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Athyrium filix-femina Lady in Red
Lady Fern Lady In Red A very attractive form of the lady fern, Athyrium filix-femina subsp. angustum f. rubellum Lady In Red is a graceful, deciduous fern with a lovely clump-forming, ‘shuttlecock’ habit, perfect for a shady corner of the garden. The lacy fronds are light green, with bright red stipes (stems), particularly striking in spring as...
Athyrium niponicum pictum Metallicum
Japanese Painted Fern 'Metallicum' A cultivar of the Japanese painted fern, Athyrium niponicum var. Pictum Metallicum differs in having an almost silvery colouring, again with the subtly plum-coloured mid-rib. A small to medium-sized, deciduous fern with the same delicate habit and leaves, it can bring a splash of brightness to deep shade, whet...
Athyrium niponicum var. pictum Red Beauty
Japanese Painted Fern Red Beauty Also known as the painted lady fern, Athyrium niponicum var. pictum Red Beauty is an exceptionally beautiful, US-bred fern for shadier areas. It’s a rosette-forming, deciduous fern with graceful, deeply divided, grey-green fronds, 14”/35cm long, with wine-red mid-ribs and stems, less strongly coloured in summer. ...
Cyathea Australis
Cyathea Australis
Rough Tree-Fern From SE Australia, Cyathea australis is a handsome tree-fern, with a cluster of long arching fronds on top of a brown trunk, rough with the scaly bases of fallen leaves. The fronds are deep green with paler undersides. Reaching 20’ x 20’ (6x6m) in the wild, the rough tree-fern can be kept much smaller if grown in a pot, which is ...
Cyrtomium fortunei
Cyrtomium fortunei
Japanese Holly Fern Found in Japan, Korea and parts of China, Cyrtomium fortunei is a hardy, semi-evergreen fern with an upright ‘shuttlecock’ habit, black stems and unusual, broad, rather holly-like ‘leaflets’ on the fronds. These are bright green and glossy, turning darker as they age. The Japanese holly fern is slightly exotic-looking and ve...
Dryopteris affinis Crispa Gracilis
Scaly Male Fern Crispa Gracilis An adaptable, low-maintenance fern for partial shade, Dryopteris affinis Crispa Gracilis is a semi-evergreen perennial fern with a shuttlecock habit, smaller than the species. In very mild areas it will remain evergreen. The fronds are pale green with golden-brown scales on the stems, and are elaborately crested, ...
Dryopteris atrata
Dryopteris atrata
Shaggy Shield Fern From the highlands and forests of east Asia, Dryopteris atrata is a tall, tough, hardy fern which forms a shuttlecock of elegant, upright fronds, semi-evergreen in Irish conditions. The heavily divided, dark green fronds are covered in tiny, brownish-black hairs or scales, giving them their shaggy name. Shaggy shield fern is ...
Dryopteris championii
Dryopteris championii
Champion’s Wood Fern A very hardy fern from South Korea, Japan and China, Dryopteris championii is named for an English botanist who brought it back from China. Champion’s wood fern is a tough, clump-forming, evergreen fern which forms a rosette of upright fronds with reddish-brown scales on the stems. The heavily divided, upright fronds are a d...
Dryopteris dilatata Lepidota Cristata
Broad Buckler Fern Lepidota Cristata A beautiful, adaptable plant for a partially shady garden, Dryopteris dilatata Lepidota Cristata is a large, rhizomatous, rosette-forming, semi-evergreen fern with an upright, shuttlecock-like habit. The deep green, triangular to lance-shaped fronds are finely divided with crested tips, giving a lovely, light...
Dryopteris erythrosora
Dryopteris erythrosora
Japanese Wood Fern Sometimes called the autumn fern because of the colour of its young leaves in spring, Dryopteris erythrosora is a medium-sized, slow-growing, semi-evergreen, clump-forming fern, very tolerant as to soil and aspect. The young fronds emerge coppery pink, contrasting attractively with the deep green of the mature leaves. The idea...
Dryopteris erythrosora Brilliance
Copper Shield Fern Brilliance Also known as autumn fern Brilliance, for its vivid spring and spore colour, Dryopteris erythrosora Brilliance is an evergreen, slow-growing, clump-forming fern with a shuttlecock-like habit. The emerging growth in spring forms pink croziers, opening to bright reddish-copper fronds, with divided leaflets, which matu...
Dryopteris filix-mas Cristata
Crested Male Fern A compact form of the native Irish male fern, Dryopteris filix-mas has crested tips to the fronds and their individual ‘leaflets’, giving a ruffled appearance. The fronds emerge as light green ‘croziers’ in spring, maturing to mid-green in summer. Crested male fern is a semi-evergreen, clump-forming fern which is extremely hard...
Dryopteris filix-mas Linearis Polydactyla
Male Fern Linearis Polydactyla A very graceful yet highly adaptable fern, Dryopteris filix-mas Linearis Polydactyla is a large, deciduous, perennial fern with an upright, shuttlecock habit and lightly arching fronds, particularly good with foliage plants like hostas. The fronds are light green and lance-shaped, and the pinnae (leaflets) are spac...
Dryopteris lepidopoda
Dryopteris lepidopoda
Sunset Fern Also known as the scaly-foot fern for its unusual scaly rhizome, Dryopteris lepidopoda is grown particularly for its lovely, changing colour. It’s a vigorous, semi-evergreen, clump-forming fern with a shuttlecock-like habit and divided fronds. The emerging growth in spring is pinkish-orange, turning bronze, then pale green before mat...
Dryopteris sieboldii
Dryopteris sieboldii
Siebold’s Wood Fern An unusual Japanese fern, Dryopteris sieboldii is unlike other Dryopteris species in having undivided pinnae or leaflets. These are a bluish-green, and look lovely with glaucous hostas. A medium-sized, slow-growing semi-evergreen fern, it is a very useful textural plant and particularly attractive grown against stone. Althoug...
Dryopteris wallichiana
Dryopteris wallichiana
Wallich’s Wood Fern A striking, handsome fern from the Himalayas, Dryopteris wallichiana is a tall, vigorous, clump-forming, semi-evergreen fern with an elegant, upright, ‘shuttlecock’ habit. The young fronds emerge bright yellowish-green, contrasting well with the dark brown, scaly stems and mid-ribs, and then turn a good mid-green. Though not ...
Osmunda regalis
Osmunda regalis
Royal Fern Living up to its regal name, Osmunda regalis is a very tall, deciduous, clump-forming fern, an Irish native once common in the west of Ireland. The emerging fronds are tinted copper, extending to brilliant green in summer, and colouring bronze, rust and snuff-coloured before dying back in autumn. Unusually, its spores are carried on ...
Polypodium vulgare
Polypodium vulgare
Common Polypody A familiar and charming, native Irish fern, Polypodium vulgare will colonise dry-stone walls, and in wetter areas, trees. It’s an evergreen, slowly spreading, mat-forming fern with rather narrow, pointed, divided, deep green, leathery fronds. These are up to 3”/8cm long, often shorter, and are sometimes not divided all the way do...
Polystichum braunii
Polystichum braunii
Braun’s Holly Fern A very attractive fern for shade, Polystichum braunii is an evergreen (semi-evergreen in cold areas) perennial fern with a dense, upright, arching, shuttlecock habit, particularly good in a woodland planting. The narrow, feathery, lance-shaped fronds are very divided, emerging silvery and turning bright green and glossy, with ...
Polystichum munitum
Polystichum munitum
Western Sword Fern From the NW United States, Polystichum munitum is a very large, handsome, evergreen clump-forming fern, with a spreading ‘shuttlecock’ habit and narrow, leathery, dark-green fronds with bristly tips. It is very hardy, robust and reliable, tolerating poor soil and retaining its good looks even in hot, dry weather, and will even...