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Pyracantha Orange Glow
Pyracantha Orange Glow
Pyracantha Orange Glow - Firethorn Orange Glow is a vigorous orange-berried form of Pyracantha with a more erect habit than other varieties. These tough prickly shrubs are easy to grow and train readily up a wall or other support and also make a good dense hedge. The white flowers are borne in sprays in summer and the orange berries that follow...
Pyracantha Soleil d'Or
Pyracantha Soleil d'Or
Pyracantha Soleil d'Or - Yellow Firethorn This is a yellow-berried form of Pyracantha. Pyracantha Soleil d’Or is an easy plant to train up a wall or other support and also makes a good dense hedge. The white flowers are borne in sprays in summer and the berries provide a bright display of yellow as well as food for birds in the winter. Pyracant...
Solanum jasminoides (laxum) Album
White Potato Vine Once known as Solanum jasminoides Album for its slight jasmine scent, Solanum laxum Album is a large, vigorous, semi-evergreen, climbing shrub, whose wiry stems need to be tied in to a support. The delicate, ovate leaves are a deep, glossy green, against which the flowers shine out. From July to September, the plant is covered ...
Solanum jasminoides Blue
Solanum jasminoides Blue
Potato Vine Blue A new and very pretty cultivar of potato vine, suitable for smaller gardens, Solanum jasminoides Blue is a large, vigorous, scrambling, very long-flowering climber, whose wiry stems need to be tied into a support. The small, ovate leaves are a deep, glossy green with a purplish flush. From June to September, and often into Octob...
Wisteria floribunda Longissima Alba (Shiro-noda)
White Japanese Wisteria A fast-growing woody, deciduous vine with large pinnate leaves, Wisteria needs sturdy support in a sheltered south or west facing position. ‘Longissima Alba’ bears long drooping racemes of pure white flowers that can reach almost 2 ft in length. Prune regularly to keep this vigorous climber in its place and encourage flo...
Wisteria floribunda Rosea (Hon-beni)
Japanese Wisteria Rosea Also known as Wisteria floribunda Hon-Beni, Wisteria floribunda Rosea is a large, fast-growing, deciduous, clockwise-twining climber with pink blossom. The fresh green, deeply divided, leaves turn golden-yellow in autumn. Long racemes (up to 2’/60cm) of scented, pea-like, pale rose-pink flowers tipped with purple are bor...
Wisteria sinensis
Wisteria sinensis
Chinese Wisteria Chinese Wisteria bears drooping racemes of fragrant lilac or mauve flowers around 1 ft in length. A vigorous woody, deciduous vine with large pinnate leaves, Wisteria needs sturdy support in a sheltered south or west facing position. Prune regularly to keep this fast-growing climber under control and encourage flowering. Positi...
Wisteria sinensis Prolific
Wisteria sinensis Prolific
Chinese Wisteria Prolific A big, beautiful climber which can transform a house, Wisteria sinensis Prolific is a very large, vigorous, long-lived, deciduous climber which twines anticlockwise round its supports. It is best grown along strong, galvanised wires attached to the wall of a house or through a large, sturdy tree – a pergola would have ...
Clematis Armandi
Clematis Armandi
Armand’s Clematis A beautiful, large clematis which flowers in early to mid-spring, Clematis armandi is a large, vigorous, evergreen climber, which needs support, and a warm, south- or west-facing wall with protection against cold winds. The typical clematis leaves are tripartite, leathery and deep glossy green. The pretty, starry flowers are fr...
Clematis Armandi Apple Blossom
Clematis Apple Blossom A really beautiful, spring-flowering clematis for training onto a south- or west-facing wall, Clematis armandi Apple Blossom is a large, vigorous, evergreen climber. Big, rather leathery, trifoliate leaves emerge bronze-tinted, and mature to a bright mid-green. From early spring, pink buds open into starry, four-petalled f...
Clematis cirrhosa Jingle Bells
Clematis Jingle Bells A vigorous, woody, evergreen climber, Clematis cirrhosa Jingle Bells is aptly named, as it starts flowering in mid-December, continuing to February. The tripartite, typical clematis leaves are deep green, a lovely foil for the flowers. From winter to early spring, delicately scented, nodding, creamy-white, four-petalled flo...
Clematis Margaret Hunt
Clematis Margaret Hunt
Clematis Margaret Hunt A late-flowering, large-flowered, free-flowering clematis, Clematis Margaret Hunt is a fast-growing, deciduous, herbaceous perennial, self-clinging climber. Tripartite, typical clematis leaves are deep-green. Masses of large flowers, with six dusky mauve-pink petals, with darker margins and veins and with prominent red ant...
Clematis montana Broughton Star
Clematis montana Broughton Star Bred in the UK, Clematis montana Broughton Star is a moderately vigorous, deciduous, double-flowered clematis, not as rampant as most other Montana Group clematis. Leaves emerge purplish-bronze, turning deep green in summer. In May and early June, scented, deep pink, double flowers emerge; these usually comprise f...
Clematis montana Elizabeth
Clematis montana Elizabeth
Clematis Montana Elizabeth A justly popular Montana Group cultivar, Clematis montana Elizabeth is a very vigorous, deciduous climber. Leaves emerge purplish-bronze, turning deep green in summer. In May and early June it is smothered in scented, pale pink, satiny four-petalled flowers, with golden centres; a few flowers follow during the summer....
Clematis montana Fragrant Spring
Clematis montana Fragrant Spring A scented, large, montana clematis, Clematis montana Fragrant Spring is a very vigorous, hardy, deciduous climber; it will need support, such as a sturdy shed or wall. The typical clematis leaves are tripartite, and bronze-tinted. The pretty, deliciously scented flowers are single with four rounded petals , and p...
Clematis montana Freda
Clematis montana Freda
Clematis montana Freda A charming, but large, montana clematis, Clematis Freda is a vigorous, hardy, deciduous climber, ideal for covering a sturdy shed or wall; it will need some support. The typical clematis leaves are tripartite, and bronze-tinted as they emerge. The pretty flowers are single with four rounded petals , and a deep, cherry pink...
Clematis montana Grandiflora
Clematis montana Grandiflora
Clematis montana Grandiflora A beautiful variant of the mountain or anemone clematis, Clematis montana var. Grandiflora is a large, very vigorous, deciduous climber, ideal for covering an ugly (but substantial) wall or building, or climbing through a large, strong tree. The mid-green leaves are in three parts (trifoliate), as is typical of clema...
Clematis montana Marjorie
Clematis montana Marjorie
Clematis montana Marjorie A very pretty montana clematis with double, narrow petals, Clematis montana Marjorie is a very large, vigorous, deciduous climber with a bushy habit, which will need support. The typical, tripartite clematis leaves have a bronze tint. Double, peach-pink and cream flowers with narrow petals are prolifically produced from...
Clematis montana Mayleen
Clematis montana Mayleen
Clematis montana Mayleen A charming, but very large, montana clematis, Clematis montana var. rubens Mayleen is a large, vigorous, deciduous climber, ideal for covering a sturdy shed or wall. The typical clematis leaves are tripartite, and bronze-tinted. The pretty flowers are single, a pale pink, paler at the edge of the four rounded petals, and...
Clematis montana Tetrarose
Clematis montana Tetrarose
Clematis montana Tetrarose A justly popular cultivar of the mountain clematis, Clematis montana var. rubens Tetrarose is a large, vigorous, deciduous climber, not quite as enormous as some montana clematis. The stems are reddish brown, and the tripartite leaves are an interesting bronzed green. From late spring to early summer the plant is cover...