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Trees - Common Broadleaf
Although not native to Ireland, many of these well known trees like beech, hornbeam, and sycamore have become naturalized here since their introduction as they thrive in Irish conditions. This collection is packed full of giant beauties that will make a large statement in your garden.
Learn more about how to plant a tree in our advice section and find even more information in our resources.
Bareroot conifers | mid-November to March
Bareroot trees are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.
Potted conifers | all year round
Potted trees are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in late spring (April to May) and early autumn (September to October).

Fagus sylvatica Atropunicea - Copper Beech
Copper Beech Grown as a Tree Given enough space and time, Fagus sylvatica Atropunicea, the European Purple or Copper Beech, is a large broadleaf tree that will grow into a magnificent specimen. Left to grow freely, Fagus sylvatica Atropunicea will form a broad oval crown which will eventually reach anything from 60-100 feet (20-30m) given the ri...
Quercus rubra - Red Oak

Quercus rubra - Red Oak
Red Oak Beautiful quick growing deciduous tree with large, lobed leaves which turn fantastic shades of yellow, red and brown in autumn. Native to southern Canada and north and eastern U.S. states. Quercus rubra develops sturdy branches and has fairly smooth greyish-brown or dark grey bark. Great addition for wildlife habitats; prefers lime free ...

Tilia cordata - Small leaved Lime
Small-leaved Lime Long established in Ireland, Tilia cordata is a medium-sized, deciduous tree with a dense rounded habit and a broad crown. The bark is smooth and brownish-grey, and new twigs are a rich orange-red; there is often twiggy growth at the base of the trunk. The glossy, deep-green leaves are heart-shaped, about 3”/8cm long, and turn ...

Acer campestre - Field Maple
Field Maple Grown as a Tree A moderately sized deciduous tree with interesting fissured cork-like bark and deep green leaves that can turn a delicious butter yellow in the Autumn and are followed by typical acer-like winged seeds. Acer campestre is fast growing, wind hardy and will grow in all but very wet sites. Native to the UK. Grown as Hedgi...

Acer platanoides - Norway Maple
Norway maple Introduced to this country from eastern Europe in the 17th century, Acer platanoides is a large, vigorous, deciduous tree, broad and spreading with a very dense canopy. Clusters of scented, yellow flowers borne on bare branches turn to paired winged seeds (samaras) in autumn; the wings of the samara lie in an almost straight line. T...

Acer pseudoplatanus - Sycamore
Sycamore Everybody knows Sycamore. Like it or loath it, the first specimens were introduced approximately 900 years ago, and since then it has taken over woodlands, hedgerows, railway lines, cliff sides, and everything from the smallest urban garden to the largest of arboretums. It's feared for its persistence in seeding practically everywhere- ...

Acer rubrum - Canadian Maple
Canadian Maple First cultivated in Europe in the 1600's, Acer rubrum is planted for its large stature, in medium to large sized gardens. Identifiable by a consistent presence of red throughout the year, it is best known for its fantastic autumn colour. Often seen in Eastern U.S. autumn scenes, its colour comes through best in rich acid soils in ...

Acer saccharinum - Silver Maple
Silver Maple Also known as the water or swamp maple, Acer saccharinum is a large, deciduous tree, with an upright, almost columnar habit, very vigorous and fast-growing. The smooth, silvery-grey bark becomes shaggy on the trunk in older specimens. Small pinkish-yellow flowers appear densely on the bare branches in spring, followed by paired win...

Aesculus hippocastanum - Horse Chestnut
Horse Chestnut Originally from the Balkans but long naturalised in Ireland, the familiar Horse Chestnut - Aesculus hippocastanum - is a large, deciduous tree, with a broad, domed, spreading crown and imposing habit. The branches are slightly pendulous, turning up at the tips. The big, sticky buds are very prominent in winter. In May, the tree is...

Alnus cordata - Italian Alder
Italian Alder Native to southern Italy, Alnus cordata is a tall, fast-growing, deciduous tree of conical habit. The flowers appear before the leaves; the yellowish male catkins are long and pendulous, and the reddish female ones much shorter and upright. They are followed by small green cones, larger than those of most alders, which darken and b...
Alnus rubra - Red Alder

Alnus rubra - Red Alder
Red Alder Named for the rusty-red colour which shows when the grey bark is damaged, Alnus rubra is a tall, very fast-growing deciduous tree from the coastal north-west of the US and south-west Canada. It has a graceful habit with a narrow head and pendulous lower branches. The yellow male catkins are 6”/15cm long, appearing before the leaves; t...

Betula papyrifera - Paper Birch
Paper Birch Native to North America, Betula papyrifera is sometimes called the Canoe birch, as the oily bark was used by native Americans to cover their canoes and teepees. The paper birch is a tall, fast-growing, deciduous tree of graceful, conical habit, well adapted to northern climates. The bark is white, peeling off in papery patches to rev...

Carpinus betulus - Hornbeam
Hornbeam Grown as a Tree A great tree for damp ground, Hornbeam make a good stately tree when mature, it will take the heavy ground that Beech dislikes and is a great grower in our wet climate. The wood is heavy and hard and is used for tools; it also burns hot and slowly, making it a very suitable tree for growing for firewood. Holds the RHS aw...
Castanea Sativa

Castanea Sativa
Sweet Chestnut Long established in Ireland, the Sweet or Spanish chestnut, Castanea sativa, is a large, fast-growing deciduous tree with a broad-headed habit and distinctive, spiral grooves in the bark as the tree matures. Can reach 30-35m in height. Long, handsome, toothed leaves up to 20cm/8” long, turning yellow in autumn. Yellowish male catk...

Corylus colurna - Turkish Hazel
Turkish Hazel Also known as the Constantinople hazel, Corylus colurna is a medium-sized, deciduous tree with a stately, symmetrical, pyramidal habit, more narrowly columnar when young. The bark becomes corky with age and sometimes peels away. The broad, green, oval leaves have a serrated edge, and turn a rich yellow before leaf-fall. Yellow catk...

Fagus sylvatica - Green Beech
Green Beech Grown as a Tree A well known, stately tree that is found throughout old estates and woodlands across Ireland. Fagus sylvatica, better known as Green Beech, is ultimately a very large deciduous tree with a dense broad head. Wavy-edged leaves emerge pale green and silky, maturing to glossy dark green. Fairly insignificant yellow-green ...

Juglans nigra - Black Walnut
Black Walnut Native to Eastern and central north America, and introduced to Europe in the 1650's, Juglans nigra is among the top timber growing trees suitable for the Irish climate, praised by all sorts of craft people for its excellent durability and attractive dark timber. As a tree it grows into a large spreading tree, with a beautiful rounde...

Juglans regia - English Walnut
Juglans regia - English Walnut The source of the familiar walnut, Juglans regia is a large, slow-growing deciduous tree with a short trunk and a broad, spreading crown. The large, green leaves, divided into 5-7 oblong leaflets, and with a citrus scent when crushed, appear quite late in spring, and do not fall until November. The flowers appear a...

Platanus x acerifolia - London Plane
London Plane A vigorous, upright deciduous tree with distinctively flaking, brown, grey and cream bark resembling army camouflage, Platanus acerifolia has bright green lobed leaves and bears curious clusters of persistent round fruits in autumn and winter. Its true origins were long debated, though it is now agreed it is a natural hybrid between...

Populus Alba - Silver Poplar
Silver poplar Native to Southern Europe and parts of Asia, Populus alba is a great pick for many situations, it grows well be the sea, and due to its extensive root system it is also praised for its erosion control capabilities, especially around river banks and even by the sea. It is exceptionally wind tolerant, though best planted as part of ...