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Shrubs - for Coastal Sites
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Phormium tenax
Phormium tenax
New Zealand Flax Phormium tenax is native to, you guessed it, New Zealand, where the fibre has been widely utilised, originally in M?ori traditional textiles and also in rope and sail making until the 1940’s. Bronzy-red flowers are produced on very tall stems from July to September to a background of strap-like leathery leaves. New Zealand Flax ...
Phormium tenax Purpureum
Phormium tenax Purpureum
Purple New Zealand Flax Phormium tenax has long, leathery foliage with a rich, bronzy-purple colour. Bronze-red flowers are produced on mature plants and carried on very tall stems from July to September. The Purple New Zealand Flax makes an ideal specimen plants for coastal, windy locations. Can be planted in mixed flower and shrub beds to add ...
Pittosporum tenuifolium
Pittosporum tenuifolium
Pittosporum tenuifolium A popular evergreen glossy leaved shrub growing as a tall broad column. Its leaves have appealing wavy margins. Small, honey-scented deep purple flowers open in clusters in late spring and early summer, followed by hard round seed cases which begin to open in early Autumn, revealing small black seed covered in a sticky ye...
Pittosporum tenuifolium Tom Thumb
Pittosporum Tom Thumb A popular evergreen shrub. For most of the year it has dark purple leaves, contrasted beautifully by bright-green fresh growth. Growing as a short rounded bush, Pittosporum tenuifolium Tom Thumb is a must for any low maintenance garden, it tolerates dry summers and damp winters, and never really needs much care. Site: ?Tole...
Pyracantha coccinea Red Cushion
Pyracantha Red Cushion A compact shrub, ideal for the smaller garden, Pyracantha coccinea Red Cushion Is a small to medium-sized evergreen shrub with a rounded, mound-forming habit and thorny branches. The small, pointed leaves are deep green. Thick clusters of single, white flowers appear in spring on the previous year’s growth, and are perfect...
Pyracantha Golden Charmer
Pyracantha Golden Charmer
Pyracantha Golden Charmer - Firethorn Pyracantha has been a favourite plant for a long time because it presents a low-maintenance plant that can grow almost anywhere. This variety has glossy green foliage and small white flowers that are followed by yellow berries that darken as they age. Pyracantha Golden Charmer is an easy plant to train up a ...
Pyracantha Orange Glow
Pyracantha Orange Glow
Pyracantha Orange Glow - Firethorn Orange Glow is a vigorous orange-berried form of Pyracantha with a more erect habit than other varieties. These tough prickly shrubs are easy to grow and train readily up a wall or other support and also make a good dense hedge. The white flowers are borne in sprays in summer and the orange berries that follow...
Pyracantha Soleil d'Or
Pyracantha Soleil d'Or
Pyracantha Soleil d'Or - Yellow Firethorn This is a yellow-berried form of Pyracantha. Pyracantha Soleil d’Or is an easy plant to train up a wall or other support and also makes a good dense hedge. The white flowers are borne in sprays in summer and the berries provide a bright display of yellow as well as food for birds in the winter. Pyracant...
Rosa rugosa F J Grootendorst
Rosa rugosa F J Grootendorst
Rose F J Grootendorst A rugosa rose, so disease-resistant but very prickly, Rosa rugosa FJ Grootendorst is a deciduous, fast-growing, repeating shrub rose with a bushy, arching but upright habit, filling out to the ground. It’s been around since 1918 – so it must be good! The foliage is lush and deep green, turning red in autumn. Clusters of dou...
Rosa rugosa Scabrosa
Rosa rugosa Scabrosa
Rugosa Rose Scabrosa Perhaps the best of the single-flowered, repeat-flowering rugosa roses, Rosa rugosa Scabrosa is a vigorous, deciduous shrub rose with an upright, bushy, suckering habit and very prickly stems. The luxuriant, divided foliage has fine, deeply wrinkled, glossy, deep green leaflets. From July to September, the rose bears fragra...
Rosa rugosa typica
Rosa rugosa typica
Rose rugosa typica A very hardy, disease-resistant, repeating rose, Rosa rugosa typica is a deciduous, large shrub rose with a dense, bushy, upright habit. The foliage is mid-green and deeply veined and the stems are very prickly, rather than thorny. The flowers are large, single and a deep carmine, with golden stamens; they are strongly fragran...
Rosa Schneezwerg - Rugosa Rose
Rugosa Rose Schneezwerg A compact rose, hence the name Snowdwarf, Rosa Schneezwerg is a medium-sized, deciduous rugosa rose with a very prickly, dense, bushy habit. The small, divided leaves are bright green, glossy and heavily veined, and turn yellow in autumn. Masses of lightly fragrant, semi-double, pure white flowers with golden stamens are ...
Rosa Thérèse Bugnet
Rosa Thérèse Bugnet
Rose Thérèse Bugnet A beautiful, hardy, disease-resistant, repeating rose, Rosa Thérèse Bugnet is a deciduous, large shrub rose with a bushy, upright habit. The foliage is mid-green, and the stems – mercifully, for the pruner, not thorny – turn red in winter. It flowers from June into November; the flowers are large, loosely double, old-rose in...
Yucca filamentosa
Yucca filamentosa
Adam’s Needle A small evergreen shrub, Yucca filamentosa develops thick rosettes of grey-green leaves that terminate into a sharp point. The stemless rosettes of leaves stand proud on the ground. Adam’s Needle is aptly named: the sword-like leaves, up to 1m long, have curly filaments along the edge. In July and August, large panicles of creamy-w...
Acca sellowiana - Feijoa
Acca sellowiana - Feijoa
Acca sellowiana - Feijoa A large shrub or small tree of the myrtle family that typically matures to 2m to 2.5m and is native to Southern Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Acca sellowiana is also known as Feijoa or Pineapple guava. The dark green, evergreen foliage is white and felty underneath and the flowers have waxy, edible, red petals, white ...
Arbutus unedo - Strawberry Tree
Arbutus unedo - Strawberry Tree - (Caithne) Thought to be native to the south-west of Ireland, and sometimes called the Killarney strawberry tree or caithne, Arbutus unedo is also found in Mediterranean countries. It is mainly found in the wild in Co. Kerry especially in the Killarney district where it forms a large part of the natural forest on...
Arbutus unedo Compacta
Arbutus unedo Compacta
Dwarf Strawberry Tree A small growing form of the native Killarney strawberry tree. It bears fruit that are rather like a strawberry to look at, though not in taste. These are borne at the same time as the flowers, in late autumn, taking a year to mature. Glossy, dark green leaves with serrated edges and attractive cinnamon-brown bark, peeling i...
Arbutus unedo Rubra
Arbutus unedo Rubra
Red Strawberry Tree A form of the native Killarney strawberry tree or caithne, Arbutus unedo f. rubra differs from the species only in having deep pink flowers. A small to medium-sized, slow-growing evergreen tree or large shrub, it bears fruit rather like a strawberry to look at, though not in taste. These are borne at the same time as the flow...
Aronia melanocarpa
Aronia melanocarpa
Black Chokeberry Upright, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub with alternate, dark green glossy leaves which turn red in autumn. Heads of star shaped white, sometimes pink-flushed, flowers in late spring followed by drooping clusters of black berries in autumn. The fruit is very astringent, rich in pectin so good for making into jam, berries are best...
Aucuba japonica Crotonifolia
Aucuba japonica Crotonifolia
Japanese or Spotted Laurel Crotonifolia A large leathery leaved evergreen shrub with yellow spotted and speckled variegated leaves. The leaf markings of this cultivar are noticeably variable in size, from large blotches to tiny specks. Flowers are small and purple and are followed by bright red berries when pollinated. Aucuba japonica Crotonifol...