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With their attractive canes and rustling leaves, bamboos make a wonderful evergreen screen or specimen plant in more sheltered areas. Clump forming varieties like Fargesia are not known to be invasive in Ireland, while some other varieties do tend to spread but can be contained within pots or sunken containers in the ground. Make sure to do your research before planting!
Learn more about what to plant and where to plant it in our advice section and find even more information in our resources.
Potted bamboos | all year round
Potted bamboos are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is from spring (March to May) through to autumn (September to November).
Fargesia murielae Lava

Fargesia murielae Lava
Umbrella Bamboo Lava One of the smallest of the well-behaved Fargesia bamboos, Fargesia murielae Lava is a compact, elegant, clump-forming, evergreen bamboo which never runs at the root, and is ideal for the smaller garden. Yellow-green canes arch under the weight of narrow, bright blue-green leaves, forming the bushy umbrella shape typical of F...
Fargesia nitida

Fargesia nitida
Fountain Bamboo An elegant and well-behaved bamboo (it’s not invasive) Fargesia nitida is a medium-sized, evergreen bamboo which forms a compact clump of gracefully arching culms (stems). These are green, flushed with purple, and do not bear leaves until their second year. The slender leaves are 3 ½”/9cm long, deep green and lustrous, giving th...

Fargesia nitida Jiuzhaigou GenF
Fargesia Jiuzhaigou GenF - Red Dragon Bamboo This variety, Fargesia jiuzhaigou 'GenF’ is a rare form of jiuzhaigou which was collected as a seedling from jiuzhaigou Park in the northern Sichuan province of China. It is similar to jiuzhaigou ‘1’ but it grows much taller. The culms also turn a vibrant red when exposed to the right amount of sunlig...
Fargesia nitida Pillar

Fargesia nitida Pillar
Fountain Bamboo Pillar A cross between two Fargesia nitida cultivars, Fargesia nitida Pillar is a medium-sized, evergreen bamboo which forms a dense clump of upright culms (canes) which arch over only at the tips. The culms emerge green and then turn purple, often so dark a purple as to appear black, a striking contrast to the slender, deep gree...
Fargesia nitida Volcano

Fargesia nitida Volcano
Red Fountain Bamboo The non-invasive clumping Fargesia nitida Volcano has lovely reddish-brown to black canes (known as ‘culms’) and densely growing leaves with a slightly drooping habit - you guessed it, a little like a fountain. A newcomer in the bamboo section, this is a 2005 cross between Fargesia nitida and nitida Gansu and is one of the sm...
Fargesia robusta

Fargesia robusta
Fargesia robusta A handsome, adaptable, non-invasive bamboo, Fargesia robusta is a large, evergreen, clump-forming, quite fast-growing bamboo with a tall, upright habit. The long, lance-shaped leaves are mid-green on top and blue-green underneath, and the almost vertical blue-green culms (stems), which emerge early, grow paler as they age. Cream...
Fargesia robusta Campbell

Fargesia robusta Campbell
Umbrella Bamboo Campbell A robust form of non-invasive bamboo, Fargesia robusta Campbell is a tall, vigorous, fast-growing, evergreen bamboo with a dense, upright, clump-forming habit and narrow spread, particularly good for planting as a hedge or screen. The eye-catching culms (canes) emerge bright green, turning olive-green as they mature, and...
Fargesia robusta Pingwu

Fargesia robusta Pingwu
Fountain or Umbrella Bamboo Pingwu One of the clump-forming bamboos that will not invade your or your neighbour’s garden, Fargesia robusta Pingwu is a robust bamboo reaching 10-13’/3-4m in height, thus making a good screen in front of an ugly building. Alternatively, plant it as a single specimen, for the lovely sound of the wind through its le...
Fargesia rufa

Fargesia rufa
Chinese Fountain Bamboo This is a very hardy bamboo with the classic green and orange canes that have pink sheaths when young. With masses of leaves, it’s a favourite of the giant panda should you have one grazing your garden! Non-invasive and clumping, it does have a fast growth rate so think about where you’re going to plant because it will re...
Fargesia scabrida Asian Wonder

Fargesia scabrida Asian Wonder
Fargesia Asian Wonder Fargesia Asian Wonder is a medium size bamboo with an open branch growth habit. It is definitely suitable for containers, where it will grow to about 2-3 meters (6-9ft) high, or as a non-spreading specimen plant in the ground where it will reach to up to 4m high. It is suitable for hedging and screening as well, with pretty...

Phyllostachys aureosulcata Aureocaulis
Yellow Groove Bamboo Yellow groove bamboo has, as the name suggests, a distinctive stripe on the yellow canes (reddish when young) and can grow to 4-7m (13-23ft) in height with lovely lance-shaped, mid-green leaves. Also known as Golden Crookstem as the canes are sometimes shown to grow in a zig-zag shape. Great for adding colour in any garden, ...
Phyllostachys bissetii

Phyllostachys bissetii
Bissetii Bamboo The Bisetti bamboo will be first to produce new growth - which is edible - each year. The mainly upright, though slightly arching canes, glossy-green, sometimes with a purple tinge, and yellowish green when older, are of the clump-forming variety with deep green leaves that will withstand bad weather and can form a very dense can...

Semiarundinaria fastuosa f. 'Viridis'
Green Temple Bamboo A tall, elegant bamboo, Semiarundinaria fastuosa f. Viridis has a narrow, very upright but spreading habit; the roots may need to be confined within a bamboo root-barrier. It’s a wonderfully architectural, fast growing bamboo with beautiful green culms (canes) and lush, deep green, evergreen leaves, up to 10”/20cm in length, ...
Fargesia murielae

Fargesia murielae
Umbrella Bamboo A beautiful and well-behaved bamboo from China, Fargesia murielae was introduced by Ernest ‘Chinese’ Wilson, who named it for his daughter. It’s a medium-sized, dense, clump-forming, evergreen bamboo with a graceful, arching, almost weeping habit, from which it gets its common name. The new culms (canes) emerge pale blue from tan...
Fargesia murielae Jumbo

Fargesia murielae Jumbo
Umbrella Bamboo, Fargesia Jumbo Fargesia murielae Jumbo has attractive green stems and delicate looking foliage and grows into a thick, bushy clump, ideal as an attractive specimen or it also works well planted as a hedge. Site: Tolerates some inland exposureSoil: Prefers moist, well drained soilPosition: Tolerates sun, does best in part shadeSe...

Fargesia murielae New Century
Fargesia New Century Fargesia murielae New Century has very pretty pale blue-green shoots, making it an attractive addition to any garden. It’s a medium size as bamboos go, and forms a non-invasive clump growing to about 3m (10ft) in height. Happy in containers or in the ground. Site: Tolerates inland exposureSoil: Prefers moist, well drained so...
Fargesia murielae Simba

Fargesia murielae Simba
Umbrella Bamboo, Fargesia Simba Fargesia murielae Simba is a low growing evergreen bamboo which forms a tight clump of stems with bright green leaves in spring. Simba grows best with some shelter but will also make a good hedge. It rarely reaches any more than 1.5 to 2 metres (4-6ft) in height, and will tolerate most soils and situations once th...
Fargesia murielae Vampire

Fargesia murielae Vampire
Fountain Bamboo, Fargesia Vampire A tall growing bamboo from China. A more sun tolerant variety of Fargesia murielae, its dark, deep-red stems appear at the end of Summer. It does best when it gets afternoon shade. Good specimen. Site: Tolerates inland exposureSoil: Prefers moist, well drained soilPosition: Full sun to shadeSeason of Interest: E...
Fargesia nitida Blackpearl

Fargesia nitida Blackpearl
Fountain Bamboo, Fargesia Blackpearl The graceful and hardy Fountain Bamboo grows upright green canes that change to purplish-black over time and arch at the tips. This evergreen clump-forming bamboo bears delicate green foliage in profusion and can reach over 12 feet in time. Black Pearl is a non-invasive woodland bamboo that tolerates shade we...
Fargesia nitida Jiuzhaigou

Fargesia nitida Jiuzhaigou
Fargesia Jiuzhaigou Named after the high, Eastern Himalayan National Park in Sichuan, China where it was collected, Juizhaigou is a very hardy bamboo with red canes which can reach up to 15 feet depending on the form. There are several forms which range in autumn or spring stem colour from gold to deep cherry red, all extremely hardy. The leaves...