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Genus - Hamamelis
With it’s bright spidery scented flowers on bare branches, hamamelis (or Witch Hazel) does look like some type of magic has been hard at work! However, the 'witch' in 'Witch Hazel' is from the Old English word ‘wiche’, meaning bendable or pliant.
Learn more about choosing hamamelises in our advice section.
Bareroot hamamelises | mid-November to March
Bareroot hamamelises are only available from mid-November to March. You can learn more about the differences between bareroot and potted plants in our advice section.
Potted hamamelises | all year round
Potted hamamelises are available all year, but the best selection, and the best time to plant, is in spring (March to June).
Hamamelis virginiana

Hamamelis virginiana
Medicinal Witch Hazel A deciduous, Winter flowering Shrub with small, bright yellow spider-like flowers that are faintly scented flowers an appear as the leaves fall from September to November. A plant with many properties, a traditional herb used by North American Indians who used it to heal wounds, treat tumors, eye problems etc. and widely u...

Hamamelis x intermedia Arnold Promise
Witch Hazel Arnold Promise Grown for its delightful winter flowers and autumn colour, Hamamelis intermedia Arnold Promise is a large, deciduous shrub with a dense, vase-shaped habit, attractive even in winter. Typical witch hazel oval leaves emerge green but turn shades of red and yellow in autumn. Spidery sulphur-yellow flowers, up to 3cm wide ...

Hamamelis x intermedia Birgit
Witch Hazel Birgit The witch hazel with perhaps the deepest red flowers, Hamamelis x intermedia Birgit is a large, deciduous shrub with a spreading, vase-shaped habit, later becoming more rounded. The oval leaves are mid- to deep green, and colour well in autumn. In January and February, large, spidery, deep purplish-crimson flowers are borne on...
Hamamelis x intermedia Diane

Hamamelis x intermedia Diane
Witch Hazel Diane Probably the best red witch hazel, long-flowering, more compact than some, and with particularly good autumn colour, Hamamelis x intermedia Diane is a medium-sized, bushy, deciduous shrub with a broad crown and open habit. The rounded, oval leaves emerge green but turn brilliant shades of red and yellow in autumn. Spidery, bric...

Hamamelis x intermedia Jelena
Witch Hazel Jelena One of the best hybrid witch hazels, Hamamelis x intermedia Jelena is a large, deciduous vase-shaped shrub with tiered branches and a graceful, spreading habit, an ideal winter-flowering shrub for the larger garden. Broad, bright green, rather hazel-like leaves turn rich shades of orange, red and yellow in autumn. Curious, spi...

Hamamelis x intermedia Orange Beauty
Witch Hazel Orange Beauty A lovely shrub for year-round interest, Hamamelis x intermedia Orange Beauty is a vigorous, deciduous shrub with an upright but spreading, vase-shaped habit. The broad, hazel-like leaves, 6”/15cm long, emerge yellowish-green flushed maroon, turning deep green in summer, and in autumn turn brilliant yellow and orange. Fr...

Hamamelis x intermedia Pallida
Witch Hazel Pallida A spreading, deciduous, Winter flowering shrub or sometimes grown as a small tree. Clusters of relatively large pale sulphur yellow, sweetly scented flowers are freely produced on bare branches in mid and late winter. Rounded bright green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Site: Requires shelterSoil: Well drained, moist soilsPosit...

Hamamelis x intermedia Ripe Corn
Witch Hazel Ripe Corn A compact witch hazel for smaller gardens, Hamamelis x intermedia Ripe Corn is a large, deciduous shrub with a spreading habit at first, more rounded when mature. The oval leaves are deep green, turning rich yellow in autumn. In January and February, spidery, bright yellow flowers with purplish bases and a light, faintly sp...

Hamamelis x intermedia Ruby Glow
Witch Hazel Ruby Glow One of the red witch hazels, Hamamelis x intermedia Ruby Glow is a large, fairly vigorous, deciduous shrub with an upright, bushy habit. The broad, hazel-like leaves, 6”/16cm long, emerge mid-green, turning deeper green in summer, and in autumn turn fiery shades of yellow and orange, tinged red. From mid- to late winter, sp...

Hamamelis x intermedia Westerstede
Witch Hazel Westerstede Flowering later than other witch hazels, Hamamelis x intermedia Westerstede is a large, fairly vigorous, deciduous shrub with an upright, shapely, vase-shaped habit, or occasionly a small tree. The broad, hazel-like leaves are glossy and dark green, turning yellow in autumn. In February and March, spidery, pale yellow flo...