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Shrubs - Evergreen
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Skimmia japonica Nymans - female
Skimmia japonica Nymans - female Popular as a potted plant or for shrub beds, Skimmia are slow growing robust plants with autumn berries. Nymans is a female clone of spreading, slow-growing habit. Narrow, leathery green leaves. Panicles of scented white flowers in spring are followed by clusters of red berries if pollinated by a male variety. Su...

Skimmia japonica Rubella - male
Skimmia japonica Rubella (male) Popular as a potted plant or for shrub beds, Skimmia are slow growing, evergreen robust plants. Rubella is an excellent male clone with large panicles of red buds persisting throughout the winter, opening in early spring to white flowers with yellow anthers. Suitable for containers. Site: Needs some shelterPositio...

Skimmia japonica Rubinetta - male
Skimmia japonica Rubinetta - male A really easy, reliable shrub for winter colour in a shady spot on slightly acid soil, Skimmia japonica Rubinetta is a small, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with a dense, mounded habit. The foliage is deep green and leathery, making the plant drought-resistant once established. All through winter, the bush carrie...

Skimmia japonica subsp. reevesiana - self fertile
Skimmia japonica subsp. reevesiana - self fertile Unusually for a skimmia, Skimmia japonica subsp. reevesiana is hermaphrodite, and will bear berries without another skimmia nearby; it will also tolerate slightly alkaline soil. It’s a small, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with a dense, mounded habit. The aromatic leaves are narrow, deep green and...

Skimmia x confusa Kew Green - male
Skimmia x confusa Kew Green - male A male form of skimmia with an attractive, unusual flower colour, Skimmia x confusa Kew Green is a small, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with a dense, broad, spreading habit. The aromatic leaves are broadly lance-shaped, deep green and leathery, and up to 4 ½”/12cm long. In spring, panicles of scented, creamy-wh...
Sophora microphylla Sunking

Sophora microphylla Sunking
Sophora microphylla Sunking A handsome cultivar of a New Zealand species, Sophora microphylla Sun King is a large evergreen shrub or small tree with a broad, bushy habit. The glossy, deep green leaves are divided into up to 40 pairs of small, oblong leaflets. In February and March, vivid yellow flowers, 2”/5cm long with prettily protruding anthe...
Tibouchina urvilleana

Tibouchina urvilleana
Tibouchina urvilleana Commonly known as the Purple Glory Bush. Tibouchina urvilleana has velvety dark green leaves, sometimes tinged reddish. Large purple flowers with prominent stamens appear mostly in summer but then sporadically throughout the year. It will eventually grow into a large spreading shrub and it does grows best in sub-tropical lo...
Trachycarpus fortuneii

Trachycarpus fortuneii
Chinese windmill palm Syn. Chamaerops excelsa. Native to China, this is one of the hardiest palms. Trachycarpus fortunei slowly forms a single trunk with a head of large fan-like leaves up to 80cm wide. Ultimately tall growing, it produces sprays of pale yellow flowers on mature plants. Popular as a specimen in a tropical themed garden. Site: F...
Ugni molinae Flambeau

Ugni molinae Flambeau
Chilean Guava Flambeau A cultivar of what was once called Myrtus ugni, Ugni molinae Flambeau is a medium-sized, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with an open habit and edible berries. Elliptical to oval, glossy green leaves are attractively variegated with pink and cream margins, giving rise to its name of Flambeau or Torch. In summer, pink and whi...
Ulex europaeus

Ulex europaeus
Furze The common furze, gorse or whin, so familiar in the Irish landscape, is not in fact native, having been introduced from continental Europe. Ulex europaeus is a medium-sized, evergreen shrub with an upright, bushy habit, covered with greyish-green spines which are actually modified leaves, protecting against water loss from drying winds. T...

Viburnum rhyditophyllum Willowood
Leatherleaf Viburnum A graceful, architectural plant giving year-round interest, Viburnum rhyditophyllum Willowood is a large, fast-growing, evergreen shrub with a neat, bushy habit. The glossy, oblong, strongly veined leaves emerge covered with greyish felt but turn deep green above and pale and silvery-grey underneath. In June and July pure wh...
Viburnum rhytidophyllum

Viburnum rhytidophyllum
Viburnum rhytidophyllum A large, fast-growing evergreen shrub. Viburnum rhytidophyllum produces distinctive long dark-green leaves with an unusual corrugated, textured surface. In May, fragrant bunches of small, creamy-white flowers are produced on furry brown stems and followed in the Autumn by small red fruit maturing to black. This is a lovel...
Viburnum tinus Eve Price

Viburnum tinus Eve Price
Viburnum tinus Eve Price Popular for hedging due to its dense bushy foliage with dark green oval leaves. From Autumn it has an abundance of flattened clusters of small creamy-white flushed with pink star-like flowers, which are produced from Winter through to Spring. Shiny, blue-black berries develop later in the year adding further interest. I...
Viburnum tinus Lisa Rose

Viburnum tinus Lisa Rose
Viburnum tinus Lisa Rose Lisa Rose is a mid sized, dense, compact bushy, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves. The flower buds form in early autumn, turning deep brick-red as the temperature drops. The small, pink and white flowers open in rounded clusters from mid-winter to mid-spring, so earlier than other varieties making it a valuable fo...

Viburnum x burkwoodii Anne Russell
Viburnum Anne Russell Grown for its lovely scent, Viburnum x burkwoodii Anne Russell is a medium-sized semi-evergreen to deciduous shrub with a neat, compact, rounded habit; it will remain evergreen in warm, sheltered gardens in the mildest areas, but will lose its leaves in winter elsewhere. The elliptical leaves are mid-green and glossy, somet...
Washingtonia robusta

Washingtonia robusta
Southern Washingtonia Also known as the Mexican fan palm, Washingtonia robusta is a tender, fast growing, evergreen palm for container growing. It needs to be overwintered in a greenhouse but can be grown outside in summer, giving an exotic, tropical appearance to a sheltered garden. It has a rather narrow habit, and attractive, fan-shaped, gree...
x Gordlinia grandiflora

x Gordlinia grandiflora
Gordlinia A fairly rare intergeneric hybrid between a Franklinia and a Gordonia, x Gordlinia grandiflora is a large, fast-growing, semi-evergreen shrub or small tree grown for its beautiful flowers and autumn colour. Narrow-elliptical, evergreen leaves, dark green above and paler green below, take on shades of orange and red in autumn, but usual...
Yucca aloifolia

Yucca aloifolia
Yucca aloifolia Also known as the dagger plant for obvious reasons, Yucca aloifolia is a native of Mexico, Bermuda, and the Caribbean. It develops a sparsely branched trunk that carries the iconic dense rosettes of sharply-pointed, green leaves. During late Summer, elongated bunches of creamy-white bell-shaped flowers are produced from the centr...
Yucca gloriosa Variegata

Yucca gloriosa Variegata
Variegated Spanish Dagger Ideal for an architectural effect in a courtyard or by the sea, Yucca gloriosa Variegata is a medium-sized, slow-growing, single-stemmed shrub with a handsome rosette of long, rigid, lance-shaped, blue-green leaves edged with creamy-yellow and with a sharp spine at the tips. From August to October, wide panicles of cre...
Zanthoxylum beecheyanum

Zanthoxylum beecheyanum
Chinese Pepper Tree Unusual evergreen shrub native to China where it is popular as a culinary herb, and also a good choice for Bonsai. Zanthoxylum beecheyanum has small lemon scented unusual looking glossy pinnate leaves, and tiny red-tinted flowers in the spring. Good for any sized garden or border. Best in well drained soil. Site: Tolerates so...