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From mighty redwoods to true dwarfs, conifers are generally hardy and low maintenance trees that give structure and winter interest to any garden.
Learn more about how to plant a tree in our advice section and find even more information in our resources.
Bareroot conifers | mid-November to March
Bareroot trees are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.
Potted conifers | all year round
Potted trees are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).
Abies fraseri - Fraser Fir

Abies fraseri - Fraser Fir
Fraser fir An attractive medium growing conifer native to the Eastern U.S. mountains. Its short narrow leaves, coupled with beautiful yellow-tipped, purple cones, give this tree an attractive appearance to suit most medium to large gardens. Disease resistance is another good trait of this tree; it can be planted in a mixed forestry situation. ? ...
Araucaria araucana - Monkey Puzzle

Araucaria araucana - Monkey Puzzle
Monkey Puzzle A fantastic architectural tree. Native to Chile and Argentina, sometimes referred to as Chilean pine, First introduced to Europe in the late 1700's and prized at the time for its unusual growth habit, There are fossil records dating back to the mid-Mesozoic period approx 180 Million years, Araucaria araucana got its common name 'M...

Cephalotaxus harringtonia Fastigiata
Japanese Plum Yew A good feature plant for smaller gardens, Cephalotaxus harringtonia Fastigiata is a small, rather slow-growing, evergreen tree with a narrow, columnar habit, like a miniature version of the Irish yew, so often seen in churchyards. Deep-green, very narrow, pointed, soft leaves, 2”/5cm long, tightly clothe the upright branches wh...

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Snow White
Lawson’s Cypress Snow White A very popular slow growing conifer, Chamaecyparis Snow White fits well into any garden. It has pleasing blue-green foliage and an attractive texture. From Spring through to Summer it puts on an attractive show of brilliant white tipped new growth. It also does well in pots and will promise to be low maintenance, thou...

Cryptomeria japonica Araucarioides
Snake-branched Japanese Cedar A very unusual tree from Japan, Cryptomeria japonica Araucarioides Group is a large conifer of average vigour (a slow starter, but picks up speed after 3-4 years, and eventually grows quite large). It has a roughly conical habit. The bizarre, twisted, drooping branches are almost without side branches, and have a ...
Fitzroya cupressoides

Fitzroya cupressoides
Patagonian cypress A relatively rare or unusual conifer in this part of the world. Also known as 'Alerce' (Larch in Spanish), Fitzroya cupressoides is native to South America- mainly Chile and Argentina. It has been known to live for as much as 3000 years. It's slow growing and could reach as much as a 30m height in Ireland, but would generally...
Juniperus communis Hibernica

Juniperus communis Hibernica
Irish Juniper A columnar tree, ideal for forming a focal point in courtyards, small gardens or formal landscapes, Juniperus communis Hibernica Is a medium-sized, slow-growing, evergreen conifer with a narrowly upright habit. The scale-like, needle-like leaves are grey-green. Needs minimal pruning, if any, and generally a low-maintenance tree. On...

Juniperus communis Repanda
Common Juniper Repanda Juniperus communis Repanda is an excellent named variety of our native juniper. Repanda, has all the good qualities of our common juniper, working well in difficult soils and sites. However this dwarf, carpet-forming conifer, has densely- packed grey-green foliage, with semi-prostrate stems. During Winter, the foliage take...

Juniperus squamata Blue Carpet
Juniper Blue Carpet A vigorous, low spreading evergreen. Juniperus Blue Carpet produces very attractive fine blue/silver foliage in a low mat up to 5 ft across. The typical juniper berries are also produced. A very good variety for the garden bringing all year round colour and weed suppressing qualities. Easy grower. Does best in a well-drained ...

Juniperus squamata Holger
Juniper Holger A small, spreading, evergreen conifer, Juniperus squamata Holger produces very attractive new foliage which is bright creamy-yellow in colour which contrasts with the older blue-silver foliage. Juniper Holger is a taller ground-cover variety providing excellent year round interest. Works well in low maintenance gardens and in mixe...

Metasequoia glyptrostroboides - Dawn Redwood
Dawn Redwood Metasequoia glyptostroboides is a beautiful deciduous conifer and a tree worth growing for its many ornamental features. Thought to be extinct and only known from fossil records dating back 100 million years, until the 1940's when a small number of living specimens were found in the in Sichuan province of China. The Dawn Redwood is ...
Picea abies Nidiformis

Picea abies Nidiformis
Norway Spruce Nidiformis This is a popular named variety of the Norway Spruce, also called the ‘Birds Nest Spruce’. Unlike its parent, Picea abies ‘Nidiformis’ makes a compact dwarf conifer which develops into a flat-topped bush with a spreading habit and short, dark-green needles. The branches also keep an excellent layered effect making this a...
Picea glauca Sanders Blue

Picea glauca Sanders Blue
White Spruce Sanders Blue This blue leaved Spruce originated as a cultivar from P. glauca conica. A slow growing conifer which keeps its tight conical shape for many years, Picea glauca Sanders Blue is a low maintenance conifer, with attractive blue/green foliage, suitable for pots or as a specimen in a shrub bed. With age it will form a 3m tall...
Picea orientalis Wittboldt

Picea orientalis Wittboldt
Caucasian Spruce Wittboldt A very dwarf Caucasian spruce cultivar, Picea orientalis Wittboldt is a very small, slow-growing, evergreen tree with an architectural, pyramidal habit. The needles emerge yellow-green, turning deep green, although the yellow-green colour remains on the tips of the shoots. Female cones are thinly woody or papery, and b...
Picea pungens Fat Albert

Picea pungens Fat Albert
Colorado spruce Fat Albert A cultivar of the Colorado blue spruce, Picea pungens Fat Albert is a small but handsome, fast-growing, evergreen tree with a dense, conical habit, broad at the base. The branches are very regular, and thickly covered with steel-blue needles. The flowers are insignificant, and are followed by long, cylindrical, greenis...
Picea pungens Hoopsii

Picea pungens Hoopsii
Colorado Blue Spruce A relatively slow growing conifer, which is a beautiful addition to any garden, Picea pungens hoopsii puts on a show lasting up to 6 months of stunning blue foliage that can only brighten any garden. Due to its slow growth rate it will be happy in a large container for many years, if lightly pruned to keep its shape. Can als...
Pinus armandii

Pinus armandii
Chinese White Pine One of the most beautiful of the oriental pines, Pinus armandii is a tall, evergreen tree with an open, upright, conical habit. It is distinguished by its wonderfully ornamental, blue-grey, hanging needles, up to 6”/15cm long, borne in bunches of five. Inconspicuous flowers are followed by green, scaly cones in twos or threes,...
Pinus mugo Arpad

Pinus mugo Arpad
Dwarf Mountain Pine Arpad A dwarf pine, ideal for evergreen structure in the smaller garden, Pinus mugo Arpad is a small, evergreen shrub with a rather upright habit. The stiff needles age to deep green. The flowers are insignificant, but dwarf mountain pine Arpad has pretty brown cones, and is sometimes known as ghost pine. Site: Tolerates expo...

Pinus mugo Mughus - Mountain Pine
Mountain Pine A hardy, mounding large shrub or dwarf tree with upward growing branches, Pinus mugo Mughus carries long needle-like leaves in rich, dark green bunches. The Mountain Pine also produces solitary or small clusters of reddish brown cones. A smaller version of the species with a dense, upright habit of growth, rugged and hardy, excell...
Pinus mugo Mumpitz

Pinus mugo Mumpitz
Dwarf Mountain Pine Mumpitz A dwarf pine originating in Germany, Pinus mugo Mumpitz is a small, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with a compact, dense, conical habit, unlike the species. The needles are mid-green all year round, and very densely produced’. Dwarf mountain pine Mumpitz is ideal for a courtyard or small garden where an architectural f...