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Bulbs - Woodland
Our strong selection of woodland bulbs thrive in shady parts of the garden and will spread over time. There are a mixture of spring, summer, and autumn flowering bulbs that thrive in woodland conditions, so make sure you're planting the right bulbs at the right time of year.
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Availability and planting | September to November
The best time of year for planting bulbs is September to November, while they are dormant and before the ground freezes, with some exceptions:
- Spring-flowering bulbs: plant in September
- Summer-flowering bulbs: plant in September and October
- Autumn-flowering bulbs: plant by September
You can learn more about planting bulbs on the RHS website. There is also some great information about woodland bulbs from Westland.
Allium ursinum

Allium ursinum
Allium ursinum - Wild Garlic A wild relative of chives and native to Europe and Asia, known commonly as Wild Garlic or Ramsons. Allium ursinum carpets damp woodland in April and May with a display of round white, star-shaped flowers and broad long leaves. All parts are edible, the leaves can be eaten in salads or lightly cooked but be sure that...

Anemone nemorosa - Wood Anemone
Anemone nemorosa - Wood Anemone (Lus na gaoithe) This is a native Irish wildflower perennial that will show off its delicate white flowers from February through to April. Has a creeping habit and can be found on rich soil in woods, river- and roadbanks. The lovely green, deeply cut leaves will add texture to informal flowerbeds or as an underpla...

Bluebell - Hyacinthoides non-scripta
Hyacinthoides non-scripta - Bluebell (Coinnle corra) For many people in Ireland, the emergence of the native Bluebell is the sign that Spring has sprung. Indeed from April through to May, Hyacinthoides non-scripta shows off its stunning tubular, purplish-blue flowers, curving backwards at the tips, four to fifteen on a smooth green raceme archin...

Convallaria majalis - Lily of The Valley
Convallaria majalis - Lily of the Valley Grown for its wonderful scent, Convallaria majus is a rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial which spreads to form extensive colonies in woodland areas where the soil suits it. In May, upright racemes of heavily fragrant, bell-like white flowers appear, along with pairs of long, narrow, rather fleshy leaves. R...
Cyclamen coum

Cyclamen coum
Eastern cyclamen A beautiful little plant for the winter garden, Cyclamen coum is a small, deciduous, summer-dormant tuberous perennial, originally from the Caucasus. The kidney-shaped leaves are deep green, marbled with silver on the upper surface and veined crimson beneath; the leaf stalks are also crimson. The exquisite little ‘windmill’ flow...
Cyclamen hederifolium

Cyclamen hederifolium
Cyclamen hederifolium - Ivy leaved Cyclamen An autumn flowering perennial with dark green leaves attractively marbled silver on top and purplish underneath. In autumn established tubers produce rose pink or white flowers and are followed by the clusters of overlapping leaves. Cyclamen hederifolium is the easiest cyclamen to naturalise under tree...
Cyclamen pseudibericum

Cyclamen pseudibericum
False Iberian Cyclamen A beautiful cyclamen, though not for the coldest areas, Cyclamen pseudibericum Is a dwarf, tuberous perennial for the winter months. The broad, heart-shaped leaves are green, beautifully marbled in silvery-grey, and reddish underneath. Fragrant, magenta-pink, raked-back flowers, 1”/2.5cm across, appear in winter and early ...

Eranthis hyemalis - Winter Aconite
Eranthus hyemalis - Winter aconite One of the first flowers to appear each January, Eranthis hyemalis is a tuberous herbaceous perennial which can spread to form large clumps and colonies where it’s suited. It can be grown under the shade of deciduous trees, and in light grass. The cup-shaped flowers are brilliant yellow, 1 ¼”/3cm in width, and ...

Galanthus nivalis - Snowdrop
Galanthus nivalis - Snowdrop Once known as Fair Maids of February, the common snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis, is now more likely to appear in January, thanks to climate change, and is one of the first flowers to appear each year. It’s a bulbous herbaceous perennial which can spread to form large clumps and colonies in the shade of deciduous trees w...

Galanthus nivalis Flore Pleno - Double Snowdrop
Galanthus nivalis Flore Pleno - Double Snowdrop A double form of the common snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis f. Pleniflorus Flore Pleno is a bulbous herbaceous perennial which can spread to form large clumps and colonies where the soil suits it. Can be grown in the shade of deciduous trees or under herbaceous perennials. The flowers are fragrant, pur...

Galanthus woronowii - Snowdrop
Galanthus woronowii - Snowdrop Many of you will be familiar with our commonest snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis, but you may not know Galanthus woronowii, a shorter specimen with shinier, broader green leaves and beautiful pearl-drop flowers that hang down at a slight angle, the inner segments have green horseshoe-shaped mark near the tips. This bulb...
Leucojum aestivum

Leucojum aestivum
Leucojum aestivum - Summer Snowflake Often found naturalised in the wild in Ireland, Leucojum aestivum is a deciduous, bulbous perennial with a delicate, nodding habit – not unlike a snowdrop, but much taller. The leaves are long, narrow and grass-like, and a deep, rich green. Despite the name, the delicate flowers appear in spring; they are sha...
Scilla siberica

Scilla siberica
Scilla siberica - Siberian Squill These tiny plants don't get much taller than about 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 cm), but they make up for their minature size by spreading out and blooming profusely. Scilla siberica is a dainty spring bulb with sword like leaves and bright blue pendant flowers that will naturlise freely. Scilla siberica are equally ...