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Tulbaghia violacea Variegata
Tulbaghia violacea Variegata
Variegated Society Garlic Looking rather like a refined agapanthus, Tulbaghia violacea Variegata is a clump-forming, rhizomatous perennial. It forms a foot-high (30cm) clump of grassy leaves, blue-green edged with creamy-white, giving a bright, airy appearance. The foliage smells strongly of garlic if brushed against. In August and September, ta...
Typha angustifolia - Reedmace
Lesser Bulrush, Reedmace or Narrowleaf Cattail Typha angustifolia is also known as Reed Mace or Narrowleaf Cattail, this tall, upright reed-like plant is commonly seen in rivers, canals, ditches and marshes throughout the countryside. Typha angustifolia is easily recognised by the chocolate brown, cylindrical flower heads. An ideal marginal aqua...
Typha minima - Dwarf Reed
Miniature bulrush or Miniature reedmace A miniature version of the bulrush, Typha minima has delicate round milk chocolate coloured brown seed heads and is ideal for small ponds. Position: Full SunPlanting depth: In water to 12cm (5’’) below water level.Growth rate: SlowFlowering Period: July to SeptemberHardiness: HardySize: Height and spread: ...
Uncinia rubra
Uncinia rubra
Uncinia rubra - Red Hook Sedge The red sedge is admired for its rich, reddish mahogany-coloured foliage. Uncinia rubra is an evergreen clump forming grass that makes a neat tussocky mound of stiff glossy leaves. The dark brown to black flower heads produced in summer are insignificant. Seeds are hooked giving it the common name of Red Hook Sedge...
Valeriana officinalis - Valerian
Valerian, common (Caorthann corraigh) Also known as Wild Valerian, this is a graceful perennial, native wildflower that can be found throughout Ireland, especially alongside rivers and in meadows. Valeriana officinalis can be a tall plant however its height tends to vary depending on soil conditions, and can shoot up to 1.5m high in damp places...
Verbascum thapsus
Verbascum thapsus
Great Mullein (Coinnle Muire ) This is a great native mullein species with a myriad of common names, including ‘woollen blanket herb’ and ‘old man’s flannel’. In the olden days, the herb was sometimes dried and smoked. Velvet-like large leaves form a rosette in the first year, followed by a single, upright spike full of small yellow flowers fro...
Verbena rigida
Verbena rigida
Slender Vervain A lovely plant for mild areas, Verbena rigida is a bushy, clump-forming, deciduous, tuberous perennial with a neat, low habit and oblong, mid-green leaves. From June to September, clusters of bright purple, typical vervain flowers rise above the foliage, giving a jewel-like effect, particularly lovely with silvery or grey foliage...
Veronica beccabunga - Brooklime
Brooklime Veronica beccabunga is a creeping, native wildflower and is excellent for growing at the edges of a pond. Spreading, succulent stems are covered in small blue flowers from May to August. As a rafting plant that is allowed to grow freely it will use plenty of surplus nutrients and will help to keep a pond or container free from algae. I...
Waldsteinia ternata
Waldsteinia ternata
Siberian Waldsteinia A beautiful, shade-loving, rhizomatous, semi-evergreen to evergreen perennial, Waldsteinia ternata is ideal for ground-cover under shrubs or in woodland plantings. The round leaves are deeply divided into three leaflets, and are a deep, glossy green. In April and May, pretty, golden-yellow, saucer-shaped flowers, ½”/1.5cm a...
Watsonia pillansii
Watsonia pillansii
Beatrice Watsonia An uncommon and very striking plant for milder areas, Watsonia pillansii is a semi-evergreen, cormous perennial, related to irises and gladioli. It makes a clump of sword-like, green leaves, 10-24”/25-60cm long. In August and September, slender, upright, branched stems 39”/1m tall rise above the foliage, bearing up to 25 tubula...
Wisteria floribunda Issai-naga
Japanese Wisteria Issai-naga A more compact cultivar of Japanese wisteria suitable for smaller sites, Wisteria floribunda Issai-naga is a large, fast-growing, long-lived, deciduous climber which twines clockwise round its supports. It is best grown along galvanised wires attached to a sunny wall of a house or over a pergola, where the downward...
Wisteria sinensis Boskoop
Wisteria sinensis Boskoop
Chinese Wisteria Boskoop A magnificent but very large climbing plant, Wisteria sinensis Boskoop is a fast-growing, long-lived, deciduous climber which twines anticlockwise round its supports. It is best grown along strong galvanised wires attached to a sunny wall of a house – it is too heavy for all but the strongest, masonry pergolas. The bea...
Woodwardia fimbriata
Woodwardia fimbriata
Giant Chain Fern From the western coast of the USA, Woodwardia fimbriata is a magnificent fern for mild areas, where it will tolerate up to five degrees or two of frost with a thick, dry mulch for winter protection. It’s a very large, evergreen, clump-forming fern, with huge, upright, fresh green fronds, which contrast beautifully with large-lea...
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Arum Lily The beautiful and familiar Easter Lily, Zantedeschia aethiopica is from southern Africa, but hardy in all but cold areas and severe winters. It is a semi-evergreen, tuberous perennial with a clump-forming habit. The 16”/40cm leaves are shaped like an arrow-head, and deep, glossy green. From May to July, the flowers rise above the clump...