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We all have parts of the garden that are difficult to manage, whether it is a neglected corner behind the shed or a stony patch that you can't quite figure out how to plant. This is where low plants—shrubs, conifers, perennials, and roses with a spreading or creeping habit—come into their own, eventually providing a permanent carpet that will help to suppress weeds.
Learn more about choosing and planting plants in our advice section and find even more information in our resources section.
Bareroot groundcover | mid-November to March
Bareroot groundcover plants are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.
Potted groundcover | all year round
Potted groundcover plants are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is from spring (March to May) through to autumn (September to October).
Ajuga reptans Braunherz

Ajuga reptans Braunherz
Bugle Braunherz A dark-leaved form of the native bugle, Ajuga reptans Braunherz is a low, mat-forming, evergreen perennial, attractive year-round as ground-cover. The glossy leaves are oval or spoon-shaped, and a deep purple-bronze colour, turning greener in winter or when grown in full shade. Upright spikes, up to 8”/20cm tall, of deep blue flo...

Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow
Bugle Burgundy Glow A handsome cultivar of the native bugle, Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow is a creeping, mat-forming, evergreen perennial which makes excellent ground-cover for a shady spot. The rather waxy, glossy leaves are silvery green, edged with cream and flushed with burgundy red, providing year-round interest. From May to July blunt spike...
Chamomile, Lawn

Chamomile, Lawn
Chamaemelum nobile Treneague What smells better than a freshly cut grass lawn? How about a Chamomile lawn? Lawn Chamomile is a non-flowering, low-growing cultivar of classic Chamomile. It's a tough, aromatic little perennial that will tolerate some traffic and has, because of this and its ground-covering qualities, gained some fame as a good low...
Cornus canadensis

Cornus canadensis
Creeping Dogwood A low, creeping North American woodland, shrubby perennial that makes excellent groundcover in light shade and woodland areas, does best on moist acid soil. Attractive white flowers in June, followed by scarlet red, edible fruits in August.Site: ShelteredSoil: Moist, acidic soilPosition: Partial shade, shadeSeason of Interest: F...
Cotoneaster horizontalis

Cotoneaster horizontalis
Herringbone Cotoneaster A spreading, low-growing, deciduous shrub named after its fishbone-shaped branches. The leaves are small and green, in early Summer, masses of small, white flowers are produced, followed by red berries. Both flowers and berries are good for wildlife. The Herringbone Cotoneaster is an excellent shrub, providing very effect...
Hedera Hibernica

Hedera Hibernica
Irish Ivy Irish or Atlantic Ivy is a native evergreen climber which clings by means of tiny stem roots to walls, trees and rocks and will also carpet the ground in shade and under trees and hedges. Yellow-green flowers appear in autumn and are attractive to bees, followed by black fruits which provide food for birds. Makes very effective, dense ...

Juniperus communis Repanda
Common Juniper Repanda Juniperus communis Repanda is an excellent named variety of our native juniper. Repanda, has all the good qualities of our common juniper, working well in difficult soils and sites. However this dwarf, carpet-forming conifer, has densely- packed grey-green foliage, with semi-prostrate stems. During Winter, the foliage take...

Juniperus squamata Holger
Juniper Holger A small, spreading, evergreen conifer, Juniperus squamata Holger produces very attractive new foliage which is bright creamy-yellow in colour which contrasts with the older blue-silver foliage. Juniper Holger is a taller ground-cover variety providing excellent year round interest. Works well in low maintenance gardens and in mixe...
Ocean Leaves Liquid Seaweed Extract

Ocean Leaves Liquid Seaweed Extract
Ocean Leaves Liquid Seaweed Extract Ocean Leaves® Liquid Seaweed Extract is made using cold-processed, hand-harvested Irish seaweed. It can be used on fruit, vegetables, flowers, shrubs, trees and lawns. Induces yield increases, enhances plant health & plant quality Increases plant tolerance to, and recovery from abiotic stresses Enhances...

Pachysandra terminalis Green Carpet
Japanese spurge Green Carpet An invaluable plant for ground-cover in shade, Pachysandra terminalis Green Carpet is a ground-hugging, mat-forming, evergreen sub-shrub. Year-round, the creeping stems bear short, upright branches bearing rosettes of glossy, light-reflecting, deep-green, ovate leaves with markedly serrated edges. Spikes of small whi...
Rubus Betty Ashburner

Rubus Betty Ashburner
Chinese Bramble Betty Ashburner Good robust groundcover for difficult spots including banks and shade. Rubus ‘Betty Ashburner’ is a prostrate evergreen type of Raspberry with reddish bristles on the stems and shoots which will spread indefinitely, rooting as it goes, albeit less vigorous than Rubus tricolour. It has lobed, wavy-edged, glossy gre...

Stephanandra incisa Crispa
Stephanandra incisa Crispa A low-growing shrub, Stephanandra incisa Crispa Is a small to medium-sized deciduous shrub with a prostrate, thicket-forming, suckering habit and spiny branches. The green leaves turn shades of orange and red in autumn. Greenish-white flowers appear in summer. Prune immediately after flowering to allow maximum growth w...
Vinca major

Vinca major
Greater Periwinkle A fast-growing evergreen groundcover plant. The trailing stems of Vinca major initially grow upright, prior to spreading out over ground. Glossy green oval leaves followed by bright blue flowers appearing along the stems between late April through to August. The Greater Periwinkle is one of the best groundcover plants, growing...

Ajuga reptans Black Scallop
Bugle Black Scallop A low growing spreading perennial perfect for carpet forming groundcover over banks and slopes, Ajuga reptans Black Scallop is an easy care, hardy evergreen that will establish almost anywhere providing there is moist soil. Dislikes dry shade. The glossy 'black' scalloped leaves are actually deeply dark purple with hues of br...

Ajuga reptans Evening Glow
Bugle Evening Glow A form of the native bugle, Ajuga reptans Evening Glow is a low, mat-forming, evergreen perennial, useful as a colourful ground-cover. The glossy, deeply-veined leaves are oval and a rich, bronzy, wine colour, the colour best in partial shade – the leaves may scorch in full sun. Upright spikes of deep purplish-blue flowers i...
Alchemilla mollis

Alchemilla mollis
Lady’s Mantle A clump-forming herbaceous perennial, Alchemilla mollis is so adaptable, low-maintenance and attractive that it can find a place in any garden. It has pretty, pale-green, scalloped leaves with soft, silvery hairs which hold raindrops like little diamonds. In June, sprays of lime-green fluffy flowers appear, gradually turning gold; ...

Alpine and Rockery Perennials Mix
Alpine and Rockery Perennials Mix Whether you are beginning your adventure into alpine perennials or extending an existing rockery, our mix of alpine and rockery perennials will provide abundant color and year-round interest. Save €10 on a pack of 40 (€2.75 per plant) or save €40 on a pack of 80 (€2.50 per plant). This mix is made up with our se...

Bergenia Angel Kiss (Dragonfly™ series)
Bergenia Dragonfly Angel Kiss Sometimes called elephant’s ears, bergenias are tough, reliable, evergreen perennials, invaluable in winter and spring. The Dragonfly cultivars are compact with large flowers, ideal for the smaller garden. Bergenia Angel Kiss (Dragonfly™ series) forms weed-suppressing clumps of deep green, oval leaves flushing deep ...
Bergenia cordifolia

Bergenia cordifolia
Josh Egan-Wyen, cropped, and licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Bergenia cordifolia Rotblum
Elephant's Ears Rotblum A striking plant commonly used en mass for a colourful carpet. Rotblum is a low growing evergreen with bronze-green wavy, rounded leathery leaves which turn bright red in autumn. In Spring towering red stems carry clusters of deep red pink funnel shaped flowers lasting from March to May. A valuable source of nectar for ...