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Ligustrum sinense Wimbei
Ligustrum sinense Wimbei
Ligustrum sinense Wimbei Please bear with us - we'll be adding a product description soon!
Ligustrum vulgare - Native privet
Native Privet Ligustrum vulgare Wild Privet Tough, lime-tolerant, Ligustrum vulgare is deciduous, sometimes semi-evergreen and has long been used as a hedging plant for fields, particularly in Northern Ireland. It’s a medium-sized shrub with a bushy habit and dull-green, lance-shaped leaves. In summer, pretty panicles of tiny white flowers appe...
Lithodora diffusa Heavenly Blue
Purple Gromwell Heavenly Blue A lovely plant for ground cover or the rock garden, Lithodora diffusa Heavenly Blue is an evergreen perennial with a prostrate, creeping, mat-forming habit. The small, hairy, grey-green leaves make a perfect foil for the intensely deep blue, star-shaped flowers, which are 12mm across and are borne from late spring ...
Lonicera crassifolia
Lonicera crassifolia
Creeping honeysuckle A spreading, shrubby honeysuckle, Lonicera crassifolia is an evergreen shrub with a low, mound-forming habit. The small, round, leathery dark green leaves are borne on bristly shoots. Small, yellow and cream, tubular flowers, scented, and with prominent stamens, are carried in the leaf-axils from May to July, and are sometim...
Lonicera nitida
Lonicera nitida
Boxleaf Honeysuckle Dense, small-leaved evergreen shrub. The glossy, oval and dark-green foliage can turn bronze in Winter. Very hardy, a good alternative to box. Site: Tolerates inland exposureSoil: Well-drained normal soilsPosition: Tolerates full sun, to full shadeSeason of Interest: Evergreen foliage & creamy-white flowers in early Summe...
Lonicera nitida Baggensons Gold
Boxleaf Honeysuckle Attractive, tiny yellow leaves crowd the slender, arching shoots of this dense, bushy evergreen. Capable of greater height when trained against a wall. Site: Tolerates inland exposureSoil: Well-drained normal soilsPosition: Tolerates full sun, to full shadeSeason of Interest: Golden evergreen foliageHardiness: HardyHeight: 5...
Lonicera pileata
Lonicera pileata
Lonicera pileata A low growing, evergreen shrub that makes excellent groundcover or a low hedge. Small, fragrant, funnel-shaped creamy-white flowers appear in Spring and pretty, violet-blue translucent berries in Winter and are attractive to birds. Branches that touch the ground will root-in and the plant will slowly spread over time if allowed ...
Lonicera x purpusii
Lonicera x purpusii
Winter honeysuckle A gorgeously scented hybrid honeysuckle for the winter garden, Lonicera x purpusii is a large, deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub with a bushy habit, needing no support. The oval mid-green leaves will persist over winter in milder areas. Cream-coloured, tubular flowers with prominent yellow anthers and an intense scent are bor...
Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Fire Dance
Loropetalum Fire Dance A very ornamental cultivar of the species variant, Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Fire Dance is a small, evergreen shrub with a rounded, bushy habit, ideal for a smaller, sheltered garden. The ovate leaves emerge pinky-purple, deepening to a rich plum-purple all year, although sometimes turning greener in summer. Bright ...
Luma apiculata (Myrtus luma)
Luma apiculata (Myrtus luma)
Myrtle - Myrtus luma Also know as Myrtus luma, this is a vigorous, upright, bushy tree or large shrub with very attractive, peeling cinnamon-brown and creamy-white bark. Aromatic, glossy dark green leaves are bronzy when young. Small cup-shaped, 5-petalled, white flowers appear from midsummer to autumn, followed by purple berries. Needs a mild c...
Luma apiculata Glanleam Gold
Luma apiculata Glanleam Gold
Variegated Myrtle A colourful evergreen to brighten up your garden in Winter. Also known as Myrtus luma Glanleam Gold, this striking small evergreen tree or large shrub of dense growth. The bright green leaves are edged with creamy-yellow and tinged with pink when young. Slightly fragrant, white flowers appear from midsummer to autumn and are f...
Magnolia denudata Yellow River
Yulan Magnolia Yellow River A new variety from China, and also known as Fei Huang, Magnolia denudata Yellow River is a small, slow-growing, deciduous tree, lovely as a specimen tree for small and city gardens. The large, upright, goblet-shaped flowers emerge pale buttery yellow from yellow buds, turning primrose-yellow but remaining yellow at th...
Magnolia Fairy Blush®
Magnolia Fairy Blush®
Magnolia Fairy Blush® A lovely spring-flowering magnolia for smaller gardens, Magnolia 'Fairy Blush'® is a fairly fast-growing, semi-evergreen shrub with a compact, bushy habit. The ovoid, glossy, deep green leaves are evergreen in milder areas, but may fall in cold winters. From March to May, masses of beautiful, shell-pink, lightly scented, bo...
Magnolia Fairy White®
Magnolia Fairy White®
Magnolia Fairy White A beautiful, mainly spring-flowering magnolia, ideal for smaller gardens, Magnolia Fairy White ® is a fairly fast-growing, semi-evergreen shrub with a compact, rounded, bushy habit. The ovoid, glossy, deep green leaves are evergreen in milder areas, but may fall in harsh winters. From March to May, russet buds open to pure ...
Magnolia liliiflora Nigra
Magnolia liliiflora Nigra
Black Lily Magnolia A really good magnolia cultivar for acid or neutral soils, Magnolia liliiflora Nigra is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with an upright habit, eventually becoming a multi-stemmed tree; it is suitable for a smaller garden. The elliptical leaves are a glossy deep green, up to 9”/20cm long. The erect, tulip-shaped flowers are a ...
Magnolia liliiflora x campbellii Star Wars
Magnolia Star Wars A splendid, long-flowering, repeat-flowering, hybrid magnolia, the parents being M. liliiflora and M. campbellii, Magnolia liliiflora x campbellii Star Wars is a small, fast-growing tree, with a branching, spreading, airy, rather shrubby habit. The long, leathery leaves are deep green with paler undersides, turning yellow-bro...
Magnolia Ricki
Magnolia Ricki
Magnolia Ricki A late-flowering hybrid magnolia, though not for the coldest areas, Magnolia Ricki is a slow-growing, compact, rounded, deciduous shrub or small tree. The oval, mid-green leaves turn yellow to coppery-bronze in autumn, giving a second season of interest. The fragrant, cup-shaped, deep carmine flowers, paler inside and 5”/12cm acro...
Magnolia stellata Royal Star
Magnolia stellata Royal Star A double-flowered cultivar of the species, Magnolia stellata Royal Star is a medium-sized, slow-growing, deciduous shrub or small tree with a broad, rounded shape, ideal specimen for smaller gardens. In early spring, pale pink buds open on the bare branches to lightly scented, white flowers 4 ½ ”/12cm across, with u...
Magnolia Susan
Magnolia Susan
Magnolia Susan Perhaps the best of the Little Girl magnolia series, Magnolia Susan is a medium-sized, deciduous shrub with a bushy, upright habit, perfect for small gardens. Deep wine-coloured buds open into fragrant, deep crimson-purple, initially narrow, tulip-shaped flowers, with six slightly twisted tepals, paler inside. They are borne on th...
Magnolia x soulangeana Lennei Alba
Magnolia x soulangeana Lennei Alba Probably the best of the white saucer magnolias, Magnolia soulangeana Lennei Alba is a large, moderately vigorous, deciduous shrub with a spreading habit. The medium-sized, mid- to deep green leaves are almost oblong with a pointed tip. The waxy, saucer-shaped flowers,, are a soft creamy white and appear early ...