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Shrubs - Medium Growing 3-8ft
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Rhododendron Lady Alice Fitzwilliam
Rhododendron Lady Alice Fitzwilliam A gorgeous, wonderfully scented rhododendron for very mild areas, Rhododendron Lady Alice Fitzwilliam is a medium-sized evergreen shrub with a rounded, bushy habit. The typical rhododendron, palmate leaves are leathery, strongly veined and deep green. In May, pink buds open to white flowers with a pink streak ...

Rhododendron stenopetalum Linearifolium
Spider Azalea Linearifolium An unusual, charming and long-established hybrid azalea, Rhododendron stenopetalum Linearifolium is a small, compact, semi-evergreen to evergreen shrub with an upright, open habit. The long, very narrow, slightly hairy leaves are mid-green, distinctive and very attractive. In April and May, the shrub bears very pretty...
Ribes odoratum

Ribes odoratum
Buffalo Currant Once known as Ribes aureum, Ribes odoratum is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with an upright, arching habit and downy young shoots. Ovate, 3- to 5-lobed, bright green leaves turn bronzy red and purple in autumn, and have a spicy scent. In mid-spring, hanging racemes of tubular, pale yellow flowers are borne; these have a rich, c...

Ribes sanguineum Pulborough Scarlet
Flowering Currant Pulborough Scarlet A splendid cultivar of the familiar flowering currant, Ribes sanguineum Pulborough Scarlet is a vigorous, medium-sized to large, deciduous shrub with a dense, upright habit. The lobed, mid-green leaves, typically currant-like, are strongly aromatic and colour well in autumn. In March and April, the bush is co...
Rosmarinus officinalis

Rosmarinus officinalis
Rosemary Rosemary is a tall, bushy shrub with a dense growth habit, variable in size, widely known for its culinary uses. Linear, highly aromatic dark green leaves with pale, felty undersides. In Spring and Summer, pale violet-blue and white flowers appear, much to the delight of the bees and it has a tendency to flower at other times of the yea...

Rosmarinus officinalis Miss Jessopp's Upright
Rosemary Miss Jessop's Upright An vigorous, upright rosemary with spikes of purple-blue flowers, from mid-spring to early summer, excellent cut for using in cooking. Needs full sun and very well drained soil to do well. Dislikes excessive winter wet. Best to cut back regularly in spring to retain a bushy shape and prevent the plant becoming legg...

Rosmarinus officinalis Pointe du Raz
Rosemary Pointe du Raz A low spreading, mat forming aromatic shrub with grey-green green leaves and deep blue flowers in May and June. Similar to 'Prostratus' but with darker blue flowers. Can be cut for using in cooking. Needs full sun and very well drained soil to do well. Dislikes excessive winter wet. Best to cut back regularly in spring to...
Rubus calophyllus

Rubus calophyllus
Ornamental Bramble A recently discovered plant from the eastern Himalayas, Rubus calophyllus is a medium-sized, suckering, semi-evergreen shrub named for its beautiful leaves. These are ovate and pleated, up to a foot/30cm long, deep green above and silvery-white beneath, with serrated edges. The arching stems are whitish, with small, recurved, ...
Sambucus nigra Serenade

Sambucus nigra Serenade
Dwarf Elder Serenade A new, brilliantly coloured dwarf elder cultivar, Sambucus nigra Serenade is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub, with an erect, well-branched habit, a good specimen for the small garden and with three seasons of interest. The leaves are heavily dissected, rather like a Japanese maple’s, and emerge pinkish-red, turning through b...

Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna
Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna -Sweet Box A dwarf variety of the species suitable for the smallest shady garden, Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna is a small, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with a dense, rounded, suckering habit. The slender, pointed leaves are glossy mid-green, contrasting with the dark, purplish stems. From late winter to ea...

Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis
Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis - Dwarf Sweet Box A dwarf variety of sweet box suitable for even the smallest garden, Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis is a small, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with a dense, suckering habit. The small, elliptical leaves are glossy mid-green. From December to February, tiny, tassel-like, creamy-white flowers ...

Skimmia japonica Rubinetta - male
Skimmia japonica Rubinetta - male A really easy, reliable shrub for winter colour in a shady spot on slightly acid soil, Skimmia japonica Rubinetta is a small, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with a dense, mounded habit. The foliage is deep green and leathery, making the plant drought-resistant once established. All through winter, the bush carrie...

Skimmia x confusa Kew Green - male
Skimmia x confusa Kew Green - male A male form of skimmia with an attractive, unusual flower colour, Skimmia x confusa Kew Green is a small, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with a dense, broad, spreading habit. The aromatic leaves are broadly lance-shaped, deep green and leathery, and up to 4 ½”/12cm long. In spring, panicles of scented, creamy-wh...

Spiraea japonica Golden Princess
Spiraea Golden Princess A summer-flowering, reliable plant with a lot of seasonal interest, Spiraea japonica Golden Princess is a very small, deciduous shrub with a dense, bushy habit. The small pointed, ovoid, leaves open bronze, turning gold in full sun and a lovely lime-green in shade; they then turn red and bronze in autumn. From July to Se...
Syringa meyeri Josee

Syringa meyeri Josee
Dwarf Korean Lilac Josée A dwarf lilac which often reblooms, Syringa Josée is a small to medium-sized, slow-growing, deciduous shrub with a rounded, upright, bushy habit, ideal for lilac-lovers with small gardens where every plant counts. The leaves are oval to heart-shaped and a matte mid-green. In May and June, the shrub is covered with dense ...
Syringa meyeri Palibin

Syringa meyeri Palibin
Szechuan Lilac A hybrid lilac with a lovely scent, originally from the Chinese province of Szechuan, Syringa x diversifolia is a medium-sized deciduous shrub with a broad and rather open habit. The slightly downy, rather long leaves are ovoid, supple and a bright green. This shrub blooms rather earlier than the common lilac, with so many spires ...

Syringa vulgaris Katherine Havemeyer
Lilac Katherine Havemeyer A glorious lilac for the larger garden, Syringa vulgaris Katherine Havemeyer is a large, deciduous shrub with an upright, bushy, rather spreading habit. The heart-shaped leaves are mid-green, a pretty foil for the flowers. In May and June, purple buds open to dense spires of strongly, deliciously fragrant, four-petalled...
Syringa x diversifolia

Syringa x diversifolia
Szechuan Lilac A hybrid lilac with a lovely scent, originally from the Chinese province of Szechuan, Syringa x diversifolia is a medium-sized deciduous shrub with a broad and rather open habit. The slightly downy, rather long leaves are ovoid, supple and a bright green. This shrub blooms rather earlier than the common lilac, with so many spires ...
Ugni molinae Flambeau

Ugni molinae Flambeau
Chilean Guava Flambeau A cultivar of what was once called Myrtus ugni, Ugni molinae Flambeau is a medium-sized, slow-growing, evergreen shrub with an open habit and edible berries. Elliptical to oval, glossy green leaves are attractively variegated with pink and cream margins, giving rise to its name of Flambeau or Torch. In summer, pink and whi...
Ulex europaeus

Ulex europaeus
Furze The common furze, gorse or whin, so familiar in the Irish landscape, is not in fact native, having been introduced from continental Europe. Ulex europaeus is a medium-sized, evergreen shrub with an upright, bushy habit, covered with greyish-green spines which are actually modified leaves, protecting against water loss from drying winds. T...