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Lysichiton camtschatcensis - White Skunk Cabbage
White Skunk Cabbage White arum-shaped flowers are an excellent pollen source for bees as they are in bloom so early in the year. Large striking dark green leaves follow. When the leaves are damaged it gives off a slightly offensive odour hence it’s common name of Skunk Cabbage. Lysichiton camtschatcensis is harmful if eaten and could be a skin &...
Lysimachia nummularia - Creeping Jenny
Creeping Jenny Creeping Jenny is excellent for ground cover and blending in the edge of a pond as it will grow on dry ground and can float across the surface of the water. It will also hang gracefully from raised pond edges. A little more vigorous than the golden form, Lysimachia nummularia Aurea. Deciduous, native & attractive to bees. Posi...
Lythrum salicaria Robin
Lythrum salicaria Robin
Pink Loosestrife Robin A cultivar of our native purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria Robin is an upright, medium-sized, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial. It has copious narrow green leaves on erect stems, which are topped in late summer with by spectacular, long-flowering, spikes of bright, magenta-pink flowers. Pink loosestrife Robin is inv...
Mentha aquatica - Water Mint
Water Mint A native plant found in damp ditches, fens and by the banks of streams, Mentha aquatica is a fast-growing, deciduous, herbaceous perennial, spreading by way of rhizomes, and also ‘rafting’ out across the water of ponds. The pointed, deeply veined leaves are green, with an unmistakable minty scent. The flowers are rounded, rather globu...
Menyanthes trifoliata - Bogbean
Bogbean An attractive marginal plant for ponds or lakes, Menyanthes trifoliata is a native, vigorous, fast-growing, herbaceous plant of still water with a creeping, rhizomatous habit, extending outward over the surface of the water. The olive-green leaves are trifoliate (clover-shaped). From April to June, vertical racemes of pink buds open to w...
Mimulus cupreus Red Emperor
Mimulus Red Emperor A vividly coloured, marginal pond-plant, Mimulus cupreus Red Emperor is a compact, herbaceous perennial of average vigour. The small, toothed, downy leaves are light green. Beautiful, trumpet-shaped bright scarlet-red flowers are borne June to August, and even into September, and are good for bees. Plant in a mesh basket to...
Myosotis palustris Alba - White water forget-me-not
White water forget-me-not Not as vigorous as its blue cousin, Myosotis palustris Alba is a compact, herbaceous perennial of average vigour – a delightful little plant. The small, toothed, spoon-shaped leaves are light green. White, single flowers are borne from May to September, and will self-sow. This is grown as a marginal plant in reliably we...
Myosotis scorpioides - Water forget-me-not
Water forget-me-not Myosotis scorpioides ( syn Myosotis paulustris) is better known as the Water Forget-Me-Not. This delicate little native plant has numerous clusters of long flowering, small blue flowers which attract abundant pollinators throughout the summer Position: Full Sun to Part ShadePlanting depth: Damp soil to 20cm (8’’) below water ...
Myriophyllum spicatum - Spiked Water Milfoil (Oxygenator)
Spiked Water Milfoil A native submerged water plant for still or very slowly flowing water and ditches, Myriophyllum spicatum is an oxygenator and a rather fast growing water-plant that can form below-surface masses which can, in its preferred conditions, shade out the water. The attractive, submerged feathery leaves are green, in whorls round t...
Myriophyllum verticillatum - (Oxygenator)
Whorled Water Milfoil A rather uncommon native water plant, thriving in still or very slow-moving water, Myriophyllum verticillatum is an oxygenator, vital for keeping ponds healthy and providing shelter for pond life. An aquatic perennial, it lives submerged beneath the water-line, although the lobed emergent leaves and insignificant flower sp...
Nuphar lutea - Yellow Water Lily
Yellow Water Lily Also known as brandy bottle from the strongly alcoholic smell of the flowers, Nuphar lutea is a beautiful, vigorous, native plant of still or slowly flowing water, often found in lakes and the backwaters of canalised rivers. It is a large, herbaceous pond-plant with a slowly expanding habit. The deep green, leathery leaves form...
Nymphaea alba - Native white waterlily
Waterlily - alba Ireland’s only native water lily, Nymphaea alba has handsome green foliage and white flowers. Best grown about 1 meter deep, but it can grow in up to 3 meters of water if allowed to adjust very gradually, since its growth rate at these depths will be significantly slower. The green foliage forms handsome rafts of lily pads, offe...
Nymphaea Attraction
Nymphaea Attraction
Waterlily - Attraction The large, deep rose-red blooms of this very popular, free-flowering lily are flecked with white. The blooms on Nymphaea ‘Attraction’ are sometimes whitish pink until the plant is well established. Suitable for medium to large ponds and lakes Position: Full SunPlanting depth: In water from 40cm (16’’) to 100cm (39") below...
Nymphaea Aurora
Nymphaea Aurora
Waterlily - Aurora Medium Growing Waterlily - Changeable Flower Colour: Yellow to Red Intriguingly, the gorgeous blooms of this exceptional water lily are yellow when they first open, turning orange on the second day, and taking on a pinkish-red colour on the third. Nymphaea ‘Aurora’ is an excellent choice for any size of pond. Position: Full Su...
Nymphaea Firecrest
Nymphaea Firecrest
Water-lily Firecrest A very pretty, dwarf water-lily, Nymphaea Firecrest is a deciduous aquatic perennial with mid-green leaves. Beautiful, fragrant, pale pink, starry flowers with orange-red stamens are borne from mid-summer to early autumn. The lily-pads spread out over the water, shading it, and providing cover for fish and other water-creatu...
Nymphaea Gonnere
Nymphaea Gonnere
Water Lily Gonnere Medium Growing Waterlily - White This water lily has pure white, double flowers with attractive golden centres. Nymphaea ‘Aurora’ is good variety for medium to large ponds and lakes. Scented and free flowering. Position: Full SunPlanting depth: In water from 60cm (24’’) to 90cm (36") below water level.Growth rate: MediumFlowe...
Nymphaea Marliacea Albida
Nymphaea Marliacea Albida
Water-lily Marliacea Albida One of the best and most popular white water-lilies for bigger ponds, Nymphaea Marliacea Albida is a deciduous aquatic perennial with mid-green leaves flushed bronze when they emerge. Masses of beautiful, white, double, starry flowers with golden stamens are borne from June to September. The lily-pads spread out over ...
Nymphaea Marliacea Chromatella
Water Lily - Marliacea Chromatella Medium Growing Waterlily - Yellow The mottled, olive-green leaves of this majestic water lily provide the perfect setting for its primrose yellow blooms, which have bright golden stamens. Unlike most Water Lilies, this is one of the few that will tolerate a semi shaded position if necessary. Nymphaea ‘Marliac...
Nymphaea Pygmaea Alba - Miniature Waterlily
Waterlily - Pygmaea Alba Miniature Waterlily - White This enchanting waterlily has miniature, cup-shaped white flowers and is the smallest of the white lilies. Nymphaea ‘Pygmaea Alba’ is well suited to patio pools and small, shallow water features. Position: Full SunPlanting depth: In water from 20cm (8’’) to 50cm (20") below water levelGrowth ...
Nymphaea Pygmaea Rubra - Miniature Waterlily
Waterlily - Pygmaea Rubra Miniature Waterlily - Red The flowers of this exquisite lily open reddish-pink and darken gracefully as they age. Nymphaea ‘Pygmaea Rubra’ has a compact habit which makes it perfect for even the smallest ponds as it is the tiniest of the red varieties. It is also well suited to patio pools and small, shallow water featu...