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Shrubs - Evergreen
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Prunus lusitanica Angustifolia AGM - Portugal Laurel
Portugal Laurel - Angustifolia Grown as a Tree A large evergreen shrub or small tree, a relatively slow growing form with good bushy foliage of glossy dark green leaves on red stems. Spikes of small fragrant white flowers appear in late Spring on unclipped plants. Eventually, makes a dense conical tree if left unpruned. Grown as a Hedge Prunus l...
RHS Empathy Afterplant - Evergreen
RHS Empathy After Plant Evergreen AFTER PLANT EVERGREEN Bio-active fertiliser with rootgrow™ mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria is a targeted plant food tailored to the needs of evergreen plants in the garden. Evergreens planted directly into the ground benefit from the treatment for the first 3-5 years whilst their soot system and fungal...
Rubus Betty Ashburner
Rubus Betty Ashburner
Chinese Bramble Betty Ashburner Good robust groundcover for difficult spots including banks and shade. Rubus ‘Betty Ashburner’ is a prostrate evergreen type of Raspberry with reddish bristles on the stems and shoots which will spread indefinitely, rooting as it goes, albeit less vigorous than Rubus tricolour. It has lobed, wavy-edged, glossy gre...
Viburnum tinus
Viburnum tinus
Viburnum tinus Popular for hedging due to its dense bushy foliage with dark green oval leaves. From Autumn it has an abundance of flattened clusters of small creamy-white flushed with pink star-like flowers, which are produced from Winter through to Spring. Shiny, blue-black berries develop later in the year adding further interest. Its tall gro...
Yucca filamentosa
Yucca filamentosa
Adam’s Needle A small evergreen shrub, Yucca filamentosa develops thick rosettes of grey-green leaves that terminate into a sharp point. The stemless rosettes of leaves stand proud on the ground. Adam’s Needle is aptly named: the sword-like leaves, up to 1m long, have curly filaments along the edge. In July and August, large panicles of creamy-w...
Acca sellowiana - Feijoa
Acca sellowiana - Feijoa
Acca sellowiana - Feijoa A large shrub or small tree of the myrtle family that typically matures to 2m to 2.5m and is native to Southern Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Acca sellowiana is also known as Feijoa or Pineapple guava. The dark green, evergreen foliage is white and felty underneath and the flowers have waxy, edible, red petals, white ...
Acradenia frankliniae
Acradenia frankliniae
Wirewood A large evergreen shrub native to Tasmanias rainforests, Acradenia franklinae is becoming popular as a garden shrub. Fluffy, fragrant white flowers appear in Spring, and from a distance the evergreen leaves provide an unusual texture. It grows well in difficult damp semi-shaded areas. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Any well-drained soil, ...
Andromeda polifolia Blue Lagoon
Bog Rosemary Blue Lagoon A low growing shrub, Andromeda polifolia Blue Lagoon is an attractive evergreen with grey-blue foliage similar to common Rosemary, albeit inedible. Related to our common heather, Bog Rosemary carries clusters of beautiful pale pink, bell-shaped flowers in early Summer and is very attractive to bees and butterflies.Site: ...
Arbutus unedo - Strawberry Tree
Arbutus unedo - Strawberry Tree - (Caithne) Thought to be native to the south-west of Ireland, and sometimes called the Killarney strawberry tree or caithne, Arbutus unedo is also found in Mediterranean countries. It is mainly found in the wild in Co. Kerry especially in the Killarney district where it forms a large part of the natural forest on...
Arbutus unedo Compacta
Arbutus unedo Compacta
Dwarf Strawberry Tree A small growing form of the native Killarney strawberry tree. It bears fruit that are rather like a strawberry to look at, though not in taste. These are borne at the same time as the flowers, in late autumn, taking a year to mature. Glossy, dark green leaves with serrated edges and attractive cinnamon-brown bark, peeling i...
Arbutus unedo Rubra
Arbutus unedo Rubra
Red Strawberry Tree A form of the native Killarney strawberry tree or caithne, Arbutus unedo f. rubra differs from the species only in having deep pink flowers. A small to medium-sized, slow-growing evergreen tree or large shrub, it bears fruit rather like a strawberry to look at, though not in taste. These are borne at the same time as the flow...
Argyrocytisus battandieri
Argyrocytisus battandieri
Moroccan Broom Also known as the pineapple broom from the scent of its flowers, Argyrocytisus battandieri is a large, semi-evergreen shrub or small tree, with an upright habit when young, later more spreading. The grey-green leaves are divided into three, and covered in pale, silky hairs when young. Soft yellow flowers, strongly scented of pinea...
Aucuba japonica Crotonifolia
Aucuba japonica Crotonifolia
Japanese or Spotted Laurel Crotonifolia A large leathery leaved evergreen shrub with yellow spotted and speckled variegated leaves. The leaf markings of this cultivar are noticeably variable in size, from large blotches to tiny specks. Flowers are small and purple and are followed by bright red berries when pollinated. Aucuba japonica Crotonifol...
Aucuba japonica Rozannie - self fertile
Japanese Laurel Rozannie Dwarf form with leathery green leaves. Small reddish-purple flowers in spring. Self-fertilising and therefore freely produces red berries.Aucuba japonica Rozannie is a good tough shrub for difficult spots and tolerates dry shade and salt air. Grows well in a container. It produces both male and female flowers, so it does...
Azalea japonica Mother's Day
Azalea japonica Mother's Day
Azalea Mother’s Day A low growing semi-evergreen shrub that produces large bright-red flowers with ruffled petals in Spring. In Winter, the green foliage often takes on a bronze glow. Azalea Mother’s Day is an attractive shrub that offers a burst of colour early in the year.Site: Fairly sheltered sitesSoil: Well drained acidic soils, tolerate cl...
Azara microphylla
Azara microphylla
Azara microphylla A large, handsome evergreen shrub or small tree with an open habit. Small dark green leaves are arranged in fan like sprays. Tiny yellow, vanilla scented flowers appear in spring. Prefers a sheltered position in sun or light shade as windburn may occur in exposed locations. Azara microphylla likes a deep humus rich soil, but wi...
Berberis darwinii
Berberis darwinii
Darwin’s Barberry A large growing, dense evergreen shrub that makes an excellent backdrop to other shrubs but also works very well as a tough flowering hedge. The shiny, small, holly-like leaves of Berberis Darwinii are smothered in orange-yellow bell-shaped flowers in Spring & early Summer and are followed by edible purple berries in Autumn...
Berberis darwinii Compacta
Berberis darwinii Compacta
Darwin’s Barberry Compact Form Attractive all year, Berberis darwinii Compacta is an evergreen, dwarf shrub with spiny stems and a dense habit, ideal for making a low hedge which will make burglars and livestock think twice about invading your garden. The leaves look like tiny holly leaves, emerging bronze and turning deep green as they mature. ...
Berberis darwinii Nana
Berberis darwinii Nana
Dwarf Darwin’s Barberry A low growing, dense evergreen shrub that makes excellent groundcover or a tough low growing flowering hedge. The shiny, small, holly-like leaves of Berberis darwinii Nana are smothered in orange-yellow bell-shaped flowers in Spring and early Summer and are followed by edible purple berries in Autumn. A great low growing ...
Berberis julianae
Berberis julianae
Berberis julianae - Barberry A robust evergreen shrub with a dense, bushy, upright habit. Berberis julianae has glossy, spiny-edged, deep green leaves that are pale green underneath and the shrub is covered in large sharp thorns. Clusters of yellow or orange flowers in late spring are followed by blue-black berries. This is the ultimate plant fo...