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We stock an eye-watering selection of trees ranging from our favorite natives to unusual (and rare) exotics. At Future Forests, you will always find a wide variety of trees to suit a small garden, woodland, or even an arboretum (if you're lucky enough to have one)!
Learn more about how to plant a tree in our advice section and find even more information in our resources.
Bareroot trees | mid-November to March
Bareroot trees are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.
Potted trees | all year round
Potted trees are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).
Acacia baileyana

Acacia baileyana
Golden Mimosa A large evergreen shrub or small tree, Acacia baileyana is native to Australia and also known as Cootamundra wattle. It produces beautiful clusters of small yellow fluffy looking flowers from late Winter into early Spring. Graceful, delicate, evergreen foliage emerges bluish-green in colour before turning a more silvery-green. Nice...

Acacia baileyana Purpurea
Purple Cootamundra Wattle A purple cultivar of the golden mimosa or Cootamundra wattle from New South Wales, Acacia baileyana Purpurea is a large, evergreen shrub or small tree with a rounded habit and dense, spreading branches. The rather fern-like leaves are deeply divided into tiny, narrow leaflets, and a gorgeous purplish-silver colour. In l...
Acacia longifolia

Acacia longifolia
Sydney Golden Wattle One of the hardiest Australian wattles, Acacia longifolia is a large, evergreen shrub or small tree of rounded, bushy habit, sometimes a small tree. The light-green, lance-shaped ‘leaves’ (actually flattened leaf-stems, or phyllodes) are 6”/15cm long and willow-like, giving this plant its other name of sallow wattle. Cylindr...
Acacia melanoxylon

Acacia melanoxylon
Acacia melanoxylon We had a 30ft Acacia melanoxylon here in the nursery but it was killed by the extreme cold of 2010/11, however the self sown seedlings survived and are now 20ft high! Acacia melanoxylon is a fast growing evergreen tree with broad, upright branches. The contrasting bark is reddish brown. Fluffy yellow, scented flowers appear in...
Acacia pravissima

Acacia pravissima
Ovens Wattle An unusual small evergreen tree with yellow, fluffy, fragrant flowers in late Winter and Spring. Acacia pravissima is also known as the Ovens Wattle, has unusually short toothed foliage, and can often grow in various different forms but is normally pendulous in habit. A good tree for small gardens that will tolerate some coastal ex...
Acacia retinoides

Acacia retinoides
Silver Wattle A small evergreen flowering tree that is native to Australia. Acacia retinoides has vivid yellow flowers that appear intermittently throughout the year, beginning in Spring. Acacia retinoides has attractive narrow lance-shaped leaves and a spreading habit. Unusually for Acacias, this variety will tolerate lime. Good for a small s...

Acer platanoides Crimson King
Norway Maple Crimson King An intensely coloured seedling variety of the Norway maple, Acer platanoides Crimson King is a medium-sized to tall deciduous tree with deep purple-crimson, glossy, five-lobed leaves. Pinkish-orange flowers on the leafless branches in April turn to double-winged, sycamore-like fruit (samaras) in Autumn. A vigorous, fair...

Acer platanoides Princeton Gold
Norway Maple Princeton Gold Grow for its bright golden foliage and stately form, Acer platanoides Princeton Gold is a tall, fast-growing, long-lived, deciduous tree with a bushy, broadly columnar habit. Typical five-lobed maple leaves emerge pale gold on red leaf-stalks, turning a rich golden-yellow as the season progresses. Inconspicuous yellow...
Acer platanoides Royal Red

Acer platanoides Royal Red
Norway Maple Royal Red A deep red, American-bred variety of the Norway maple, Acer platanoides 'Royal Red' is a medium-sized deciduous tree with leathery, maroon-purple, five-lobed leaves tinged green underneath; the leaves turn yellow-brown in autumn. Small clusters of inconspicuous reddish-yellow flowers in spring ripen to deep burgundy double...

Acer x freemanii Autumn Blaze
Freeman’s Maple Autumn Blaze (syn Jefferson Red) A variety of a naturally occurring hybrid between the Canadian and sugar maples, Acer x freemanii Autumn Blaze is perhaps the most reliable maple for autumn colour in our climate. Tall, deciduous tree with deeply cut, five-lobed leaves opening yellow-green in spring, turning green in summer, then...
Aesculus pavia

Aesculus pavia
Red Buckeye From the eastern United States, Aesculus pavia is a large, deciduous shrub of rounded, bushy habit, sometimes a small, conical tree. The glossy, deep green leaves are palmate (like a hand), as befits this relative of the horse chestnut, with 5-7 narrow leaflets, each 5”/13cm long. Long, upright panicles, 6”/15cm long, of crimson flow...
Alnus x spaethii

Alnus x spaethii
Spaeth’s Alder A hybrid between the Japanese and Caucasian alders, bred at the Spaeth Nursery in Berlin, Alnus x spaethii is a medium-sized, fast-growing, deciduous, clear-stem tree with a rather open, broad, pyramidal habit and grey bark. The rather long, elliptical, slightly serrated, cherry-like leaves emerge tinged with purple, and turn brig...

Amelanchier x grandiflora Ballerina
Snowy Mespilus Ballerina A cultivar of a hybrid amelanchier or snowy mespilus, Amelanchier x grandiflora Ballerina is a small tree grown for its showy white blossom and brilliant autumn colour. Green leaves turn to shades of orange and purple-brown in autumn, colouring best in acid soil. The flowers in March and April are quite large, in droopin...
Betula pendula Tristis

Betula pendula Tristis
Betula pendula Tristis A weeping cultivar of the native silver birch, Betula pendula Tristis is a medium-sized to tall deciduous tree with a narrow crown, slender branches and gracefully drooping, twisting twigs. Average growth rate. The bark is white, peeling like the species; dark fissures develop as the tree ages. Long, brownish male catkins ...
Betula pendula Youngii

Betula pendula Youngii
Young's Weeping Birch A weeping cultivar of the native silver birch, Betula pendula Youngii is a better choice than Tristis for the smaller garden. Young’s weeping birch is a small, slow-growing, deciduous tree with a domed crown and arching, slender branches which fall right to the ground. The bark is white and peeling; dark fissures develop as...

Betula pubescens - Downy Birch
Downy Birch - (Beith chlúmhach) The native species Betula pubescens is a tall, deciduous tree rather similar to the silver birch but with creamy-brown bark rather than white, more upright branches, and fine down on the young twigs. It also prefers damper environments, being found on bogs, and tolerates shadier conditions. Narrowly conical habit....
Betula utilis Jaquemontii - White Himalayan Birch

Betula utilis Jaquemontii - White Himalayan Birch
West Himalayan Birch Also known as the Kashmir birch, Betula utilis var. jacquemontii is a medium-sized, vigorous, fast-growing, deciduous tree grown for its brilliant white, papery bark (rich brown when young) which peels to reveal bands of creamy-pinky-buff. Not as tall as the silver birch, the West Himalayan birch has a broad crown and a grac...
Betula utilis Jaquemontii Doorenbos - Himalayan Birch

Betula utilis Jaquemontii Doorenbos - Himalayan Birch
Himalayan Birch Doorenbos Also known as Betula utilis var. jacquemontii 'Snow Queen'.Betula utilis var. jaquemontii 'Doorenbos' is an excellent selected variety developing lovely white bark from a young age. This is a slender, fast-growing, deciduous tree whose outstanding bark has orange-hued glints just below the pure-white, peeling surface. I...
Cercidiphyllum japonicum

Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Katsura Tree Deciduous tree with beautiful heart-shaped leaves and fantastic autumn colour. Cercidiphyllum japonicum is one of our go-to trees, and we recommend it for gardens that are somewhat sheltered from coastal winds. The leaves of the Katsura appear pink in the spring, turning to bright green in summer before Autumn hues of yellow, orange...

Cotoneaster frigidus Cornubia
Cotoneaster Cornubia A big, hybrid cotoneaster with brilliant red berries, Cotoneaster Cornubia is a large, semi-evergreen shrub with arching branches and a rounded habit. The elliptical, veined leaves are glossy and mid- to deep green. In June and July, corymbs of small, white to pinkish-white, scented flowers appear, very attractive to bees an...