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Cotoneaster dammeri
Cotoneaster dammeri
Cotoneaster dammeri Prostrate evergreen shrub, makes excellent ground cover with long stems that hug the ground closely. Small white flowers are followed by red berries. Cotoneaster dammeri is ideal for covering banks. Site: Tolerates coastal exposureSoil: Any reasonably well-drained soil, tolerant of poor soilsPosition: Full sun or partial shad...
Cotoneaster dammeri Green Carpet
Cotoneaster Green Carpet Prostrate evergreen shrub, makes excellent ground cover with long stems that hug the ground closely. Small white flowers are followed by red berries. Cotoneaster dammeri Green Carpet is ideal for covering banks Site: Tolerates coastal exposureSoil: Any reasonably well-drained soil, tolerant of poor soilsPosition: Full s...
Cotoneaster procumbens Queen of Carpets
Creeping Cotoneaster Queen of Carpets Queen of Carpets is a densely carpeting prostrate evergreen shrub with small glossy green leaves. Small white flowers in early summer followed by bright red berries after. Does well in almost any well-drained soil, tolerates semi-shade but forms the densest carpet in full sun. An excellent ground-cover for c...
Cotoneaster salicifolius repens
Cotoneaster sal. repens A spreading, low-growing, evergreen shrub that is excellent for covering ground, especially difficult banks. The leaves are small and glossy green, in early Summer, masses of small, white flowers are produced, followed by red berries. Both flowers and berries are good for wildlife. Site: Tolerates coastal exposureSoil: We...
Cyclamen hederifolium
Cyclamen hederifolium
Cyclamen hederifolium - Ivy leaved Cyclamen An autumn flowering perennial with dark green leaves attractively marbled silver on top and purplish underneath. In autumn established tubers produce rose pink or white flowers and are followed by the clusters of overlapping leaves. Cyclamen hederifolium is the easiest cyclamen to naturalise under tree...
Galium odoratum - Sweet Woodruff
Sweet Woodruff (Lus moileas) This carpeting wildflower can be found in mature woodlands and other damp, sheltered places. Native throughout Europe, it was once used to flavour beer and its wonderful scent reminiscent of fresh hay and vanilla was a popular choice in potpourri or indeed in the linen closet - you’ll need to pick it to smell it. Cla...
Gaultheria procumbens
Gaultheria procumbens
Gaultheria procumbens Forms a prostrate, evergreen carpet slowly spreading by underground shoots. Leaves turn an attractive purplish red in autumn, fragrant when crushed. White or pale pink, urn shaped flowers followed by bright red fruit which generally lasts through winter. Good ground cover for shade on acid soils. Site: Tolerates a little e...
Genista hispanica
Genista hispanica
Spanish gorse A Mediterranean plant which does surprisingly well in our climate, Genista hispanica is related to our native gorse, but is smaller and deciduous. A small, low-growing shrub, with a neat, dense, spreading habit and green, spiny stems, it does particularly well on poor, free-draining soil. Leafy green flowering shoots bear masses of...
Geranium Ann Folkard
Geranium Ann Folkard
Hardy Geranium Ann Folkard An excellent, long-established hybrid hardy geranium or cranesbill, Geranium Ann Folkard x psilostemon is a small, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial which blooms for a long period. The divided, palmate leaves emerge yellow-green, making a splash of light in the spring garden, gradually turning deep to mid-green, a lo...
Hypericum calycinum
Hypericum calycinum
Rose of Sharon An attractive evergreen ground cover which is dense, but not invasive. Low-growing with creeping roots which form a close green carpet of leafy shoots, once established, Rose of Sharon will grow almost anywhere, it will grow in anything from poor to fertile soil and will even tolerate deep shade. Deep green, oval leaves and 2" gol...
Juniperus communis Green Carpet
Juniper Green Carpet Green carpet is a ground hugging cultivar of the common Juniper with dense, bright green foliage. Its wide spreading growth makes it ideal as a weed suppressing ground cover. It also mixes well with Winter heathers in a low maintenance garden. After several years it will develop the traditional blue black berries. Aspect: S...
Liriope muscari
Liriope muscari
Big Blue Lilyturf An evergreen, tuberous perennial, Liriope muscari forms a dense clump of rather grass-like, dark green leaves which spread, but not invasively. In mid- to late autumn, deep violet-purple flowers like tiny grapes are produced in a dense spike 1’/30cm tall; the flowers persist into November, and are a wonderful contrast to the ho...
Lonicera pileata
Lonicera pileata
Lonicera pileata A low growing, evergreen shrub that makes excellent groundcover or a low hedge. Small, fragrant, funnel-shaped creamy-white flowers appear in Spring and pretty, violet-blue translucent berries in Winter and are attractive to birds. Branches that touch the ground will root-in and the plant will slowly spread over time if allowed ...
Luzula nivea
Luzula nivea
Luzula nivea - Snowy Woodrush An early-flowering woodland plant, Luzula nivea is a medium-sized, slowly spreading, evergreen woodrush, forming narrow tufts of upright, dark green leaves; these are edged with white hairs, giving a silvery appearance. Small heads of pretty, off-white flowers to 2’ (60cm) are produced in early summer. Snowy Wood...
Neudorff Organic Rose Food
Neudorff Organic Rose Food
Neudorff Organic Rose Food This organic liquid compound fertiliser is made from organic products and the natural fermentation by-product of processing sugar beet with outstanding fertiliser properties. Liquid concentrate For bigger, brighter blooms Organic Made from natural plant materials Child and pet safe Size: 1L Makes up to 200 litres In...
Persicaria affinis Darjeeling Red AGM
Knotweed Darjeeling Red A versatile clumping perennial that will spread into a semi-evergreen carpet over time. The many, long-lasting, dense flower spikes of Persicaria affinis Darjeeling Red blend well in most planting schemes from cottage to exotic, over banks and along a north facing wall. Opening with soft pink in July, the flowers then de...
Pulmonaria Raspberry Splash
Lungwort Raspberry Splash A very long-flowering lungwort cultivar, Pulmonaria Raspberry Splash is a low, spreading, clump-forming, semi-evergreen perennial, ideal for spring colour in a shady border. Narrow, pointed, deep green leaves dotted with pale silvery-green spots make a lovely foil for the flowers, and light up the border when the flower...
Rosa Berkshire
Rosa Berkshire
Rose Berkshire A hardy, repeating, ground-cover rose, Rosa Berkshire is a low, deciduous, shrub rose with a bushy, spreading habit. The neat foliage is deep, glossy green, a lovely foil for the flowers. Fragrant, semi-double, bright pink flowers with golden stamens, are borne from midsummer to autumn. Ideal for planting on a bank, but as these d...
Rosa Cambridgeshire - Groundcover Rose
Rose Cambridgeshire - Groundcover Rose A pretty, repeat-flowering ground-cover (procumbent) rose, Rosa Cambridgeshire was bred by the famous German firm Kordes. It’s a low-growing deciduous, shrub rose with a compact, bushy, spreading habit, very few thorns and glossy, mid-green divided leaves. Almost continually from midsummer to autumn, poin...
Rosa Flower Carpet Amber
Rosa Flower Carpet Amber
Rose Flower Carpet Amber - Groundcover Rose Rosa Flower Carpet Amber produces masses of orange yellow blooms, blushed with tones of soft pink and peach throughout the summer and into Autumn. Repeat flowering, continuously from May to October. Disease resistant. Height & Spread: 2ft x 2ft