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Trees - for Autumn Colour
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Magnolia x soulangeana Alba Superba
Magnolia x soulangeana Alba Superba A beautiful, newly introduced hybrid magnolia, Magnolia x soulangeana Alba Superba is a large, slow-growing shrub with a dense crown and an elegant, upright, almost columnar habit, which makes it a good choice as a specimen for smaller gardens. The large, upright flowers, initially tulip-shaped, later more spr...

Magnolia x soulangeana Lennei Alba
Magnolia x soulangeana Lennei Alba Probably the best of the white saucer magnolias, Magnolia soulangeana Lennei Alba is a large, moderately vigorous, deciduous shrub with a spreading habit. The medium-sized, mid- to deep green leaves are almost oblong with a pointed tip. The waxy, saucer-shaped flowers,, are a soft creamy white and appear early ...

Magnolia x soulangeana lilliflora Genie
Magnolia Genie A new, New Zealand-bred hybrid between cultivars of Magnolia soulangeana and Magnolia lilliflora, Magnolia x soulangeana lilliflora Genie is a medium-sized shrub with an upright narrow habit, ideal for the smallest garden. Beautiful deep burgundy-red flowers appear in mid-spring on the bare branches, and retain their rich colour ...

Malus coccinella Courtarou - Flowering Crab apple
Flowering Crabapple Stunning dark pink flowers in early Spring. Fresh growth emerges bronze-green before turning burgundy in summer. Small glossy red apples hang on the tree from autumn into winter. This is a beautiful choice for smaller gardens, and as it is relatively new to cultivation. Site: Requires some shelter from windSoil: Prefers well...

Malus Prairie Fire - Flowering Crab Apple
Malus Prairie Fire An outstanding American-bred crab apple, Malus Prairifire is a small, spreading deciduous tree, good as a specimen in a small garden. It is grown mainly for its large, very deep pink, single flowers, which appear prolifically in April; they are lightly scented and are very good for pollinators. These are followed by red fruit...

Malus x moerslandii Profusion Improved - Flowering Crab apple
Ornamental Crabapple Profusion Improved An improved version of the hybrid flowering crabapple bred by Directeur Moersland in France, Malus x moerslandii Profusion Improved is a small, ornamental deciduous tree, particularly compact, and a perfect specimen tree for year-round interest in the smaller garden. The leaves emerge coppery-red, turning ...

Metasequoia glyptrostroboides Gold Rush
Dawn Redwood Gold rush A must for every arboretum or large garden. Metasequoia glyptostroboides is a beautiful deciduous conifer and a tree worth growing for its many ornamental features. Gold rush is a golden leaved cultivar of the standard Metasequoia. Thought to be extinct and only known from fossil records dating back 100 million years, unti...
Nothofagus antarctica

Nothofagus antarctica
Antarctic Beech From the mountains and most southerly islands of South America, Nothofagus antarctica is a large, slow-growing, deciduous tree with an upright, broadly pyramidal habit and open crown; it is often found as a multi-stemmed tree. The bark is chocolate-brown with silvery markings. The leaves are small, crinkled and sweetly scented; t...

Nothofagus betuloides - Magellan's Beech
Magellan's Beech An exceptionally hardy, multi-stemmed evergreen tree, known to grow as far north as the Faroe islands. Nothofagus betuloides' native range is as far south as the Tierra del fuego archipelago, off the sourtern most point of Chile. In spring its attractive fresh foliage is a light brown colour, giving this tree a beautiful texture...

Nothofagus cunninghamii - Myrtle Beech
Nothofagus cunninghamii Syn. Lophozonia cunninghamii. Native to Tasmania and Southern Australia, where it is generally grown as a forestry tree for its high quality timber. Nothofagus cunninghamii is a beautiful tree, with unusually small leaves. Its new growth is a brilliant red, pink or orange in spring, maturing to a dark green giving a beaut...

Nothofagus menziesii - Silver Beech
Silver Beech Syn. Lophozonia menziesii. A tall single stemmed tree with beautiful tiny leaves, Endemic to New Zealand, where it is known as T?whai. It is regularly cultivated as a timber crop, due to its attractive and durable timber, especially for flooring and internal furniture. Nothofagus menziesii is a beautiful addition to any medium sized...
Nothofagus x alpina

Nothofagus x alpina
Nothofagus x alpina Originally from Chile and Argentina, Nothofagus alpina is a large, fast-growing, deciduous tree with a conical, quite open habit and good autumn colour. Beech-like leaves, oval, pointed and with very deeply impressed veins are deep green, turning orange and red in autumn. Inconspicuous flowers are followed, on female flowers,...

Nyssa aquatica - Water Tupelo
Nyssa aquatica - Water Tupelo

Nyssa sylvatica - Black Tupelo
Black Tupelo A beautiful slow-growing deciduous tree with an elegant, broadly conical habit. Though not standing out for any particular reason for most of the year, its exceptionally ordinary looking leaves have among the most stunning of autumn colours, starting by turning an intense red and slowly turning purple with light orange hues of pink ...
Oxydendrum arboreum

Oxydendrum arboreum
Sourwood From the eastern US, Oxydendrum arboreum is a large, slow-growing, deciduous shrub or small tree with a narrow crown, grown for its stunning autumn colour. The long, finely toothed leaves are glossy green, turning brilliant red in autumn. In August and September the shrub bears large panicles of small, slightly fragrant, urn-shaped whit...

Parrotia persica - Persian Ironwood
Persian Ironwood A beautiful branched spreading ornamental tree or large shrub, providing interest right throughout the year. Native to northern Iran and southern Azerbaijan, it has been cultivated as an ornamental tree since the mid-1800s. In Winter it flowers with many clusters of small red flowers while also showing off its beautiful bark. Sp...
Platanus orientalis Mirkovec

Platanus orientalis Mirkovec
Platanus orientalis Mirkovec Please bear with us - we'll be adding a product description soon!

Platanus x acerifolia - London Plane
London Plane A vigorous, upright deciduous tree with distinctively flaking, brown, grey and cream bark resembling army camouflage, Platanus acerifolia has bright green lobed leaves and bears curious clusters of persistent round fruits in autumn and winter. Its true origins were long debated, though it is now agreed it is a natural hybrid between...

Populus Alba - Silver Poplar
Silver poplar Native to Southern Europe and parts of Asia, Populus alba is a great pick for many situations, it grows well be the sea, and due to its extensive root system it is also praised for its erosion control capabilities, especially around river banks and even by the sea. It is exceptionally wind tolerant, though best planted as part of ...

Populus candicans Aurora - Variegated Poplar
Variegated Poplar This used to be a very popular tree in Irish gardens, boasting many uses, such as a wind-hardy shelter or privacy screen, with quick growth and stunning colour. Thankfully this lovely ornamental is making a comeback. If left unpruned it can form a tall spreading tree up to 40ft, but in order to keep its exceptional variegation,...