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Bulbs - Summer Flowering
These summer-flowering bulbs are planted in the autumn but are less well known than their spring-flowering counterparts. They are ideal for extending the flowering season in bulb displays.
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Availability and planting | September to October
The planting time for spring-flowering bulbs is from September to October. They all need to go into ground that is not frozen or waterlogged. As a general rule, plant them three times as deep as their size and make sure they are facing upwards!
You can learn more about planting bulbs on the RHS website.
Allium Christophii

Allium Christophii
Allium christophii - Star of Persia Large globe shaped heads of star-like pinkish-purple flowers make a spectacular show in summer. As the grey-green strap-shaped foliage dies down, huge star-shaped, silvery-rose-violet flowers appear. These perennial bulbs are best planted in a sunny position, preferably between medium-sized herbaceous plants t...
Allium Globemaster

Allium Globemaster
Allium Globemaster This is the largest flowered of the giant alliums, with densely packed heads of starry violet-purple flowers on sturdy long stems above a cluster of strappy green leaves. Belonging to the onion family, all parts of Allium Globemaster smell of garlic and they are unattractive to deer. The bulbs are fully hardy, do best in full ...
Allium sphaerocephalon

Allium sphaerocephalon
Allium sphaerocephalon - Roundheaded Garlic Better known as the drumstick allium, as the flowerheads are egg-shaped, not round, Allium sphaerocephalon is a medium-sized, bulbous perennial with an upright, rather architectural habit, ideal for the middle of a border. The grassy, mid-green leaves wither before the plant flowers, so plant behind a ...

Fritillaria imperialis Maxima Lutea
Fritillaria imperialis Maxima Lutea -Crown Imperial Add a bit of an exotic look to your garden with these striking, tall growing, hardy Fritillaria. Large, bell-shaped bright yellow flowers appear on erect stems with the characteristic tuft of leaves on the top. Great in a mixed border or in large pots with some support for the tall stems if ne...

Fritillaria imperialis Rubra Maxima
Fritillaria imperialis Rubra Maxima - Crown Imperial A stunning tall growing and hardy Fritillaria. Large, bell-shaped rusty orange-red flowers with dark veining appear on erect stems with the characteristic tuft of leaves on the top. Great at the back of mixed bulb planting or grow in large pots with some support for the tall stems if necessary...

Gladiolus communis ssp. byzantinus
Gladiolus byzantinus Spikes of funnel-shaped, magenta-crimson flowers appear in late spring and early summer just in time to brighten up the garden as the tulips are fading. Gladiolus communis ssp. byzantinus is a wildflower from the Mediterranean and is naturalised in Cornwall and the Scilly Isles where is is known as Whisting Jack. Ideal in a ...

Nectaroscordum - Allium siculum
Sicilian Honey Garlic Until recently known as Nectaroscordum siculum, Allium siculum is a hardy, robust, clump-forming, bulbous perennial with an upright, tufted habit, which lends an exotic look to the border; they can be planted near the front of the border, as the stems are ‘see-through’. Particularly good in a gravel garden. The fairly n...

Ranunculus asiaticus - Mixed varieties
Persian buttercup - Mixed varieties A vibrant mixture of Peony shaped flowers, Ranunculus asiaticus comes in a range of bright colours, yellow, orange, red, cream or white and make a really wonderful cut flower. Half hardy, so for best results grow under protection as they don't like a cold damp Spring. Site: Best grown in a tunnel or glasshous...