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Nymphaea Rose Arey
Nymphaea Rose Arey
Waterlily - Rose Arey Medium Growing Waterlily - Pink The large scented, rose-pink, flowers of this charming water lily can grow up to 8’’ across. It is valued for its free-flowering habit and elegant bronze foliage. Nymphaea ‘Rose Arey’ is suitable for medium sized pond. Position: Full SunPlanting depth: In water from 30cm (12’’) to 70cm (28")...
Phalaris arundinacea Pure Gold - Ribbon Grass
Ribbon Grass Pure Gold A beautiful golden grass, Phalaris arundinacea Pure Gold is a small, vigorous, cool season, perennial grass, with a tufted, bushy habit. It starts into growth early, spreading by means of stolons, and making good ground-cover where its slightly invasive tendencies don’t matter. The leaves are narrow and a lovely, luminous,...
Ranunculus aquatilis - Common Water Crowfoot (Oxegenator)
Common Water Crowfoot A mat-forming, rather short-lived, aquatic perennial in the buttercup family, native Ranunculus aquatilis will thrive in still or gently flowing water. It is an excellent oxygenator, keeping the pond or stream healthy, as well as providing a refuge for pond-life. The submerged leaves are thread-like, and lobed, kidney-sh...
Typha angustifolia - Reedmace
Lesser Bulrush, Reedmace or Narrowleaf Cattail Typha angustifolia is also known as Reed Mace or Narrowleaf Cattail, this tall, upright reed-like plant is commonly seen in rivers, canals, ditches and marshes throughout the countryside. Typha angustifolia is easily recognised by the chocolate brown, cylindrical flower heads. An ideal marginal aqua...
Typha latifolia - Bullrush
Great Reedmace A native rush, also known, strangely, as asparagus of the Cossacks, Typha latifolia is a tall, robust, rhizomatous, deciduous perennial, which can spread a lot; it has an upright habit. It has long, strap-shaped, green leaves. In summer, great reedmace bears tall, cylindrical, brown bulrush-type flower-spike – it is often called b...
Typha minima - Dwarf Reed
Miniature bulrush or Miniature reedmace A miniature version of the bulrush, Typha minima has delicate round milk chocolate coloured brown seed heads and is ideal for small ponds. Position: Full SunPlanting depth: In water to 12cm (5’’) below water level.Growth rate: SlowFlowering Period: July to SeptemberHardiness: HardySize: Height and spread: ...
Valeriana officinalis - Valerian
Valerian, common (Caorthann corraigh) Also known as Wild Valerian, this is a graceful perennial, native wildflower that can be found throughout Ireland, especially alongside rivers and in meadows. Valeriana officinalis can be a tall plant however its height tends to vary depending on soil conditions, and can shoot up to 1.5m high in damp places...
Veronica beccabunga - Brooklime
Brooklime Veronica beccabunga is a creeping, native wildflower and is excellent for growing at the edges of a pond. Spreading, succulent stems are covered in small blue flowers from May to August. As a rafting plant that is allowed to grow freely it will use plenty of surplus nutrients and will help to keep a pond or container free from algae. I...
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Arum Lily The beautiful and familiar Easter Lily, Zantedeschia aethiopica is from southern Africa, but hardy in all but cold areas and severe winters. It is a semi-evergreen, tuberous perennial with a clump-forming habit. The 16”/40cm leaves are shaped like an arrow-head, and deep, glossy green. From May to July, the flowers rise above the clump...