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Apple Red Falstaff

Apple Red Falstaff
Apple Red Falstaff A redder sport of Apple Falstaff, Apple Red Falstaff is a late season dessert apple, and a first-class garden variety for all areas. Medium-sized, attractive fruit, bright red over yellow, with crunchy, firm, creamy-white flesh, very juicy, with a good balance of sweetness and acidity. Good keeper, sweetening in store. Moderat...
Apple Reid’s Seedling

Apple Reid’s Seedling
Apple Reid’s Seedling Selected from a seedling by a Mr. Reid in Co. Armagh in the late 19th century, Apple Reid’s Seedling is an Irish heritage variety. A mid-season dessert apple, it has very attractive fruit; large for a dessert apple, it is round to conical in shape, and yellow with a big red blush on one cheek and some red stippling and russ...
Apple Ross Nonpareil

Apple Ross Nonpareil
Apple Ross Nonpareil A very old Irish heritage variety of dessert apple, also called French Pippin, as it was first grown in Rosslare from a pip of French origin. Round, medium sized fruit, light greenish-yellow with patches and stripes of red and heavy golden-brown russeting. Rich, aromatic, pear-drop flavour, sweet, with a good acid balance. A...
Apple Rubinette

Apple Rubinette
Apple Rubinette Claimed to be ‘the best tasting apple in the world’, late dessert Apple Rubinette was bred from Apples Cox’s Orange Pippin and Golden Delicious in Switzerland in 1966, and takes after its illustrious Cox parent. The fruit is beautifully streaked and flushed with orange-red; it is small, but increases in size as the tree matures....
Apple Sam Young

Apple Sam Young
Apple Sam Young An Irish heritage variety, also known as Irish Russet, Apple Sam Young was first recorded in the early 19th century and was widely grown and appreciated throughout the country. A late dessert apple, it is small, round and flattened, green to greenish-yellow, occasionally showing a faint orange blush or red stippling; it is almos...
Apple Scarlet Crofton

Apple Scarlet Crofton
Apple Scarlet Crofton Though originally brought from England by the Croftons of Co. Sligo under the reign of Elizabeth I, dessert Apple Scarlet Crofton is nevertheless regarded as an Irish heritage variety. The fruit is medium-sized, flattened on one side, pale yellow to yellowish green with extensive, deep scarlet blush and streaking and net-li...
Apple Spartan

Apple Spartan
Apple Spartan Bred in Canada, dessert Apple Spartan is a popular late dessert apple. The fruit is medium-sized, and yellow, almost completely covered with a very deep maroon-red blush. The flesh is crisp, white and juicy, and the flavour is sweet and rather winy. The tree is easy to look after, moderately vigorous and readily producing spurs; it...
Apple Sunset

Apple Sunset
Apple Sunset Bred in Kent in the early 20th century, Apple Sunset is a mid-season dessert apple with most of the virtues of its parent Cox’s Orange Pippin, and few of the disadvantages – an ideal garden apple even in northern areas. The fruit is small to medium-sized, with golden skin streaked and blushed with orange-red and with a little russet...

Apple Tickled Pink (Baya® Marisa)
Apple Tickled Pink A new dual purpose apple variety with striking red flesh, Apple Tickled Pink is one of the best of the red-fleshed apples for flavour. The blossom, too, is crimson-red, as are the fruits, making this tree strikingly attractive in spring and autumn. The flavour is tart, mild and juicy, and the fruit can also be cooked, being pa...
Apple Widow's Friend

Apple Widow's Friend
Apple Widow’s Friend Once widely grown in Co Armagh, Apple Widow’s Friend is an early dessert apple and a prolific cropper, hence, no doubt, the name! Variably sized fruit, round to conical, with a rather irregular shape, pale yellow with a large area of crimson blush and a few flecks of russet. The flesh is white, soft and very juicy, with a go...
Apple Winston

Apple Winston
Apple Winston Bred in Berkshire in the first half of the 20th century, late dessert Apple Winston is nevertheless suitable for all areas, and is an excellent garden tree. The fruit is small to medium-sized, yellowish-green, flushed and streaked red. The flesh is light cream, crisp and juicy; the taste eaten from the tree is quite sharp, but it s...
Apple Winter Gem

Apple Winter Gem
Apple Winter Gem Bred in Kent in 1975, one parent of late dessert Apple Winter Gem is Apple Cox’s Orange Pippin, although, unlike Cox, it thrives in most areas. Very attractive fruit, medium-sized to large, golden-yellow with extensive orange-red speckling and streaking; the flesh is creamy-yellow, firm, crisp and juicy, with an exceptional, ric...
Apple Worcester Pearmain

Apple Worcester Pearmain
Apple Worcester Pearmain This old favourite was bred in Worcestershire at the end of the 19th century, and is thought to be a seedling of Apple Devonshire Quarrenden. An early to mid-season dessert apple, Apple Worcester Pearmain bears very attractive apples, round and slightly lop-sided, yellowish green almost completely covered with a vivid re...
Apple Yellow Ingestrie

Apple Yellow Ingestrie
Apple Yellow Ingestrie A very old English apple, dating back to the early 19th century, Apple Yellow Ingestrie is a early to mid-season dessert apple which makes a lovely specimen tree for a garden. The fruit is rather small, round and bright yellow; the flesh is also yellow, crisp and fine-textured with a sharp-sweet ‘apple-y’ flavour. The tree...