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Galium odoratum - Sweet Woodruff
Sweet Woodruff (Lus moileas) This carpeting wildflower can be found in mature woodlands and other damp, sheltered places. Native throughout Europe, it was once used to flavour beer and its wonderful scent reminiscent of fresh hay and vanilla was a popular choice in potpourri or indeed in the linen closet - you’ll need to pick it to smell it. Cla...
Golden Feverfew
Golden Feverfew
Tanacetum parthenium aureum (Lus deartán) As the common name suggests, Golden Feverfew was traditionally used to combat fevers and inflammation. A naturalised and strongly scented perennial here in Ireland, Feverfew has ovate, lobed lime-green leaves and white daisy-like flowers of about an inch in diameter from June into August....
Good King Henry
Good King Henry
Blitum bonus-henricus Good King Henry, sometimes called Wild Spinach, Mercury or even Poor Man's Asparagus, is a small clumping plant with spinach-like leaves, which has been used as a vegetable for centuries. The name bonus-henricus derives from the Central-European fairytale ‘Guter Heinrich’, rather than from the King of Englan...
Armoracia rusticana Horseradish is a common sight in the wild in Ireland if you know where to look. It's a perennial from the Brassica family, with a long tap root and very eager to spread - keep this in mind when you plant it. The large bright-green leaves resemble those of dock, and in early summer it will bear small white flow...
Hypericum perforatum - St. John's Wort
Hypericum perforatum St. John's Wort is a vigourous flowering perennial, native to parts of Europe and Asia. The name derives from its traditional harvest date of St. John's Day (24 June), when parts of the plant would have been hung over religious icons to ward off the devil. St John's Wort made a name for itself in folk medicine, said to comba...
Hyssopus officinalis Hyssop is a great plant in every way. It will attract many a pollinator to the garden, and bee keepers use it to obtain a rich and aromatic honey. The beautiful purplish-blue flowers will brighten up any border in Summer and early Autumn, and the leaves have a strong mint-like scent - the French liqueur Chart...
Lavandula angustifolia Ellegance Purple
Lavender Ellagance Purple A dwarf lavender suitable for rock gardens, gravel gardens or edging a border or path, Lavandula angustifolia Ellagance Purple is a compact, clump-forming, evergreen shrub, with an upright, bushy habit. The long, narrow, evergreen leaves are grey-green, and deliciously aromatic. In July and August, masses of deep purple...
Lavender angustifolia Blue Scent, English Lavender
Lavandula angustifolia Blue Scent An English lavender with a neat and compact habit and masses of deep lavender blue flower spikes above mounds of bushy, greyish green foliage. Ideal for low hedges, path edges and containers. Lavender is up there in the top-ten favourite garden plants, both for its relative ease of cultivation, its beautiful loo...
Lavender Essence Purple, English Lavender
Lavandula angustifolia Essence Purple Lavender is up there in the top-ten favourite garden plants, both for its relative ease of cultivation, its beautiful looks and scent and of course its culinary uses. Wikipedia grandly refers to it as native to the 'Old World' (the Eastern Hemisphere), which seems only fitting for such a sublime plant. And ...
Lavender Hidcote, English Lavender
Lavandula angustifolia Hidcote Lavender is up there in the top-ten favourite garden plants, both for its relative ease of cultivation, its beautiful looks and scent and of course its culinary uses. Wikipedia grandly refers to it as native to the 'Old World' (the Eastern Hemisphere), which seems only fitting for such a sublime plant. And did you ...
Lavender Munstead, English Lavender
Lavandula angustifolia Munstead Lavender is up there in the top-ten favourite garden plants, both for its relative ease of cultivation, its beautiful looks and scent and of course its culinary uses. Wikipedia grandly refers to it as native to the 'Old World' (the Eastern Hemisphere), which seems only fitting for such a sublime plant. And did yo...
Lavender stoechas Castilliano Violet, French Lavander
Lavandula stoechas Castilliano Violet Lavender is up there in the top-ten favourite garden plants, both for its relative ease of cultivation, its beautiful looks and scent and of course its culinary and medicinal uses. Wikipedia grandly refers to it as native to the 'Old World' (the Eastern Hemisphere), which seems only fitting for such a sublim...
Lavender stoechas Papillon, French Lavender
Lavandula stoechas Papillon Lavender is up there in the top-ten favourite garden plants, both for its relative ease of cultivation, its beautiful looks and scent and of course its culinary and medicinal uses. Wikipedia grandly refers to it as native to the 'Old World' (the Eastern Hemisphere), which seems only fitting for such a sublime plant. A...
Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm
Melissa Officinalis Lemon Balm is a common herb from the Mint family seen all over in gardens in Ireland and has indeed been cultivated since the 16th century. When crushed, the scalloped, ovate leaves of this bushy perennial will release a mild citrus scent. 'Melissa' is Greek for 'honey bee' and the pollinators do love the nect...
Levisticum officinale The word 'Lovage' comes from 'love-ache', 'ache' being a medieval name for parsley. This is a perennial herb with tall, smooth stems with dark green pinnate leaves, their scent reminiscent of strong celery and parsley, and yellow-green flowers in Summer. The leaves can be used in salads or as a seasoning in ...
Mentha aquatica - Water Mint
Water Mint A native plant found in damp ditches, fens and by the banks of streams, Mentha aquatica is a fast-growing, deciduous, herbaceous perennial, spreading by way of rhizomes, and also ‘rafting’ out across the water of ponds. The pointed, deeply veined leaves are green, with an unmistakable minty scent. The flowers are rounded, rather globu...
Mint, Apple Mint
Mint, Apple Mint
Apple Mint A delicately flavoured herb for salads and dressings, Mentha suaveolens is a small, extremely vigorous, rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial, with a spreading habit. It’s a mint with a definite taste of apples. The ovate, pointed, slightly hairy leaves are light green. Dense spikes of tiny, tubular, light purple flowers are borne...
Mint, Basil Mint
Mint, Basil Mint
Mentha x piperata f. citrata Basil - Basil Mint Basil mint must be one of our favourites and how could it be otherwise - a rich scent of peppermint with undertones of Basil and much loved by pollinators - this mint just smells of summer. It's beautiful to look at with oval shiny green leaves and red stems. The small flowers are p...
Mint, Corsican
Mint, Corsican
Mentha requienii - Corsican Mint This is Corsican Mint, called after its native stomping grounds in Sardinia. A tiny, creeping cousin of our common Garden Mint that will stay very close to the ground, with microscopic mauve flowers in July and August. It likes damp sites, which is good news as it will cover the darker, wetter par...
Mint, Curly
Mint, Curly
Curly Mint A great spearmint-flavoured variety with soft, crinkled leaves. Lovely addition to the herb border and great as a kitchen herb. As with all mints, this plant spreads enthusiastically, however it will also do perfectly well in containers. Bees love it! Site: ShelteredSoil: Any moist well-drainedPosition: Full sunSeason ...