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Shrubs - Medium Growing 3-8ft
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Choisya ternata
Choisya ternata
Mexican orange blossom A well known, robust shrub, and a cousin of the common citrus tree, Choisya ternata is a rounded evergreen shrub with dense glossy aromatic foliage. Abundant clusters of scented white flowers in Spring with occasional repeat flowering later. It is an excellent choice for urban landscape planting or shrubby borders. Loved b...
Choisya Ternata Aztec Pearl
Choisya Ternata Aztec Pearl
Mexican Orange Blossom Aztec Pearl Easy, reliable, attractive and scented to boot, Choisya Ternata Aztec Pearl earns its place in almost any garden. It’s a medium-sized, fast-growing, evergreen shrub with a neat, open, mounded habit. The leaves are divided into 3-5 narrow leaflets, and a glossy deep-green, deliciously scented of orange-blossom. ...
Choisya ternata Gold Star
Choisya ternata Gold Star
Mexican Orange Blossom Gold Star A hybrid, scented shrub with vivid yellow colouring, Choisya ternata Gold Star is a medium-sized, fast-growing, evergreen shrub with a rounded habit. The golden emerging leaves are palmate (narrowly hand-shaped) and aromatic. Corymbs of white flowers, scented of orange blossom, appear between March and May, and ...
Choisya x dewitteana Snow Flurry
Mexican Orange Blossom Snow Flurries A compact cultivar, said to be an improvement on White Dazzler, Choisya x dewitteana Snow Flurries is a small to medium-sized, fast-growing, evergreen shrub with a rounded habit, ideal for the smaller garden. The delicate, heavily divided leaves are deep green, glossy and aromatic. From May to early June, clu...
Clerodendrum bungei
Clerodendrum bungei
Glory flower A deciduous suckering shrub native to China. It is best grown in full sun or partial shade. Large heart-shaped dark green leaves which are often tinged red-purple are quite fragrant when crushed. Beautiful pink pom-pom like flowers appear in late Summer and are very showy and sweet-scented, and particularly attractive to butterflies...
Clethra alnifolia Hummingbird
Sweet Pepper Bush Hummingbird Quite a rare plant in Ireland, with a gorgeous scent in midsummer, Clethra alnifolia Hummingbird is a compact, small to medium-sized, deciduous shrub with an upright, suckering habit, good in the smaller garden. The glossy, deep green leaves are rather like those of the alder, and turn brilliant yellow in autumn. Fr...
Clethra alnifolia Ruby Spice
Clethra alnifolia Ruby Spice A lovely plant for dappled shade in woodland or a shrub border, Clethra alnifolia Ruby Spice is a vigorous, medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a suckering habit. Glossy, dark blue-green leaves colour yellow in autumn. In late summer and autumn, Short spikes of clove-scented, rich pink, bell-shaped flowers appear; unl...
Cordyline australis Pink Passion
Cordyline Pink Passion Grown for its brilliant colouring, Cordyline australis Pink Passion has long, linear leaves of purplish-grey streaked with shocking pink, magenta and cream. Unlike most cordylines, after developing its trunk to about a metre, it sprouts more stems from the base, maintaining a shrub-like appearance. Perhaps too bright to si...
Cordyline australis Red Comet
Cordyline Red Comet A wonderful feature plant, Cordyline australis Red Comet brings an exotic palm-like note to the garden. A medium-sized, evergreen shrub, it’s like an explosion of long, narrow, arching leaves of brilliant crimson, eventually forming a trunk as the lower leaves drop away. Upright spikes of white, lightly scented flowers appear...
Cordyline australis Red Heart
Cordyline Red Heart A dwarf cabbage palm, Cordyline australis Red Heart is a small, palm-like, evergreen tree forming an upright trunk eventually. The long, strap-like, leathery, arching leaves are olive-green, with red bases, which form the ‘red heart’. Trusses of white flowers are produced in summer when the plant is mature, but this is a plan...
Cornus alba Aurea
Cornus alba Aurea
Golden Dogwood A medium-sized deciduous shrub that produces a thicket of red coloured stems. Cornus alba ‘Aurea’ has soft golden-yellow foliage with small creamy-white flowers in the early Summer followed by clusters of small white Winter berries. The red-barked dogwoods are primarily grown for the stunning coloured Winter stems. ‘Aurea’ has the...
Cornus alba Elegantissima
Red Barked Dogwood Elegantissima A medium sized, deciduous shrub or thicket, Cornus alba Elegantissima has rich, red coloured stems and pale-green foliage with striking, silver-white variegation. Small white flowers in early Summer develop into clusters of small white berries in the Winter. Flowers are good for bees and other insects. The red-ba...
Cornus alba Miracle PBR
Cornus alba Miracle PBR
Dogwood Miracle A tough, deciduous shrub offering all year interest, Cornus alba Miracle PBR is a medium-sized, vigorous, deciduous shrub with an upright habit. The leaves emerge with a bright pink flush, which fades to a variegated cream and green; in autumn the leaves develop red tints that intensify as the season progresses, often becoming a ...
Cornus alba Siberian Pearls
Red Barked Dogwood Siberian Pearls A medium to large growing deciduous shrub, Cornus alba Siberian Pearls forms a thicket of red-barked stems. The early Summer flowers develop into clusters of white berries with a blue tinge. Provides striking, crimson Autumn foliage and the red stems will brighten up the winter garden. Ideal when planted wher...
Cornus alba Sibirica Variegata
Variegated Siberian Dogwood A variegated form of SIberian dogwood, Cornus alba Sibirica Variegata shares the stunning winter stems of the species, but is more attractive in summer. A medium-sized, suckering, deciduous shrub, it forms a clump of slender stems which show vivid red in winter. The leaves are attractively variegated, and turn crimso...
Cornus sanguinea Anny's Winter Orange
Dogwood Anny’s Winter Orange Grown for its wonderful autumn and winter colour, Cornus sanguinea Anny’s Winter Orange is a vigorous, medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a suckering habit and deep orange-red stems in winter and early spring; stems fade to yellow in summer. Soft green leaves turn gorgeous shades of coral, orange, red and yellow in a...
Cornus sanguinea Magic Flame (Winter Beauty)
Dogwood Magic flame A truly beautiful shrub for Winter colour, Cornus sanguinea Magic Flame also known as Winter Beauty is an upright, deciduous shrub with excllent Autumn foliage and Winter stem colour. Clusters of white flowers appear in Summer are followed by small round, blue-black fruit, the large, mid-green leaves turn yellow to bright red...
Cornus sanguinea Midwinter Fire
Dogwood Midwinter Fire A small, spreading, deciduous shrub, Cornus sanguinea Midwinter Fire will, unusually for a dogwood, tolerate alkaline soils. It’s grown for its branching, twiggy, winter stems in shades of orange and yellow, red at the tips, looking like a bonfire in the winter garden. The oval, mid-green leaves turn orange-yellow in autu...
Coronilla valentina subsp. glauca Citrina
Bastard Senna Citrina Despite its rather unattractive common name, Coronilla valentina subsp. glauca Citrina is a real charmer, perfect for a sheltered, sunny site in a small garden. It's a small, evergreen, Mediterranean shrub with a dense, rounded habit and divided, almost fern-like, blue-grey leaves, a lovely foil to the flowers. This little ...
Correa pulchella
Correa pulchella
Australian Fuchsia A South Australian native plant, Correa pulchella is a medium-sized evergreen, winter-flowering shrub with a rather lax, bushy habit. The deep green, lance-shaped leaves have dusty white undersides. From autumn and through winter to spring, the shrub bears clusters of beautiful, pendent, pink, orange or white flowers, tubular ...