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Shrubs - for Coastal Sites
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Aucuba japonica Rozannie - self fertile
Japanese Laurel Rozannie Dwarf form with leathery green leaves. Small reddish-purple flowers in spring. Self-fertilising and therefore freely produces red berries.Aucuba japonica Rozannie is a good tough shrub for difficult spots and tolerates dry shade and salt air. Grows well in a container. It produces both male and female flowers, so it does...
Berberis darwinii
Berberis darwinii
Darwin’s Barberry A large growing, dense evergreen shrub that makes an excellent backdrop to other shrubs but also works very well as a tough flowering hedge. The shiny, small, holly-like leaves of Berberis Darwinii are smothered in orange-yellow bell-shaped flowers in Spring & early Summer and are followed by edible purple berries in Autumn...
Berberis darwinii Compacta
Berberis darwinii Compacta
Darwin’s Barberry Compact Form Attractive all year, Berberis darwinii Compacta is an evergreen, dwarf shrub with spiny stems and a dense habit, ideal for making a low hedge which will make burglars and livestock think twice about invading your garden. The leaves look like tiny holly leaves, emerging bronze and turning deep green as they mature. ...
Berberis darwinii Nana
Berberis darwinii Nana
Dwarf Darwin’s Barberry A low growing, dense evergreen shrub that makes excellent groundcover or a tough low growing flowering hedge. The shiny, small, holly-like leaves of Berberis darwinii Nana are smothered in orange-yellow bell-shaped flowers in Spring and early Summer and are followed by edible purple berries in Autumn. A great low growing ...
Berberis julianae
Berberis julianae
Berberis julianae - Barberry A robust evergreen shrub with a dense, bushy, upright habit. Berberis julianae has glossy, spiny-edged, deep green leaves that are pale green underneath and the shrub is covered in large sharp thorns. Clusters of yellow or orange flowers in late spring are followed by blue-black berries. This is the ultimate plant fo...
Berberis lologensis Mystery Fire
Barberry Mystery Fire A strong growing, spreading evergreen shrub with arching shoots of glossy dark green leaves which are somewhat variable in shape, usually spiny. Clusters of abundant bright yellow-orange flowers in Spring, flushed on the outside with darker red-orange. Derived from the natural hybrids of Berberis darwinii x Berberis lineari...
Berberis thunbergii Atropurpurea Nana
Dwarf Purple Berberis A low growing and compact form of Berberis thunbergii Atropurpurea with the same bronzy foliage and red autumn colour. Sparse yellow flowers appear in May and sometime produces small ovoid red berries in autumn. This is a low growing and tough shrub that offers good foliage colour throughout the summer and will grow in almo...
Berberis thunbergii Orange Rocket
Japanese Barberry Orange Rocket A tough, adaptable, vibrant shrub with a long season of interest, Berberis thunbergii Orange Rocket is a medium-sized, spiny, deciduous shrub with deep reddish-brown stems and a compact, upright habit. The ovoid leaves emerge rusty orange, turn mid-green in summer, and orange-red in autumn. Scented yellow flowers,...
Brachyglottis Sunshine
Brachyglottis Sunshine
Senecio Sunshine Known until recently as Senecio Sunshine, which remains its common name, Brachyglottis Sunshine is a medium-sized, evergreen shrub with a spreading, bushy habit. The oval leaves are grey-green, with heavily felted undersides and stems which gleam in the sun. For a long period in summer and autumn, the bush is covered with bright...
Buddleja davidii Empire Blue
Butterfly Bush Empire Blue A large flowering shrub with rich violet-blue flowers with an orange eye. Buddleja davidii Empire Blue good shrub for late Summer colour. Attractive to butterflies and bees. Prune hard to control size, shape and encourage fresh flowering growth, best done in early spring, but additional partial pruning can be done afte...
Buddleja davidii Nanho Blue
Buddleja davidii Nanho Blue
Butterfly Bush Nanho Blue A compact form of the classic Buddleia, bearing long, lilac blue, cone-shaped flower clusters throughout late Summer. The slender foliage is a grey-green colour. Relatively compact habit. Prune hard to control size, shape and encourage fresh flowering growth, best done in early Spring, but additional partial pruning can...
Buddleja davidii Nanho Purple
Buddleia Nanho Purple A compact buddleia or butterfly bush for the smaller garden, Buddleja davidii Nanho Purple is a medium-sized, deciduous to semi-evergreen shrub with arching branches and a dense habit. The long, elliptical leaves are grey-green, and may be retained in mild winters. From June to September, the shrub bears dense, cylindrical ...
Buddleja davidii Pink Delight
Buddleja davidii Pink Delight A large flowering deciduous shrub with panicles of bright pink flowers with orange eyes from midsummer to Autumn. Attractive to butterflies and bees. Prune hard to control size, shape and encourage fresh flowering growth, best done in early spring, but additional partial pruning can be done after flowering in autumn...
Buddleja davidii Royal Red
Butterfly Bush Royal Red A medium to large sized deciduous shrub with lance-shaped greyish green leaves, grey-white underneath. Compact racemes of scented rich purple-red flowers in late Summer. One of the most popular Buddleias for its perpetual flowering habit. Attractive to bees and butterflies. Site: Tolerates coastal exposureSoil: Well drai...
Buddleja davidii White Profusion
Buddleja davidii White Profusion A medium-sized deciduous shrub with long trusses of pure white scented flowers with yellow eyes. Attractive to butterflies and bees. Prune hard to control size, shape and encourage fresh flowering growth, best done in early spring, but additional partial pruning can be done after flowering in autumn. Site: Toler...
Buddleja x weyeriana Bicolor/Flower Power
Buddleia Flower Power A distinctive hybrid buddleia or butterfly bush, Buddleja Flower Power is a fast-growing, medium-sized shrub with arching branches and long, deep green leaves. From July to September, purple buds open to spire-shaped panicles of sweetly scented tri-coloured flowers in brilliant shades of purple, pink and caramel-orange, whi...
Cistus x obtusifolius
Cistus x obtusifolius
Blunt-leaved Rock Rose A very pretty, hybrid rock rose, easy to grow where it is suited, Cistus x obtusifolius is a small to medium-sized evergreen shrub with a rounded habit. The deep-green leaves are lance-shaped with wavy margins. In summer, slightly crumpled, single white flowers with a yellow eye, up to 2”/5cm across, cover the plant; they ...
Cordyline australis
Cordyline australis
Cabbage Tree A tall growing shrub or small tree from New Zealand that starts out as a palm-like bush and eventually grows up on a tall trunk. Cordyline australis produces a dense mass of long, spiky sword-like leaves on stout branches. On mature plants, large clusters of small, creamy-white flowers are produced in early Summer. The Cabbage Tree ...
Cordyline australis Red Heart
Cordyline Red Heart A dwarf cabbage palm, Cordyline australis Red Heart is a small, palm-like, evergreen tree forming an upright trunk eventually. The long, strap-like, leathery, arching leaves are olive-green, with red bases, which form the ‘red heart’. Trusses of white flowers are produced in summer when the plant is mature, but this is a plan...
Cordyline Red Star
Cordyline Red Star
Red Cabbage Tree A tall growing shrub or small tree from New Zealand that starts out as a palm-like bush and eventually grows up on a tall trunk. Cordyline australis produces a dense mass of long, spiky sword-like dark red leaves on stout branches. On mature plants, large clusters of small, creamy-white flowers are produced in early Summer. The ...