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Salix smithiana

Salix smithiana
Salix smithiana - Silky-leaved Osier Thought to be a natural hybrid of the goat willow or grey willow and the common osier, Salix x smithiana is a large, vigorous, deciduous shrub or small tree with an erect habit, often found along waterways. The young, reddish brown stems are covered with silky, downy hairs. The leaves are very long, narrow a...
Salix triandra
Salix triandra
Almond Leaved Willow Probably the most widely used willow for basketry, the amazing pliability and strong stems of Salix triandra mean it is being planted more and more. It also boasts great ornamental features such as bright catkins on dark fresh growth in Spring and a stunning autumn colour. Site: Tolerates some coastal exposureSoil: Needs bas...
Salix udensis Sekka

Salix udensis Sekka
Dragon Willow A beautiful yet underutilized willow, syn. S. sachalensis Sekka and also known as Firebreak Willow: its branchy, wide spreading growth habit slows down forest fires by leaving air flow through the branches, thus cooling the fire. It is most commonly referred to as the Dragon Willow due to its unusual growth habit - the tips are a...
Salix viminalis - Common Osier
Common Osier Probably the most popular of all basket willows, Salix viminalis has become a staple in the Irish country side with attractive long thin leaves and a quick growth rate. Its strong but pliable new season's growth is often used for basketry. It may be planted in a prime location in a garden for its Autumn foliage alone.Site: Tolerates...

Salix x sepulcralis Dart's Snake
Twisted Willow Dart’s Snake Grown for its contorted, deep green, winter branches, twisted foliage and year-round interest, Salix x sepulcralis Dart's Snake is a small, fast-growing, deciduous tree with an upright habit. The snaking branches show at their best in winter, while the narrow, glossy, mid-green leaves are also slightly twisted. In spr...
Sambucus nigra - Elder

Sambucus nigra - Elder
Native Elder - (Tromán) One of the most well known native trees, Sambucus nigra is an exceptionally good wildlife-supporting species in Ireland and fits into any hedgerow. In Spring you will often hear the tree buzzing with excitement as thousands of insects are seen feeding off of the flowers. And don't be surprised to see people wandering hedg...

Sophora japonica Princeton Upright
Upright Pagoda tree Syn. Styphnolobium japonicum. The upright Pagoda Tree is graceful in appearance, popular with universities and colleges throughout the world, where it is sometimes referred to as the Japanese scholar tree. Sophora Japonica Princeton Upright is best planted in drier soil along a pathway or even as a street tree. It has beautif...
Sophora microphylla Sunking

Sophora microphylla Sunking
Sophora microphylla Sunking A handsome cultivar of a New Zealand species, Sophora microphylla Sun King is a large evergreen shrub or small tree with a broad, bushy habit. The glossy, deep green leaves are divided into up to 40 pairs of small, oblong leaflets. In February and March, vivid yellow flowers, 2”/5cm long with prettily protruding anthe...
Sorbus aria - Whitebeam

Sorbus aria - Whitebeam
Whitebeam (Fionncholl) One of a few native Whitebeams, Sorbus aria being the most common with a large population in Co.Galway. It is a small to medium size tree with many points of interest - the leaves have a bright underside which gives it its common name; in Spring the creamy white flowers are host to many insects; in Autumn and Winter the br...

Sorbus aria Majestica - Whitebeam
Sorbus aria Majestica - Whitebeam Possibly the finest cultivar of the native (or long-established) whitebeam, Sorbus aria Majestica is a medium-sized, deciduous tree, with an upright habit when young, and a rounder shape as it matures. The oval leaves are the largest of the whitebeams’, glossy deep green above and whitish underneath, giving a lo...

Sorbus aucuparia Asplenifolia
Cut-leaved Rowan A cultivar of the native Irish rowan or mountain ash, Sorbus aucuparia Asplenifolia is a medium-sized tree of symmetrical, upright habit. Umbels of creamy-white flowers appear in April–May, followed by large clusters of orange-red berries, which hold well on the tree, in late summer. The mid-green leaves are heavily cut, almost ...

Sorbus aucuparia Cardinal Royal
Ornamental Rowan A cultivar of the native Irish rowan or mountain ash, Sorbus aucuparia Cardinal Royal is a medium-sized tree of particularly upright and symmetrical form, often used in landscape plantings. Probably the fastest growing rowan, good planted in a line for a fast-growing screen. Creamy-white flowers appear in April–May, followed by ...

Sorbus cashmiriana - Kashmir Rowan
Kashmir Rowan A beautiful rowan from the Himalayas, Sorbus cashmiriana is a small, spreading deciduous tree or large shrub. Corymbs of scented, pale pink flowers, larger than those of other rowans, appear in spring, followed in late summer by clusters of big white berries, ½”/12mm wide and pink-tinged at first, hanging from crimson stems. The ...
Sorbus Chinese Lace

Sorbus Chinese Lace
Rowan Chinese Lace One of the smallest rowans, Sorbus ‘Chinese Lace’ is a small, upright, deciduous tree of misleadingly delicate appearance. Creamy-white flowers flowers appear in May, followed in late summer by long clusters of long-lasting deep red berries. The leaves are very distinctive, dark green, and deeply divided to give a lacy appeara...
Sorbus Copper Kettle

Sorbus Copper Kettle
Rowan Copper Kettle Grown for its autumn colour and masses of pale orange berries, Sorbus Copper Kettle is a small, compact, deciduous tree with an upright, branching habit, very suitable for the small garden. Creamy-white flowers appear in May, followed in late summer by masses of long-lasting copper-orange berries. The leaves are deep green, r...
Sorbus discolor

Sorbus discolor
Chinese Rowan A lovely tree with outstanding autumn colour, Sorbus discolor is a small, moderately vigorous, deciduous tree with ascending branches and an open, ovoid crown. The leaves are divided into 11-17 serrated leaflets and are deep green, bluish-green on the underside, turning fiery red and orange in autumn. Loose, pink-tinged white flowe...

Sorbus domestica - True Service Tree
True Service Tree Once grown for its fruit in orchards, and very occasionally found growing wild in SE Ireland, Sorbus domestica is a long-lived and very slow-growing, deciduous tree which can eventually grow large in good conditions, but is usually found only as a small to medium-sized tree. Can also be grown as part of a fruiting hedge. Creamy...
Sorbus matsumurana

Sorbus matsumurana
Japanese Ornamental Rowan One of the Japanese sorbus species, little known in Ireland, Sorbus matsumurana is a small, deciduous tree or a large, multi-stemmed shrub with a rounded habit and attractive mottled bark. Typical white rowan flowers are followed in autumn by heavy crops of bright red berries which persist into winter. Serrated ash-li...
Sorbus prattii

Sorbus prattii
Pratt’s Ornamental Rowan A pretty Chinese species of rowan, Sorbus prattii is a large shrub or a small, deciduous tree with a spreading habit, growing as wide as it is tall as it matures. Small heads of white flowers in late spring are followed in autumn by green berries which mature to pearly white as they persist into winter. The leaves are bl...

Sorbus pseudohupehensis Pink Pagoda
Rowan Pink Pagoda A beautiful cultivar of a Chinese species of rowan, Sorbus pseudohupehensis Pink Pagoda is a small, deciduous tree with a broadly columnar habit. Creamy-white flowers in late spring are followed in autumn by pretty rose-pink berries which persist into winter. The leaves are of typical rowan shape but blue-green, lovely with the...