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Shrubs - Medium Growing 3-8ft
These shrubs will grow to between three and eight feet when fully grown. They work wonders as back-of-border or specimen plants and many have stunning foliage colour, flowers, and berries. Most of them can be pruned regularly but always double check for the best time to do so before getting out your secateurs.
Learn more about what to plant and when to plant it in our advice section and find even more information in our resources.
Bareroot shrubs | mid-November to March
Bareroot shrubs are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.
Potted shrubs | all year round
Potted shrubs are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).

Aronia melanocarpa Galicjanka
Chokeberry Galicjanka A highly productive Aronia with abundant edible berries, Aronia melanocarpa Galicjanka Is a substantial, deciduous shrub of average vigour with an upright, bushy, suckering habit. The green, egg-shaped leaves turn deep purple in autumn. Single white flowers appear in May and June and are followed in September and October by...

Buddleja davidii Buzz Sky Blue
Buddleia Buzz Sky Blue Buddleia is also known as the butterfly bush. Buddleja davidii Buzz Sky Blue is a compact, long-flowering, deciduous shrub, ideal for a patio or a small garden. The narrow elliptical leaves are an attractive grey-green. From June to September, conical heads of bright mauvish-blue flowers with a tiny orange eye are borne i...

Ceanothus thyrsiflorus repens
Creeping Californian Lilac Early summer-flowering Ceanothus thyrsiflorus repens is a vigorous, low-growing, medium-sized evergreen shrub with a dense, spreading, mound-forming habit, but will grow much taller if wall-trained. The leaves are small, glossy and deep-green, and in May and June masses of powder-blue flower-spikes cover the plant. Do...

Chaenomeles x superba Jet Trail
White Flowering Quince A small deciduous thorny shrub, best known for its beautiful clusters of white coloured flowers, It fits into most gardens, where it is guaranteed to brighten any corner on an otherwise dull Spring day. Chaenomeles x superba Jet trail can also be used as part of a low flowering hedge. Site: Requires some shelterSoil: Any w...
Choisya ternata Scented Gem

Choisya ternata Scented Gem
Mexican Orange Blossom Scented Gem A scented shrub which blooms twice a year, Choisya ternata Gold Star is a medium-sized, fast-growing, evergreen shrub with a rounded habit. The deep green leaves are palmate (narrowly hand-shaped) and aromatic. Corymbs of pale pink to white, starry flowers, scented of orange blossom, appear between March and M...
Choisya ternata Sundance

Choisya ternata Sundance
Mexican Orange Blossom Sundance A golden-leaved cultivar of the species, Choisya ternata Sundance is a medium-sized, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with a neat, bushy, rounded habit. The aromatic leaves are divided into three broad leaflets, and scented of orange-blossom; young leaves are a gorgeous lime-green before they change to yellow in full...

Clerodendrum bungei Pink Diamond
Glory Flower Pink Diamond A compact cultivar of the glory flower, Clerodendrum bungei Pink Diamond is a small, fast-growing, suckering, deciduous shrub, with a rounded habit. The round leaves are lime-green to grey-green, with attractive creamy-white variegation. In July and August, dark purplish-crimson buds open to deep pink, starry, very frag...
Cornus alba Siberica

Cornus alba Siberica
Siberian Dogwood Another great variety of the red-barked Dogwoods. Cornus alba Siberica produces small flowers in early Summer followed by clusters of white berries and is less vigorous than other red Dogwoods. Good autumn colour. When planted near evergreens in the open, the Winter sun can show off the red stems beautifully. Flowers are good ...
Cornus sericea Flaviramea

Cornus sericea Flaviramea
Yellow Stemmed Dogwood A beautiful dogwood, Cornus sericea Flaviramea forms a thicket of yellow-green barked stems. Vigorous erect branches, dark green foliage and small, creamy-white flowers followed by clusters of white berries in the Winter. Excellent red-orange, Autumn foliage colour is a special feature of this dogwood. Hard pruning results...
Correa Marian's Marvel

Correa Marian's Marvel
Australian Fuchsia This is Winter flowering, evergreen shrub, the fantastic tubular flowers start off bright pink at the base and gradually turn a lemony yellow at the ends. It is unusual in the sense that it flowers from November to March in Ireland and occasionally throughout the year. Thrives against a sheltered wall with sun or in a green ho...

Deutzia x hybrida Strawberry Field
Deutzia x hybrida Strawberry Field A bushy, medium-sized, flowering deciduous shrub. Deutzia x hybrida Strawberry Field has masses of flowers, crimson outside, pale pink within, opening in early Summer. Deutzias benefit from a regular thinning out of old shoots after flowering. Site: Fairly shelteredPosition: Full sunSoil: Moist, well-drained so...
Euonymus alatus Compacta

Euonymus alatus Compacta
Winged Spindle A slow growing, compact, deciduous shrub with unusual bark and excellent Autumn colour. Euonymus alatus Compacta has green leaves in Summer, and corky ‘wings’ along squarish stems, small, greeny-yellow flowers appear in Summer and later pink fruits with unusual orange seeds are carried into the Winter. Primarily grown for the much...

Hippophae rhamnoides Hikul - Sea Buckthorn (male)
Sea Buckthorn Hikul (male) A Danish-bred, male cultivar of sea buckthorn, Hippophae rhamnoides Hikul is a dwarf, slow-growing, deciduous shrub with a dense, rounded habit, good for a low hedge. The rosemary-like leaves emerge silvery in spring, turning green in summer; the plant is semi-evergreen in mild, sheltered areas. The flowers are inconsp...
Magnolia denudata Sunrise

Magnolia denudata Sunrise
Magnolia denudata Sunrise Ideal as a specimen for the smallest garden or patio, hybrid Magnolia denudata Sunrise is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with an upright, open habit. Oval, leathery, mid-green leaves appear in spring. The goblet-shaped flowers are unusual – a soft, creamy white with a distinctive rose-red ‘flame’ on each petal. The blo...
Magnolia stellata

Magnolia stellata
Magnolia stellata Unlike some magnolias, the Japanese species Magnolia stellata will tolerate alkaline soil (though not thin, chalky soils). It’s a medium-sized, slow-growing, deciduous shrub or small tree with a broad, rounded shape, the best magnolia for smaller gardens. In early spring, lightly scented, white flowers, 4”/10cm across with up t...
Mahonia eurybracteata Soft Caress

Mahonia eurybracteata Soft Caress
Mahonia Soft Caress Named for its spine-free leaflets, Mahonia eurybracteata subsp ganpinensis Soft Caress is a medium-sized, evergreen shrub with an upright habit, more compact than other mahonias, and suitable for small gardens and container growing. Unlike the almost holly-like leaflets of other mahonias, the finely cut, long, narrow olive-gr...
Melianthus major

Melianthus major
Honey Flower Grown mainly for its sumptuous, deeply divided, glaucous foliage with its heavily toothed edges, Melianthus major is a medium-sized, evergreen sub-shrub with a rather sprawling habit. The leaves smell of peanut butter if rubbed. Small, tubular, maroon flowers are borne in drooping, honey-scented racemes, though usually only in hot s...
Myrtus ugni Ka-pow

Myrtus ugni Ka-pow
Chilean Guava Ka-pow Larger fruit than common Myrtus ugni, Ka-pow also bears fruit on a younger plant. Fragrant soft pink flowers followed by red mini guava fruit that taste like wild strawberries and scented lily of the valley flowers. This is a handsome fruiting shrub with glossy evergreen leaves. An unusual edible named by gardening celebrit...
Myrtus ugni Red Devil

Myrtus ugni Red Devil
Chilean Guava Red Devil An unusual edible, known as Myrtus ugni or strawberry myrtle, Ugni molinae Red Devil is a medium-sized, evergreen shrub of average vigour, with an upright habit and small, rather leathery, deep green leaves. The shrub carries lightly scented red flowers in May and June, followed by small, shiny, red fruits in autumn – sai...
Olearia x mollis Zennorensis

Olearia x mollis Zennorensis
Daisy Bush Zennorensis Found at Zennor in Cornwall as a natural hybrid of the New Zealand species, Olearia x mollis Zennorensis is a medium-sized, quite fast-growing, borderline hardy, evergreen shrub, with a rounded, bushy habit. The narrow, sharply toothed leaves, 4”/10cm long, are olive green with white, downy undersides. In May and June, the...