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Water Plants & Marginals
We stock a beautiful range of water lilies and other plants for ponds and water features. Along with a wide range of marginal plants to decorate damp verges or banks of streams, and help provide habitat for aquatic life.
Learn more about choosing and growing water plants in a wildlife pond in our advice section and find even more information in our resources.
Availability and planting | April to August
The best time of year for planting water lilies and other water plants is April to August, while they are in full growth. If you would like to learn more about choosing and growing water plants, have a look at our advice page.

Acorus calamus Variegatus
Silver-striped Sweet Flag This perennial is ideal for planting in wet ground round, or in an inch or two of water in, ponds. Acorus calamus Variegatus is a rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial, with an upright habit. The spear-shaped leaves are mid-green, striped along their length with creamy-white. Rather insignificant brown flower-spikes are b...

Aquatic Planting and Potting Compost 20Kg
Aquatic Planting and Potting Mix for all aquatic plants. Heavy loam based medium with added grit.
Aquatic Pot

Aquatic Pot
Aquatic Pot Mesh pot for aquatic plants.
Eupatorium cannabinum
Eupatorium cannabinum
Hemp Agrimony (Cnáib uisce) Eupatorium cannabinum must be one of the most popular among bees and butterflies. Native throughout Ireland and found by ponds, rivers, on seacliffs and indeed in ditches, this is a big plant, with nice upright and reddish, branched stems carrying racemes of wide flat flowerheads with tiny pink flowers from July to S...

Geum rivale - Water Avens
Water Avens An attractive native plant, Geum rivale is a medium-sized, rather slow-growing, rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial which thrives in wet meadows and as a marginal plant beside streams. The soft green basal leaves are rounded and lobed, and the leaves on the deep-red stems are tripartite. From May to September, the plant bears delicate,...
Iris ensata

Iris ensata
Japanese clematis Iris, Iris kaempferi Also known as Iris kaempferi, Iris ensata produces varying coloured, clematis type flowers - ranging from dark blue to bright purple flowers in summer. The flowers are often boldly marked with yellow. Iris ensata forms clump of broad-bladed, erect leaves. It prefers moist to boggy soil. As with all iris the...

Iris pseudacorus - Yellow Flag
Yellow Flag Iris Commonly known as the yellow flag Iris, Iris pseudacorus is often seen in boggy areas or growing in shallow water at the edge of a pond. Planted out in boggy ground, this plant colonises rapidly to form large clumps with long, erect strap shaped leaves and bright yellow flowers in summer. As with all Iris, the tubers are harmful...
Iris sibirica Snow Queen

Iris sibirica Snow Queen
Siberian Iris Snow Queen A beautiful beardless iris for moist soil, Iris sibirica Snow Queen is a clump-forming, rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial with branching stems and narrow, rather grass-like, grey-green, sword-shaped leaves up to 18”/45cm long. In May and June, beautiful, typical iris flowers in pure white, sometimes flushed purple, with ...

Iris versicolor - Blue Flag Iris
Blue Flag Iris versicolor will produce narrow, erect foliage and branched stems bearing several bluish-purple flower with spotted yellow throat. This moisture loving Blue Flag makes a handsome addition to boggy areas and the shallow margins of ponds. Over time, Iris versicolor will form dense clumps of narrow, strappy foliage that provide good c...

Lychnis flos-cuculi - Ragged Robin
Ragged Robin (Nóinín mór) This native wildflower is abundant throughout Ireland, usually seen in marshes and damp meadows where it is one of the prettiest to inhabit these type of areas. Linear to oblong leaves on slender, upright stalks bear deep rose-pink flowers, the petals modified into delicately fringed blossoms to make it withstand the wi...

Lythrum salicaria - Purple loosestrife
Purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria is a stunning plant for a medium to large pond or lake. The tall pink blooms can be seen from some distance, it is free flowering over a long period in summer. Commonly known as Purple loosestrife. Very attractive to bees and native. Position: Full SunPlanting depth: Damp soil to 5cm (2’’) below water level.G...
Mimulus luteus

Mimulus luteus
Blood-drop-emlets Also known as monkey musk, Mimulus luteus is an attractive, deciduous, herbaceous perennial, with a spreading, self-sowing habit. The small, ovate leaves are mid-green. Two-lipped, bright yellow flowers with red or purple spots on the petals are borne in late spring and early summer. This little plant is ideal for a difficult,...

Phalaris arundinacea var picta
Gardener’s Garters A grassy perennial with narrow variegated foliage that is boldly striped with white, pale and dark green and pinkish-white flower heads throughout summer. Commonly known as Gardener's Garters, Phalaris arundinacea var. picta has a vigorous habit and benefits a from plenty of space to spread. Spectacular in large drifts at the ...
Acorus gramineus Ogon

Acorus gramineus Ogon
Golden variegated slender sweet flag This variegated semi evergreen, grass-like perennial has aromatic, showy bright yellow & green striped foliage that grows in attractive wide fans forming large low growing clumps. Foliage is scented when crushed. Will grow on margins above as well as below the water line. Will also do well in containers a...

Alisma plantago-aquatica - Water Plantain
Water Plantain A native plant that is frequently found growing on the margins of canals, ponds and in other shallow, wet places in Ireland. Also known as devil’s spoons, Alisma plantago-aquatica is a small, rhizomatous perennial plant which forms basal, grey-green rosettes of 1’/30cm leaves. In spring, water plantain bears tall panicles of white...

Anagallis tenella - Bog pimpernel
Bog pimpernel Commonly known as bog pimpernel, Anagallis tenella forms a dense carpet of tiny evergreen leaves, mixed with numerous rosy pink flowers from late spring to early summer. This spreading, native plant is ideal in a bog garden or very shallow water. Position: Full sunPlanting depth: Grow in the damp margin to level with the water surf...

Aponogeton distachyos - Water Hawthorn
Water Hawthorn Aponogeton distachyos is a deep water aquatic that flowers for most of the year. The scented flowers float gracefully on the surface from May. The plant dies back for a short time in August and then has another burst and continues to bloom well into Autumn. The fragile leaves of the Water Hawthorn may be damaged in transit, remove...

Aruncus dioicus (Aruncus sylvester) - Goats Beard
Goat’s Beard A statement plant for the back of the back of the border, Aruncus dioicus is a vigorous, clump-forming herbaceous perennial with heavily divided, fern-like, mid-green leaves. In early to midsummer the plant produces arching spires of tiny creamy-white flowers, attractive to butterflies. Cut back after flowering to prevent self-seedi...

Butomus umbellatus - Flowering Rush
Flowering Rush A pretty aquatic plant for shallow water or wet pond margins, Butomus umbellatus is a herbaceous, rhizomatous perennial, possibly native to Co Clare, otherwise introduced. The upright, twisted leaves emerge red, turning green, and provide a grassy accent round a pond. From July to August, pretty umbels, ¾”/2cm wide, of pink flower...

Butomus Umbellatus Schneeweisschen - Flowering Rush
Flowering Rush Schneeweisschen A very attractive cultivar of the possibly native flowering rush, Butomus umbellatus Schneeweisschen (Snow-White) is a fast-growing, herbaceous, marginal plant of still water with a creeping, rhizomatous habit. The green leaves are narrow and grass-like. In June and July, tall stems carry open umbels of pure white ...