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- Genus - Alnus (Alder)
Alnus x spaethii

Alnus x spaethii
Spaeth’s Alder A hybrid between the Japanese and Caucasian alders, bred at the Spaeth Nursery in Berlin, Alnus x spaethii is a medium-sized, fast-growing, deciduous, clear-stem tree with a rather open, broad, pyramidal habit and grey bark. The rather long, elliptical, slightly serrated, cherry-like leaves emerge tinged with purple, and turn brig...

Alnus cordata - Italian Alder
Italian Alder Native to southern Italy, Alnus cordata is a tall, fast-growing, deciduous tree of conical habit. The flowers appear before the leaves; the yellowish male catkins are long and pendulous, and the reddish female ones much shorter and upright. They are followed by small green cones, larger than those of most alders, which darken and b...

Alnus glutinosa - Common Alder
Common Alder (Fearnóg) One of Ireland's most widely distributed trees, often found in damp boggy areas and along river banks. Like most broad-leaved trees, Alnus glutinosa flowers before the leaves are out with attractive long reddish catkins appearing as early as January. The female flowers produce small cones, and these can stay on the tree al...
Alnus rubra - Red Alder

Alnus rubra - Red Alder
Red Alder Named for the rusty-red colour which shows when the grey bark is damaged, Alnus rubra is a tall, very fast-growing deciduous tree from the coastal north-west of the US and south-west Canada. It has a graceful habit with a narrow head and pendulous lower branches. The yellow male catkins are 6”/15cm long, appearing before the leaves; t...