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Festuca glauca Elijah Blue
Festuca glauca Elijah Blue Festuca glauca Elijah Blue is one of the best forms of the Blue Fescue with powdery blue grassy leaves and attractive panicles of silvery-blue flowers in early summer. Blue grasses don’t love it if we have one of our long, wet Irish winters and are best grown in a well-drained rock garden or raised bed. Excellent in ...
Festuca glauca Intense Blue
Festuca glauca Intense Blue
Blue Fescue Intense Blue An exceptionally blue grass for year-round interest, Festuca glauca Intense Blue is an evergreen, perennial grass with a fairly upright, arching, clump-forming habit. The narrow, spiky leaves are intensely, steely blue, particularly good with pink and purple flowers, giving a mobile effect to any planting. In June and Ju...
Festuca glauca Sunrise
Festuca glauca Sunrise
Festuca Sunrise A lovely, deep green grass which turns the colours of sunrise in winter, Festuca glauca Sunrise is a small, hardy evergreen grass with a tuft-forming habit. The narrow, airy, deep green leaves turn orange-red in late autumn and winter. In summer, the flowers and flower stems are orange-red. Needs minimal pruning, but you can comb...
Ficinia truncata Ice Crystal
Ficinia truncata Ice Crystal
Ficinia Ice Crystal A striking but tender little sedge, Ficinia truncata Ice Crystal is a compact, evergreen, rhizomatous perennial grass with a mound-forming habit. The narrow, mid-green leaves are edged with cream or white, giving a delightful, frosted appearance. From June to August inconspicuous, rounded, pale brown flower spikelets rise on ...
Glyceria maxima var. variegata
Variegated Reed Sweet-grass A vigorous grass for boggy soil or shallow water. Attractive creamy yellow striped variegation with pink tinges in spring. Open panicles of creamy-white flowers in mid and late summer. Glyceria maxima var. variegata can be invasive and is best grown in an aquatic basket to restrict its spread Position: Full sun to par...
Hakonechloa macra Aureola
Golden Hakonechloa A cultivar of Japanese forest grass which makes a splash of colour in the garden, Hakonechloa macra Aureola is a clump-forming, deciduous, perennial grass which forms a broad, low, dense mound of narrow, arching, rather bamboo-like leaves. They are butter-yellow, striped with green, appear in early spring, keep their bright co...
Hakonechloa macra Sunflare
Hakonechloa macra Sunflare
Japanese Forest Grass Sunflare A strikingly coloured grass, Hakonechloa macra Sunflare is a deciduous, slow-growing, non-invasive grass, lovely planted in drifts but also very good as a specimen in a pot. It has a graceful, mounded, arching habit, with cascading leaves, which emerge a beautiful chartreuse-yellow in partial shade, golden-yellow ...
Helictotrichon sempervirens
Helictotrichon sempervirens
Blue oat grass An attractive cool-season grass, Helictotrichon sempervirens is a medium-sized, clump-forming, evergreen grass with rather upright, very fine, silvery-blue leaves. Elegant arching oat-like flowerheads up to 1.4m rise well above the clump of leaves in early summer; these loose panicles rapidly turn hay-coloured in an attractive co...
Juncus effusus var. spiralis - Corkscrew Rush
Corkscrew rush It is easy to see how this plant got its common name, Corkscrew Rush. This evergreen is a must have for any small pond. It has an unusual cork screw twist to the cylindrical foliage. Although evergreen, cutting it back in early spring encourages fresh new growth. Position: Full sun to part shadePlanting depth: Damp soil to 10cm (4...
Libertia caerulescens (Orthrosanthus laxus)
Libertia caerulescens (Orthrosanthus laxus) Libertia caerulescens is an unusual evergreen perennial with pale green, upright, linear foliage and clusters of numerous pale blue flowers in late spring or early summer that are followed by glossy, light brown seed heads. Site: Salt & Wind TolerantPosition: Full sun or light shadeSoil: Moist, we...
Libertia Sunset Strain
Libertia Sunset Strain
Libertia Sunset Strain Libertia Sunset Strain is a dense clump-forming perennial with narrow green leathery leaves, sometimes turning orange-brown in winter with clusters of white flowers in late spring and early summer. Good for tropical planting effect. Excellent in containers. Position: Full sun or light shadeSoil: Well drainedFlowering Perio...
Liriope muscari
Liriope muscari
Big Blue Lilyturf An evergreen, tuberous perennial, Liriope muscari forms a dense clump of rather grass-like, dark green leaves which spread, but not invasively. In mid- to late autumn, deep violet-purple flowers like tiny grapes are produced in a dense spike 1’/30cm tall; the flowers persist into November, and are a wonderful contrast to the ho...
Liriope muscari Moneymaker
Liriope muscari Moneymaker
Big Blue Lilyturf Moneymaker An attractive, late summer, tuberous perennial, very useful as part of a shady garden, Liriope muscari Moneymaker is a small, hardy, semi-evergreen perennial, which forms dense clumps of arching, strap-like, deep green leaves. In late summer and early autumn, dark stems emerge above the clump bearing whorled, purple ...
Liriope muscari Monroe White
Liriope muscari Monroe White
Liriope Monroe White A lovely little plant for a shady spot or woodland planting, Liriope muscari Monroe White is a small, evergreen, clump-forming perennial. The wide, strap-shaped leaves are deep green. From August to November, quite large, grape hyacinth-like, pure white flowers appear from greenish buds, and look wonderful against the foliag...
Liriope muscari variegata
Liriope muscari variegata
Variegated Lily Turf A charming little grass-like plant for bringing light into a shady part of the garden, Liriope muscari Variegata is a small, evergreen, clump-forming, perennial, similar to big blue lily turf, but with a less vigorous habit and brightly variegated leaves. It will slowly spread by means of its underground tubers, forming good...
Luzula nivea
Luzula nivea
Luzula nivea - Snowy Woodrush An early-flowering woodland plant, Luzula nivea is a medium-sized, slowly spreading, evergreen woodrush, forming narrow tufts of upright, dark green leaves; these are edged with white hairs, giving a silvery appearance. Small heads of pretty, off-white flowers to 2’ (60cm) are produced in early summer. Snowy Wood...
Luzula sylvatica
Luzula sylvatica
Great Wood-rush A native plant of damp, acidic woodland, moorland and stream-banks, Luzula sylvatica is an evergreen, perennial grass forming large clumps, spreading slowly by underground stolons. Flat, linear, mid-green leaves, with silky hairs along their edges, form a substantial clump, and some leaves persist through the winter. In May and J...
Milium effusum Aureum
Milium effusum Aureum
Milium effusum Aureum - Bowles' golden grass Milium effusum Aureum is a low-growing, semi evergreen grass that prefers moist, shady sites. Plants form a dense mound of beautiful bright yellow foliage in spring, bearing short spikes of green flowers in early summer. A superb companion to spring flowering bulbs of all kinds, it also works well int...
Miscanthus nepalensis
Miscanthus nepalensis
Himalayan Fairy Grass A very desirable, warm-season, ornamental grass for milder areas, Miscanthus nepalensis is a clump-forming, deciduous grass with an arching habit. Narrow, linear, bright green leaves appear in mid-spring, forming a compact clump, and often turning bronze in autumn. From August to October, beautiful, flowing, honey-coloured ...
Miscanthus sinensis Malepartus
Miscanthus sinensis Malepartus A long-established cultivar of the far-eastern miscanthus or eulalia grasses, but still one of the very best, Miscanthus sinensis Malepartus is a vigorous, clump-forming, deciduous, warm-season grass to 2m tall with a fountain-like habit. Narrow, arching green leaves with a white mid-rib turn orange, then straw-co...