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Shrubs - Medium Growing 3-8ft
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Azalea mollis Nabucco
Azalea mollis Nabucco
Azalea mollis Nabucco One of the famous Knaphill hybrid azaleas, Azalea mollis Nabucco is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a rounded habit. The leaves are deep green, colouring beautifully in autumn. In May and June, beautiful large, deep red, star-shaped flowers with golden anthers are borne on the shrub; the flowers are not scented. Azalea...
Azalea mollis Persil
Azalea mollis Persil
Azalea mollis Persil A medium sized deciduous shrub with stunning large, fragrant, pure white flowers with a deep yellow flare in the throat. The flowers on Azalea mollis Persil appear before the leaves open in mid May and will add colour and fragrance to the garden as well as excellent Autumn Colour. Site: Requires some shelter from harsh wind...
Azalea mollis Pink Delight
Azalea mollis Pink Delight
Azalea Pink Delight One of the famous Knap Hill azaleas, Rhododendron Pink Delight is a quite tall, deciduous shrub with a rounded habit. The leaves are mid-green. In May, unscented, trumpet-shaped, deep, clear pink flowers with a yellow-orange blotch appear. Don’t plant azaleas too deeply. Azaleas have shallow roots, so mulch thickly with leaf...
Azalea mollis Satan
Azalea mollis Satan
Azalea Satan A stunning Knap Hill hybrid azalea, Rhododendron Satan is named for its devilishly deep red buds and autumn colour. It’s a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with an upright, bushy habit, beautiful in a woodland planting in acid soil, massed, or as a specimen, or in a courtyard garden. The large, oblong leaves are grey-green, colouring r...
Azalea mollis Silver Slipper
Azalea mollis Silver Slipper
Azalea Silver Slipper A hardy deciduous azalea, Rhododendron Silver Slipper is a medium-sized shrub with a compact, vase-shaped habit. The leaves are green with bronze tints, colouring attractively in autumn. In May and June, and into July, domed trusses of creamy-white, pink flushed, funnel-shaped flowers with a yellow flash emerge from pink bu...
Azalea mollis Whitethroat
Azalea mollis Whitethroat
Azalea Whitethroat A compact hybrid azalea from the Knap Hill nursery, Rhododendron Whitethroat is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a neat, vase-shaped habit. The leaves are silvery light green, turning red and orange in autumn. In May and June, the shrub carries delightful, pure white, tubular, double flowers flaring out at their tips; the...
Berberis darwinii
Berberis darwinii
Darwin’s Barberry A large growing, dense evergreen shrub that makes an excellent backdrop to other shrubs but also works very well as a tough flowering hedge. The shiny, small, holly-like leaves of Berberis Darwinii are smothered in orange-yellow bell-shaped flowers in Spring & early Summer and are followed by edible purple berries in Autumn...
Berberis thunbergii
Berberis thunbergii
Japanese Barberry Available on request, please ask. A spiny medium-sized deciduous shrub of compact habit and a great option for a low to medium-high hedge, Japanese barberry produces yellow cupped shaped Spring flowers. It clips well, making a neat hedge. It comes into its own in the Autumn when its green foliage turns shades of orange and red,...
Berberis thunbergii Coronita
Japanese Barberry Coronita Noted for its unusual foliage, Berberis thunbergii Coronita is a very prickly, deciduous shrub with a rather sprawling habit. The leaves are deep red, edged with lime green. Small cream-coloured flowers appear over a long period from spring to early summer; glossy red berries appear in autumn. Japanese barberry Coroni...
Berberis thunbergii Maria
Berberis thunbergii Maria
Japanese Barberry Maria An unusual hybrid barberry, good as a hedge or a specimen, Berberis thunbergii Maria is a slow-growing, deciduous, dwarf shrub with an upright, bushy, columnar habit. The leaves emerge red and turn golden-yellow, a lovely contrast to the red stems, then lovely tints of red and orange in autumn. They do not scorch in hot s...
Berberis thunbergii Orange Rocket
Japanese Barberry Orange Rocket A tough, adaptable, vibrant shrub with a long season of interest, Berberis thunbergii Orange Rocket is a medium-sized, spiny, deciduous shrub with deep reddish-brown stems and a compact, upright habit. The ovoid leaves emerge rusty orange, turn mid-green in summer, and orange-red in autumn. Scented yellow flowers,...
Berberis thunbergii Rose Glow
Barberry Rose Glow A medium sized deciduous shrub with an upright habit and stiff prickly branches. New shoots are purple, developing mottled silvery pink and rose variegation. Pale yellow flowers appear in May. This is a very attractive berberis and offers good foliage colour throughout the summer amongst other shrubs. Holds the RHS award of ga...
Berberis thungbergii atropurpurea
Purple Berberis A medium sized shrub with tall arching stems, bronze-purple foliage which has vivid red autumn colour. The purple leaf of this deciduous Japanese barberry makes it stand out from the crowd. It has yellow cup-shaped flowers in Spring; an abundance of scarlet berries adorn its spiny branches in the Autumn. Berberis thunbergii atrop...
Berberis wilsoniae
Berberis wilsoniae
Wilson's Barberry A semi-evergreen, compact rounded shrub with arching thorny branches and grey-green leaves. Pale yellow flowers come in Spring and are followed by coral-pink berries. Good autumn colours. Deer resistant. Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any well-drained soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of Interest: Semi-evergreen, yel...
Berberis x media Red Jewel
Barberry Red Jewel A spiny, semi-evergreen shrub. Slightly toothed, mid to dark green leaves which are bronzy-red when young turning green through Summer and then a rich red through Autumn. Small clusters of yellow flowers in late spring followed by red-purple fruits. Makes a good specimen or a tough, prickly and striking hedge with good colour ...
Beschorneria yuccoides Flamingo Glow
Beschorneria Flamingo Glow Only for the mildest areas, planted in the shelter of a warm wall, Beschorneria yuccoides Flamingo Glow is an exotic-looking perennial plant with rosettes of lance-shaped, yucca-like leaves, variegated in longitudinal stripes of yellow and grey green. In midsummer, mature plants produce bright pink stems up to 5’/1.5m ...
Buddleja davidii Border Beauty
Butterfly Bush Border Beauty A Dutch-bred cultivar, Buddleja davidii Border Beauty is a compact, fast-growing, deciduous shrub, wonderfully attractive to butterflies and bees. The long, lance-shaped leaves are mid- to deep green, and the young stems are a deep red. The deliciously scented, rich crimson-purple flowers have an orange ‘eye’, and ar...
Buddleja davidii Buzz Hot Raspberry
Buddleia Buzz Hot Raspberry Buddleia is known as the butterfly bush, because the shrub is often smothered with butterflies when in flower. Buddleja davidii Buzz Hot Raspberry is a compact, long-flowering, deciduous shrub, perfect for a patio container or at the front of a border in a small garden. The narrow elliptical leaves are an attractive ...
Buddleja davidii Buzz Lavender
Buddleia Buzz Lavender Buddleia is also known as the butterfly bush, because the shrub is often covered with butterflies when in flower. Buddleja davidii Buzz Lavender is a compact, long-flowering, deciduous shrub, ideal at the front of a border in a small garden, or for a patio container. The narrow elliptical leaves are an attractive grey-gre...
Buddleja davidii Empire Blue
Butterfly Bush Empire Blue A large flowering shrub with rich violet-blue flowers with an orange eye. Buddleja davidii Empire Blue good shrub for late Summer colour. Attractive to butterflies and bees. Prune hard to control size, shape and encourage fresh flowering growth, best done in early spring, but additional partial pruning can be done afte...