mollis Jolie Madame

Azalea mollis Jolie Madame
Azalea Jolie Madame A beautiful azalea for the larger garden, Rhododendron Jolie Madame is a medium-sized, quite fast-growing, deciduous shrub with an upright, rather lax habit. The deep green leaves turn maroon-red in autumn. Trusses of scented, funnel-shaped, deep-pink flowers with orange blotches appear in May and June. This cultivar needs mi...
Azalea mollis Nabucco

Azalea mollis Nabucco
Azalea mollis Nabucco One of the famous Knaphill hybrid azaleas, Azalea mollis Nabucco is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a rounded habit. The leaves are deep green, colouring beautifully in autumn. In May and June, beautiful large, deep red, star-shaped flowers with golden anthers are borne on the shrub; the flowers are not scented. Azalea...
Azalea mollis Persil

Azalea mollis Persil
Azalea mollis Persil A medium sized deciduous shrub with stunning large, fragrant, pure white flowers with a deep yellow flare in the throat. The flowers on Azalea mollis Persil appear before the leaves open in mid May and will add colour and fragrance to the garden as well as excellent Autumn Colour. Site: Requires some shelter from harsh wind...
Azalea mollis Pink Delight

Azalea mollis Pink Delight
Azalea Pink Delight One of the famous Knap Hill azaleas, Rhododendron Pink Delight is a quite tall, deciduous shrub with a rounded habit. The leaves are mid-green. In May, unscented, trumpet-shaped, deep, clear pink flowers with a yellow-orange blotch appear. Don’t plant azaleas too deeply. Azaleas have shallow roots, so mulch thickly with leaf...
Azalea mollis Satan

Azalea mollis Satan
Azalea Satan A stunning Knap Hill hybrid azalea, Rhododendron Satan is named for its devilishly deep red buds and autumn colour. It’s a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with an upright, bushy habit, beautiful in a woodland planting in acid soil, massed, or as a specimen, or in a courtyard garden. The large, oblong leaves are grey-green, colouring r...
Azalea mollis Silver Slipper

Azalea mollis Silver Slipper
Azalea Silver Slipper A hardy deciduous azalea, Rhododendron Silver Slipper is a medium-sized shrub with a compact, vase-shaped habit. The leaves are green with bronze tints, colouring attractively in autumn. In May and June, and into July, domed trusses of creamy-white, pink flushed, funnel-shaped flowers with a yellow flash emerge from pink bu...
Azalea mollis Whitethroat

Azalea mollis Whitethroat
Azalea Whitethroat A compact hybrid azalea from the Knap Hill nursery, Rhododendron Whitethroat is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a neat, vase-shaped habit. The leaves are silvery light green, turning red and orange in autumn. In May and June, the shrub carries delightful, pure white, tubular, double flowers flaring out at their tips; the...

Rhododendron atlanticum Snowbird
Rhododendron atlanticum Snowbird A small, graceful, Exbury hybrid azalea, Rhododendron atlanticum Snowbird is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a compact, rounded, bushy habit. The oblong leaves are blue-green, a beautiful foil for the flowers, and turn shades of orange and red in autumn. From late April to early June, delicate white flowers,...