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Polystichum setiferum Herrenhausen
Soft Shield Fern Herrenhausen A beautiful cultivar of the native Irish fern, Polystichum setiferum (Divisilobum Group) Herrenhausen has more finely divided and spreading fronds, forming a pretty, lacy rosette, ideal at the front of a shady border or under trees; it’s also good on steep banks. It’s a clump-forming, semi-evergreen, perennial fern ...
Polystichum setiferum Plumoso-densum
Soft Shield Fern Plumoso-densum Also known as Polystichum setiferum Plumosomultilobum Group, Polystichum setiferum Plumodensum differs from the species in having richly overlapping fronds with overlapping ‘leaflets’, giving a densely feathery (hence the name) appearance. It is a small to medium-sized, semi-evergreen, clump-forming fern, with a s...
Polystichum setiferum Proliferum Group
Soft Shield Fern Proliferum A light, feathery fern, Polystichum setiferum Proliferum Group is a fairly large, evergreen, perennial fern with an upright, mound-forming, shuttlecock habit and lightly arching, overlapping fronds. The fronds are mid-green, flushed purple on the new growth, and doubly divided, giving a feathery appearance. Tolerates ...
Polystichum setiferum Proliferum Wollastonii
Wollaston’s Soft Shield Fern A cultivar of the soft shield fern, Polystichum setiferum Proliferum Wollaston differs from the species in having overlapping fronds, giving a dense, though lacy appearance. It is also smaller. A medium-sized semi-evergreen clump-forming fern, with a spreading ‘shuttlecock’ habit, it has soft, arching, finely divided...
Polystichum tsussimense
Polystichum tsussimense
Korean Rock Fern A diminutive, very hardy fern, Polystichum tsussimense is a clump-forming, evergreen, perennial fern with a very neat, shuttlecock-like habit, ideal at the front of a shady, well-drained border with small, early spring bulbs. The finely divided, narrowly lance-shaped, upright fronds are deep green with a black stem and silvery-w...
Woodwardia fimbriata
Woodwardia fimbriata
Giant Chain Fern From the western coast of the USA, Woodwardia fimbriata is a magnificent fern for mild areas, where it will tolerate up to five degrees or two of frost with a thick, dry mulch for winter protection. It’s a very large, evergreen, clump-forming fern, with huge, upright, fresh green fronds, which contrast beautifully with large-lea...