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Dipelta yunnanensis
Dipelta yunnanensis
Yunnan Honeysuckle A choice, quite rare plant from the honeysuckle family, Dipelta yunnanensis is a large, deciduous shrub with arching branches and attractive pale brown, peeling bark, looking rather like a weigela. Elliptical, glossy, mid-green leaves are 5” (12cm) long. Small clusters of scented, white, funnel-shaped flowers, 1” (2.5cm) long...
Dodonaea viscosa Purpurea
Dodonaea viscosa Purpurea
Purple Hopbush A shrub from New Zealand and other arid and coastal regions, Dodonaea viscosa Purpurea is only for warm or coastal sites, unless it’s grown in a pot and can be overwintered in a frost-free greenhouse. It’s a tall, vigorous, evergreen shrub with a dense, almost columnar habit when young, becoming more spreading as it matures. The ...
Drimys winteri
Drimys winteri
Winters bark Syn. Wintera aromatica, a tall slender evergreen tree that is native to the Magellanic and Valdivian rain forests of Chile and Argentina, Drimys winteri has attractive leathery light green leaves that are said to taste like strong pepper. The aromatic pungent bark is powdered and used as a pepper substitute in its native range. Clus...
Edgeworthia chrysantha Grandiflora
Edgeworthia chrysantha Grandiflora -Paper Bush A medium growing, deciduous shrub that produces large yellow flower heads that are very strongly scented, on bare branches from late winter. Used in Japan for the manufacture of high quality paper. Site: ShelteredPosition: Full sun to dappled shadeSoil: Well drained, humus-rich soilSeasons of inter...
Elaeagnus pungens Goldrim
Elaeagnus pungens Goldrim
Oleaster Goldrim A fine, variegated oleaster, Elaeagnus pungens Goldrim is a large, often spiny, evergreen shrub with a dense, bushy habit. The glossy, elliptical leaves are deep green, with a narrow margin of golden-yellow which really lifts the appearance of the shrub. Small, beautifully fragrant, white flowers are borne in autumn, very attrac...
Elaeagnus pungens Maculata
Variegated Oleaster Maculata A very adaptable shrub which brings a splash of bright colour to the garden, Elaeagnus pungens Maculata is a large, bushy, evergreen shrub with slightly spiny, brown branches. The elliptical leaves are brilliant yellow, with narrow, deep green margins. Small, tubular white, gorgeously fragrant flowers are borne in au...
Elaeagnus umbellata
Elaeagnus umbellata
Autumn Olive A vigorous growing, deciduous shrub native to the Himalays, China and Japan. Elaeagnus umbellata has green to grey-green foliage with silvery undersides. Branches have sharp, woody, thorn-like spurs. Early Summer brings very fragrant, yellowish-white flowers and pale red, juicy fruits appear in Autumn. The fruit is edible and high ...
Elaeagnus x ebbingei
Elaeagnus x ebbingei
Elaeagnus x ebbingei Adaptable, vigorous evergreen shrub with silvery grey-green leaves. Elaeagnus x ebbingei makes one of the best coastal hedges and is considered a front line coastal shrub. The dense bushy habit also makes it an ideal evergreen hedge for inland gardens. Insignificant but highly scented flowers appear in Autumn and edible berr...
Elaeagnus x ebbingei Gilt Edge
Elaeagnus x ebbingei Gilt Edge A hardy and large, evergreen shrub. Elaeagnus x ebbingei Gilt Edge produces grey-green leathery leaves with irregular golden-yellow edged margins. During the Autumn, small fragrant flowers crowd the branches and are followed by pale greyish-green ovoid berries in Spring. An ideal plant for the back of a mixed shrub...
Embothrium coccineum - Chilean Flame Tree
Chilean Flame Tree Grown for its vivid scarlet flowers, Embothrium coccineum is a tall, fast-growing, evergreen shrub or small tree with an upright, suckering habit. The lance-shaped, leathery leaves are deep green. For several weeks in late spring and early summer, clusters of spidery, waxy, orange-red, tubular flowers appear; these have four r...
Enkianthus campanulatus Palibinii
Red flowering Enkianthus Enkianthus are deciduous shrubs or small trees that boast lovely clusters of bell-shaped spring flowers as well as having excellent autumn colour. They are not widely grown although they probably should be because they are so unfussy. However, they do need soil that is on the acid side. Native to Asia and grows especiall...
Erica arborea 'Estrella Gold'
Tree Heath 'Estrella Gold' One of the best tree heaths, Erica arborea Estrella Gold is a small to medium-sized, slow-growing, though sturdy, evergreen shrub with an upright habit. New foliage is bright yellow, turning green in summer, although the tips of the leaves retain the yellow colouring. In April and May, the shrub carries long panicles ...
Erica arborea Albert's Gold
Erica arborea Albert's Gold
Tree Heather - Albert’s Gold Grown for its brilliant golden foliage, Erica arborea var.alpina f. aureifolia Albert's Gold is a vigorous, medium-sized, evergreen shrub with a stiffly upright, bushy habit. The small needle-like leaves are bright golden-yellow, lighter when young. Small, round, honey-scented, white flowers in 1’ (30cm) spikes occas...
Escallonia Iveyi
Escallonia Iveyi
Escallonia Iveyi A lovely, natural hybrid discovered at Caerhays Castle in Cornwall, Escallonia Iveyi is a large evergreen shrub with an upright habit, making an excellent hedge or wall shrub. Small, deep green, glossy leaves often turn bronze in cold weather. Richly scented, pure white flowers, attractive to pollinators, appear from June to Sep...
Eucryphia lucida Gilt Edge
Eucryphia lucida Gilt Edge
Leatherwood Gilt Edge A variegated cultivar of the leatherwood, Eucryphia lucida Gilt Edge is a large, evergreen shrub or small tree with an upright, columnar habit. The dark green leaves are edged very attractively with creamy-yellow, lightening the appearance. Leatherwoods flower late in the year when few other shrubs are in flower, bearing ve...
Euonymus alatus
Euonymus alatus
Euonymus alatus - Winged Spindle Also known as Burning Bush, Euonymus alatus is a medium-sized, spreading, deciduous shrub with a bushy habit, chiefly grown for its stunning autumn colour. It gets its common name from the corky ‘wings’ which develop on the stems and branches. The leaves are oval and deep-green, and turn a wonderful crimson col...
Euonymus alatus
Euonymus alatus
Winged Spindle Also known as Burning Bush, Euonymus alatus is a medium-sized, spreading, deciduous shrub with a bushy habit, chiefly grown for its stunning autumn colour. It gets its common name from the corky ‘wings’ which develop on the stems and branches. The leaves are oval and deep-green, and turn a wonderful crimson colour before leaf-fall...
Euonymus europaeus - Spindle
Spindle (Feoras) Sometimes known as Spindleberry or burning bush, Euonymus europaeus is native to Ireland. It usually grows tall and narrow, although given enough space it can reach more than 5m high and wide. Often planted as part of a hedgerow but its many cultivars are becoming common in gardens. In Summer it has tiny greenish-white flowers, ...
Euonymus europaeus Red Cascade
Spindle Red Cascade Euonymus europaeus Red Cascade is a spreading variety of our native Spindle Tree commonly seen in hedgerows. Its foliage has plain green leaves, and bright green shoots. The prized Autumnal colouring with reds and scarlets make Red Cascade a popular garden plant. This variety of the Spindle develops arching branches that carr...
Euonymus europaeus Scarlet Wonder
Spindle Scarlet Wonder A cultivar of our native spindle-tree, Euonymus europaeus Scarlet Wonder is a medium-sized, spreading, deciduous shrub with a bushy habit, chiefly grown for its wonderful autumn colour. Narrow, oval, green leaves turn rich shades of yellow, orange and pinkish-red in autumn. The small yellow flowers are followed in autumn b...